Lew discusses many of the problems that exist with our election system, and how we got here. From lack of a photo ID requirement to the chain-of-custody problem with mail-in and early-voted ballots, election systems around the country have issues. Hand-counting paper ballots voted on election day in your neighborhood is absolutely the best system to avoid fraud.Learn more at SecureVote.News (http://www.securevote.news)
In the second half hour Lew interviews Sam Bushman, the CEO of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), who explains the critical role sheriffs have in protecting our liberties, and how we can get involved in supporting them. CSPOA is working with Tom Holman and the Trump administration to assist in the massive deportation effort that is underway. More info is available at CSPOA.org (http://www.cspoa.org).
In the first half of Hour of Decision Lew discusses the titanic battle Donald Trump and Elon Musk have undertaken against all the forces arrayed to defend big government. A pattern of U.S. history has been Democrat presidents greatly increasing the size and power of government, who are followed into office by Republicans who maintain that growth. Lew also discusses the political realities that work against politicians who want to shrink government. Bottom line: our liberties, as well as our doll...
In the first half of this episode Lew replays an Hour of Decision episode from last February, which explores what topics and ideas are now acceptable to discuss before large audiences, which could lead to policy changes. He looks at the role played by Donald Trump in “moving the Overton Window” with phrases and ideas that have been mainstreamed including “Fake News” and the “Deep State.”He then follows with another question, one prompted by President Trump’s assertion that America is entering a ...
He then follows with another question, one prompted by President Trump’s assertion that America is entering a “Golden Age.” Does America have a Manifest Destiny? To help give initial answers to that question he calls upon innovative Bible scholar Dr. Justin Prock to give his views.
Lew reviews the whirlwind opening of the second Trump presidency and then discusses the severe challenges he has ahead with enemies within his own party, the media, the Deep State and other bureaucracies like the FBI. Trump must cut the budget. He must produce cheaper energy prices. He has to extricate us from Ukraine while preserving the peace in the Middle East. He has to keep China at bay. And he has to seal off our border and hopefully deport fifteen million illegal aliens. It will not be ea...
Lew explains the rationale for the Hour of Decision program, and his goal to make activists for America more effective, and to create more of them. This is why there have been a number of “how to” episodes, discussions of strategy and decision-making considerations, and episodes like this one that delve into the history of the political parties and their shifts over time. He has also put a premium on correcting the historical record and narratives that conservatives are often sold for less than ...
In this episode Lew discusses the history of the Panama Canal. He specifically calls out the interest of the Trilateral Commission, who elected Jimmy Carter president in 1976, in seeing the U.S. lose control of the vital waterway that connects the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. As a congressional staffer, Lew toured the canal with U.S. and Panamanian officials right after the giveaway, and met with the Chinese-controlled managers of the ports at either end of the canal. The Chinese have penetra...
Lew recounts the long and storied history of the John Birch Society, how they were farahead on many issues including the dangers of the UN, cultural Marxism, andfluoridation of public water systems. JBS was the first conservative group to foster blackleadership, and the first organization of its type to get militant Catholics, evangelicalprotestants, and LDS to work together.Unlike what propagandists have attempted to spread, JBS has used simple educationon the issues and the opportunity for edu...
During the election Donald Trump carefully pivoted away from his America First anti-immigration stance of the past to embrace, at least to some degree, legal immigration, and by implication, the replacement of American tech workers with lower paid immigrants. This pivot was the direct result of Trump’s need for more financial resources for his presidential election. Pro-immigration Elon Musk and many other tech oligarchs came to (and are now pouring into) the Trump train, but at what price? Inte...
During the election Donald Trump carefully pivoted away from his America First anti-immigration stance of the past to embrace, at least to some degree, legal immigration, and by implication, the replacement of American tech workers with lower paid immigrants. This pivot was the direct result of Trump’s need for more financial resources for his presidential election. Pro-immigration Elon Musk and many other tech oligarchs came to (and are now pouring into) the Trump train, but at what price? Inte...
During the election Donald Trump carefully pivoted away from his America First anti-immigration stance of the past to embrace, at least to some degree, legal immigration, and by implication, the replacement of American tech workers with lower paid immigrants. This pivot was the direct result of Trump’s need for more financial resources for his presidential election. Pro-immigration Elon Musk and many other tech oligarchs came to (and are now pouring into) the Trump train, but at what price? Inte...
Lew discusses things you need to do when its midnight in America, like getting right with God, getting your kids away from public school, and getting out of debt. At home, you need to store some food, water, medical supplies, etc., and figure out off-the-grid power generation, among other tasks. You also need to get your mind right about the situation we’re in, and the nature of the task before us, to the best of your ability.Why is it midnight in America? 1) Our moral failings, including coward...
It’s great to be able to talk about a movie actually shown at movie theaters across America that is at least somewhat conservative and anti-communist. Such a film is Reagan starring Dennis Quaid and John Voight. The film was written by Paul Kengor, a legitimate anti-communist author who wrote Dupes.It is impossible for a movie to capture the complexities involved with a life and career like Reagan’s. I do not agree with the overarching assessment that the Cold War was “won,” by Reagan or anyone ...
In the first segment Lew recounts the destruction of Dr. Royal Rife, once toasted by a roomful of the nation’s best doctors as the reason they were celebrating “the end of disease.” Rife demonstrated that cancer was a virus that could be killed by frequencies emitted by his “Rife Generator.” Later, Dr. Virginia Livingston expanded Rife’s theory and developed a serum injection to kill the cancer virus. Both had tremendous success until the medical establishment shut them down and outlawed their t...
SEGMENT 1: Trump’s Struggle to Transformative Cabinet PicksLew discusses Trump’s first defeat since his election, the withdrawal of Matt Gaetz from the nomination process to become Attorney General. He then discusses some of his other key picks, and the ones likely to have trouble with RINOS, including Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. Segment 2: The RINO ProblemIn the light of Trump’s emerging struggle with the Senate over Cabinet picks he covers the history of the Republican ...
In the first segment Lew discusses the revolutionary potential of DOGE (the Dept. of Government Efficiency) because the timing is right to deal a hammer blow to Big Government, the Fabian Socialist project in America. Why? Our current spending is unsustainable. The Supreme Court have provided a legal framework to get rid of regulators by the department-load, circumventing civil service protections for bureaucrats. And Trump is putting in officials that are on the same page as Elon Musk and Vivek...
Lew describes past failures by so-called conservative presidencies to rollback previous socialist advances. Trump has the correct worldview but will he bring in the right personnel to successfully war against the “Deep State?”Two immediate “tells” will be whether Trump undertakes significant changes in the Justice Department and the security agencies and whether he goes beyond administrative changes at the border to return to his first term policies or he will seriously focus on deportations.Lew...
Lew describes past failures by so-called conservative presidencies to rollback previous socialist advances. Trump has the correct worldview but will he bring in the right personnel to successfully war against the “Deep State?”Two immediate “tells” will be whether Trump undertakes significant changes in the Justice Department and the security agencies and whether he goes beyond administrative changes at the border to return to his first term policies or he will seriously focus on deportations.Lew...
So election time has arrived and the high drama of this campaign is building to fever pitch. But whether Trump wins or loses, we continue to be on a long timeline. It began when our enemies launched their gradual program to force America away from the Constitution into Total Government, over 100 years ago.And regardless of what happens with this election the fight will continue. And if you are serious about saving your country YOU MUST CONTINUE to fight. We do need to pivot after the election to...
I find it interesting what politicians say they are reading, or what they have read in the past that influences them. Earlier in the year RFK, Jr. claimed one of the books that has had the most influence on his thinking is G. Edward Griffin’s massiv...
Lew makes mention of this being the 50th episode of Hour of Decision, and reviews briefly some of the previous episodes in this series. He then makes a bold prediction about the rapidly upcoming presidential election. And then he asks a relevant question for activists, then what? It is critical that working from the local and state level, that patriots move their elected officials to resist federal tyranny in all its forms. This applies to many more than just those “Constitutional Sheriffs” we h...
J.R. Nyquist returns to Hour of Decision to discuss the role of the Russians and the Chinese in flooding America with illicit drugs, while keeping all the attention on the “Cartels,” American organized crime, and in weaving a narrative where the CIA and the U.S. government are the actual culprits behind the scenes rather than targets for compromise. U.S. elites have obviously been involved in laundering the money, and various CIA assets have been compromised by the Communists over the years to d...
It’s great to be able to talk about a movie actually shown at movie theaters across America that is at least somewhat conservative and anti-communist. Such a film is Reagan starring Dennis Quaid and John Voight. The film was written by Paul Kengor, a legitimate anti-communist author who wrote Dupes. It is impossible for a movie to capture the complexities involved with a life and career like Reagan’s. I do not agree with the overarching assessment that the Cold War was “won,” by Reagan or anyone...
Many staunch patriots are concerned about putting all their chips on one man, or setting up someone as our National Savior. While I agree with that sentiment, our situation today is pretty simple. We must stop, alleviate, and hopefully reverse the situations causing FOUR existential crisises, any one of which could bring the end of America as we know it, and in the fourth case, maybe life on earth as we know it.Crisis #1: The planned end of free speech and free elections. Look around folks. Free...
So as I predicted, Kamala went for the one line zinger method of debate prep, which avoids all those facts and boring policy prescriptions. The preparations were led by David Plouffe, former Obama campaign manager and seriously, a very sharp guy.Nonetheless, Kamala showed herself to be totally unlikeable, desperate to hide her record, and unable to articulate anything beyond the words she memorized, which were likely replayed through her earrings, and prompted by the ABC “journalists.” She furth...
Lew tells the tale of the Ron Paul “Moneybombs” of 2007 and 2008, which turned grassroots energy into millions of campaign dollars, bypassing the special interest circuitry which was the usual source of presidential campaign funding. He also brings to light that the first Tea Party movement rallies were created as part of the 2nd Ron Paul Moneybomb. This incredible series of events occurred on Dec. 16, 2007, commemorating the Boston Tea Party, raising $6m in ONE DAY for the Paul campaign in the ...
As the 1944 election approached Democrat party bosses informed the gravely ill President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), who was insisting on running for an unheard of 4th term, that they would not support FDR’s ultra leftwing Vice President, Henry Wallace. FDR was forced to accept the unaccomplished party loyalist Harry Truman to be on his 1944 presidential ticket. FDR wins and soon dies, in 1945. Truman is then thrust into the White House.Truman presided over the use of atomic weapons against Japan,...
“This is the Hour of Decision in today’s America……where wars are needlessly waged without victory, at great cost; where a bankrupt government just keeps printing the money; where Aliens pour over our borders; where industry is shipped overseas; and where foreigners buy up the farms in our heartland.Yes my friends, its midnight in America…. where the news is too often fake; the elections--- too often stolen; Our kids, too often brainwashed, are now too often mutilated. Where we allow enemies to p...
Incredibly, for the 2nd time in four years it appears the Democrats are running a candidate for president that they are essentially hiding from the public. Kamala Harris is not smart, not likeable, does not have a good record, and has a tawdry background. So she has FOUR disqualifying aspects as a candidate.The powers that be were well aware of this and sought to maneuver around her in deposing feeble ole’ Joe. Obama is said to have wanted the wholesome, well-spoken, astronaut from a swing state...
Lew explores some of the differences between running a primary and a general election campaign. A general election campaign in most locales is much shorter than a normal primary campaign to win the party nomination. There are more voters in the general election, and particularly more low information voters, which requires spending more money to reach them with your message.And then there is the fact that the campaigns you beat in the primary may not, or they may, endorse you. It can be weird eit...
Until the end of the 19th Century the Republicans and Democrats fought “base elections,” drawing sharp, detailed distinctions between each other and focusing their efforts on building grassroots turnout organizations, rather than persuasion of the undecided. The GOP was formed in the North to fight slavery and polygamy (in Utah). They were associated with Lincoln and victory in the war between the states. They were generally for an activist federal government that subsidized railroads and adjace...
Lew moves through American governance, from 1913 to the present, to discuss the following important institutions and programs politicians sold to the public with LIES. They continue to affect your life in the present, whether you know it or not.The following were sold under false pretenses:· the amount of income taxes you pay and the complexity involved in paying them for many· the value, or the fading value of your money, and specific affects like rising home prices· your tax burden and future ...
Summation: there’s a lot goin’ on around here. Joe Biden is out, and mainstream news sources are reporting that Nancy Pelosi told Biden directly she intended to rachet up the pressure until he left.Many Democrats, particularly those on the Left, are falling in line to create momentum for the obviously flawed Kamala Harris, who is raising quite a bit of money and has a full-blast political operation up and running. However, at this moment, it looks like she will be headed for an open convention, ...
Lew takes a first look at the assassination attempt on Donald Trump coming on the heels of the Demo coup put in motion against Joe Biden.The media did an unbelievable 180 in their treatment of Biden. Now, suddenly, they are drastically changing their tune about Trump. And to my amazement, Biden looks a bit presidential. With a cordial call to Trump, the photo op in the Situation Room, and calling for a rigorous “independent” investigation into the assassination, old Joe hasn’t, as of yet, comple...
In this episode Lew unsuccessfully avoids ranting at those who are fixated on the party platform and 100% ideological purity, or narrow interest group priorities. The focus needs to be on TAKING POWER. As Lew discussed in his episodes on the political parties, we need to look at party affiliation, individual issues, and candidates as weapons in the ongoing struggle we face, not as evidence of our personal purity.At the behest of Donald Trump, GOP Platform committee members changed some wording i...
In light of lies now being revealed by the Establishment concerning Joe Biden, Lew was moved to give his account of the Great Recession that began in 2008. Right up until the moment of disaster, financial gurus on national TV were telling the public the economy was sound and that it was wise to continue to invest liberally in it.Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan was busy expanding the money supply recklessly, the root cause of soaring real estate and stock prices. Meanwhile, three policy changes relat...
Lew assesses the current situation with the “coup” against Joe Biden. He examines the coup’s backdrop, which begins with Biden’s shaky debate appearances in 2020. Despite poor performance he was coronated the Democratic nominee, and all other candidates were quickly thrust aside.The national media was complicit from day one in covering up Biden’s cognitive deficiencies, as were members of his family, staff, and Kamala Harris once she joined the team. Now anyone too close to this cover-up could f...
Lew reacts to the evident coup against Biden that was obviously pre-planned and launched within minutes of the opening of the debate between Joe Biden and Trump. After years of censoring any negative comment against Biden, suddenly EVERYONE on CNN, MSNBC, Politico, etc agree that Biden is not capable of running against Trump.Unfortunately, we can’t just look at the political horse race. The corporate media is now telling us, indirectly, that THEY and their masters were deliberately covering up B...
Lew reads Chapter 3 “Welcome to the Corporate GOP” from his book Forerunner: The Unlikely Role of Ron Paul. The Republican revolution of 1994 was the first time in forty years the GOP had control of the House, under the leadership of Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey. Lew had a front row seat as a lead staffer to Congressman Jack Metcalf (R-WA), who won a ten-point victory that year in a district held by the Democrats since the mid-sixties.The Republican revolution was supposed to be a “Main Street” ...
In the final episode of JFK: Who was this man? Lew looks at JFK’s Vietnam problem, his relationship with the Federal Reserve, and his conflict with Israel, in light of assassination theories. He then looks at events that indicated his dishonesty about his serious health condition and his continual trysts with women were about to catch up with him.LBJ had knowledge of one JFK consort who may have been a spy for communist East Germany. The press was starting to ask questions about her and so was J...
Lew reads Chapter 5 of his book, Forerunner: The Unlikely Role of Ron Paul. It briefly covers Dr. Paul’s background, his passion for gold-backed currency and Austrian economics, his friendship with his martyred colleague Cong. Larry McDonald, and his successful run for the Libertarian party presidential nomination against leftist Russell Means. It also recounts Dr. Paul’s return to congress, which was opposed by all the leading figures of the GOP. Finally, the chapter discusses his powerful use ...
In this episode Lew takes a look at three key populist issues all related to the sovereignty of the United States, to the globalist project, and to the question of finding authenticity in political candidates. The establishments of both political parties have supported the globalist trade regime, a soft attitude toward illegal immigration and expansion of legal immigration, and very costly overseas incursions that provided no benefit to the United States.It was this issue set that ignited populi...
Vietnam was part of Indo-China, a colony of the French. In WWII, the French government fell to Hitler, but in southern France the Germans allowed the formation of Vichy France. This government continued to manage Indo-China, which consisted of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Toward the end of the war with Germany and Vichy France falling, the Japanese took control of France’s southeast Asia holdings.Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese, Moscow-trained communist, and leader of the Red Viet Minh, was armed by t...
It’s time to take back the universities. One by one, American institutions have fallen to the Marxists. Universities were the first ones to be penetrated by our enemies. And the first areas to be penetrated within these schools were the history departments. The Carnegie Endowment, along with the Guggenheim Foundation, selected history PhDs to be sent to England to be steeped in the Fabian strategy and belief system. From Harvard and Yale, the bacillus spread across history departments in America...
Jack Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in 1960, well, maybe. His health was holding, for now. His sex adventures would remain hidden, wouldn’t they? It was all a bit precarious.In part two of Hour of Decision’s JFK series we discuss Kennedy’s time in the White House.There was Jackie, the First Lady. She was beautiful. She was the personification of calm elegance, a miracle, considering the kind of life Jack was leading--- a life that she was well aware of.There was the press, who loved what they saw. J...
Lew explores the career of United Autoworkers (UAW) union leader Walter Reuther, and the central role he played in the implementation of the Fabian strategy in America. As a young man, he spent time in the communist USSR, wrote glowing letters home about his experience, signing one of them “Yours for a Soviet America.”Reuther was a central figure in the bloody battles against GM, Chrysler, and the prolonged struggle against Henry Ford. After the war, in the charged anti-communist atmosphere in A...
Who was JFK? Amoral politician with no beliefs and a lot of enemies? A standard liberal Democrat? A Fabian socialist? A cold warrior and neoconservative type? A man of the Left who wanted to dismantle our cold war institutions? You can easily find at least one or more authors who advance one of these conclusions. We examine the contradictory currents running through his political life which have caused people with drastically different views to feel an affinity with him.JFK’s father Joseph P. Ke...
Lew analyzes and complains about several examples of bad thinking.The rigor of our education, our experiences with problem solving and acquiring some common sense certainly affects our thinking. So does the degree we rely on the expertise of authority figures. Other forces are at work as well, including the psychological manipulation imbedded in media that can appeal to our best, or our worst instincts. Difficulty in even finding reliable information can greatly affect our thinking.The progressi...
In Part 2 of Fabian Socialists in America, Lew discusses the process of the gradual road to communism. The revolution business is a game for the super-rich. The patience needed for a generational plan to take total power is discussed, as is the continual relationship of big business with communist nations. A gradual process has one real advantage, many people don’t think its even going on. Growing government is sold to the people as the best means to solve problems. But the record is clear, grow...
On Feb. 9, 1950, millions of Americans were fearful of the advances of world communism all around them. Americans had supported an all-out war to end tyranny and bring “the four freedoms” to the entire planet. Instead, USSR communists captured half ...
Lew discusses things you need to do when its midnight in America, like getting right with God, getting your kids away from public school, and getting out of debt. At home, you need to store some food, water, medical supplies, etc., and figure out off-the-grid power generation, among other tasks. You also need to get your mind right about the situation we’re in, and the nature of the task before us, to the best of your ability.Why is it midnight in America? 1) Our moral failings, including coward...
In this expanded episode of Hour of Decision Lew traces the gradualist movement toward socialism/communism at home and a one-world government abroad. The Fabian Society is British but their gradualist tactics in service of the Marxist cause, and many of their theoreticians over the years, have come to America. Lew discusses the seminal role of President Woodrow Wilson and his alter-ego, Col. Edward House in implementing the Fabian strategy. House’s book influenced the entire Wilson administratio...
Lew discusses the controversy around Candace Owens and her recent tweet that simply stated “Christ Is King.” Topics raised in the discussion include the opening of the Overton Window to include the term “nationalism,” and the unconstitutional status of any “foreign aid,” including to Israel. Lew links the attacks on the 1st Amendment overseas and at home through lawfare, with inflicting reputational harm by branding someone as an “anti-semite.”He also discusses dangerous new legislation that has...
In an extended edition of Hour of Decision Lew tells the story of the epic Barry Goldwater presidential campaign of 1964. It was a huge grassroots effort that defeated the powerful Nelson Rockefeller in the primaries, despite having much less funding and virtually NO friendly media telling their story. As in the case of Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1950s, and Donald Trump in our day, corporate media was extremely hostile, and did no small amount of lying in the process.Goldwater was soundly defea...
In this episode Lew discusses the constant tension between a person’s principles and navigating toward success in politics, whether it’s the choice of candidates made by a voter, or the way a candidate for office conducts their race, and themselves. Lew talks about the usual ways voters go about picking a candidate, and the pitfalls involved. He also discusses how to/and how not to work with legislators, and why your choice of candidate, whether to vote or to volunteer for, doesn’t always have a...
In this episode Lew provides an overview of local government: counties, cities, special districts and school boards. He points out that local government officials are usually more accessible, and that it takes less resources in most cases to elect someone to a local office.Lew emphasizes the critical role of the county sheriff, and encourages the audience to learn more about “constitutional” sheriffs, who should be protecting their citizens from unconstitutional government actions. You can learn...
Lew gives an overview of state government’s powers, and principal offices, and why its important. He explains why your Governor is more powerful than either of your U.S. Senators. He shows that running for state legislature is likely to be less expensive and more doable than running for a federal office or a local position in a densely populated area.If things break down at the federal level, we will be counting on the states.Hour of Decision is a production of News for America, at newsforameric...
Lew shifts gears to talk some crass 2024 presidential politics. He points out why the concern around Hailey’s 40% vote totals in two primaries do not signal problems for Trump. He discusses past “never Reagan” sentiments and what actually happened in the general election of 1980. Hour of Decision can be found at newsforamerica.org. Don’t forget NFA’s sister website, SecureVote.News (securevote.news) for the latest stories related to election integrity in this presidential election year.
Lew interviews longtime friend and political ally Larry Stickney, who describes what it’s like to be a patriot activist/organizer in deeply blue western Washington state. Larry has helped elect several conservative state legislators and county commissioners, and then worked for them in their government roles. In 2012, he led a referendum effort gathering 120,000 signatures more than was required to put defending traditional marriage on the ballot, falling just short of victory in November. A few...
Lew explores changes in what topics and ideas are now accepted or at least acceptable to discuss before large audiences, which could lead to policy changes. He looks at the role played by Donald Trump in “moving the Overton Window,” with phrases and ideas that have been mainstreamed including “Fake News” and the “Deep State.” All the episodes of Hour of Decision can be found at News For America at newsforamerica.org.
In this episode Lew explores this idea of amicable “divorce” between the Red and Blue states. He shows the idea is not well thought out, and makes it plain he doesn’t like it. Hour of Decision is on News For America at newsforamerica.org
In this episode Lew discusses America’s “Congress Problem,” that most members of Congress are still elected through the old system of special interest financing, rather than through grassroots pressure and efforts. He also specifically calls out “Term Limits” as NOT being a solution to the problem. Congress can respond in a positive way to both bottom up pressure from “We the People,” and to top-down pressure from a strong president, like a Donald Trump. Unfortunately special interests and their...
Lew Moore hosts author J.R. Nyquist for the third episode covering threats to America around the globe and their origins. This episode concentrates on the immediate threat of communist penetration south of the U.S. border, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, and once again, the massive nation of Brazil. J.R. has worked directly with key players in Brazil’s anti-communist movement, including former President Bolsinaro’s close advisor, the late Olavo Carvahlo. He gives his perspective about the...
Why America First/liberty candidates should run as Republicans and why we are in position to capture the GOP. The key to gaining control of the GOP is “the precinct strategy.” (https://www.precinctstrategy.com/?trk=public_post-text) For instant proof of the kind of people who are taking the party away from the corporatists and RINOs, take a look (https://rumble.com/v4ad606-steve-bannon-talks-with-the-warroom-posse-crowd-in-las-vegas.html). For the full War Room episode about the new party activi...
Do we need a third party? Lew Moore outlines the history of the “two party system” in America, showing each party has shifted positions over time. The “party system” is shifting again today. Yes, the globalist “relics” of the past are still holding on to their positions of power within the GOP. Nonetheless, the vast majority of Republicans are now in the America First and pro-liberty camps and a complete party takeover is only a matter of time. Learn more about a variety of issues at newsforamer...
Lew Moore welcomes Joe Becker, former Deputy Chief of Staff for Congressman Ron Paul. Joe answers a seemingly simple question, what is money? He is well qualified to provide an answer. Along with his time on Capitol Hill working with the most economically literate congressman of our age Joe received his M.A. degree in economics under the direction of the great Murray Rothbard at UNLV. He has alsoserved as the creator and Provost of a graduate program in free market economics. In plain language, ...
Lew Moore hosts author J.R. Nyquist for the first of several interviews concerning threats to America and their origins. In this episode J.R. draws on decades of study and interaction with high-ranked Soviet defectors to provide background and analysis concerning present-day Russia, the former Soviet Union, and their expertise in strategic deception. More information can be found at newsforamerica.org. (http://www.newsforamerica.org) J.R.’s book’s can be found on Amazon. He is creating written, ...
Author J.R. Nyquist returns to Hour of Decision to discuss the threat to America coming from China (the PRC), and their longterm relationship with the former Soviet Union, and now Russia. It’s not what you’ve been told. Lew Moore is the host of Hour of Decision on NewsForAmerica at newsforamerica.org (http://www.newsforamerica.org). J.R.’s books can be found on Amazon. He is creating written, audio, and video content regularly at jrnyquist.blog (http://www.jrnyquist.blog).
What is the biggest threat to America? Cancel culture? Public school brainwashing? Election shenanigans? Open borders? Host Lew Moore argues the crisis we face today has many causes, but the single biggest threat on the horizon is the federal government’s unbelievably wreckless spending. We are heading for the destruction of the dollar and the massive chaos that will ensue. We are losing the reserve currency status that has maintained our debt-ridden standard of living. Hyper-inflation, WeimarRe...
Lew Moore has been in a lot of political fights and has some things to say. He opens his new show with:“Its midnight in America and this is the hour of decision.” Will Americans wake up and choose to fight the tyranny that is engulfing us? When someone takes a stand, then what? Over time, the host will share his thoughts about what to know, what to do, and what to plan for. One promise: this show won’tpull punches and won’t be the same ole’ right-wing thing.