Speaker 0: It's midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision.
Speaker 1: The crisis is here. Devils are among us, replacing our love of country, our values, our heroes, and our freedoms. This evil will replace our entire civilization and the descendants of the people who created it if we let them. America can still become the new Jerusalem our forefathers saw in vision. Their struggle for freedom was blessed by God.
We will be too. If like them, we decide to fight.
Speaker 0: Against tyranny and corruption for Christ and constitution. The hour of decision with Lou Moore starts now. It's midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision.
Speaker 1: The crisis is here. Devils are among us, replacing our love of country, our values, our heroes, and our freedoms. This evil will replace our entire civilization and the descendants of the people who created it if we let them. America can still become the new Jerusalem our forefathers saw in vision. Their struggle for freedom was blessed by God.
We will be too. If like them, we decide to fight.
Speaker 0: Against tyranny and corruption for Christ and constitution. The hour of decision with Lou Moore starts now.
Speaker 1: Welcome to hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore. Today, we're gonna have story time and hour of decision. I'm going to tell you a story. Part of it's personal.
Part of it is very significant historically in my opinion. So was there was a man in San Diego area of California in the 19 twenties by the name of Royal Rife who developed a microscope that had 60,000 power magnification. He could see objects at 60,000 times their actual size. Meaning, he could look at things that were really small in his microscope, unheard of. And in that process, he found out that certain diseases were actually viruses.
At least that's what he told us. And, he then developed by being able to see these objects, these little creatures at 60,000 magnification. He developed frequencies using another machine, not his microscope, obviously, but using a rife generator as it's now become known to, emit frequencies that killed these viruses, causing various diseases, including cancer. And a lot of people in the early 19 thirties in Southern California got very excited about his work. Not just in Southern California, but, one of them, doctor Milbank Johnson, who, practiced at Pasadena Hospital, was also the head of the Southern California Medical Association.
He got very involved with doctor Reif, who was a PhD doctor, not a MD doctor. He got involved with, Reif got involved with doctor Alvin Freud, president of the American Association of Pathologists, and with doctor Arthur Kendall, director of medical research at Northwestern University. They all started working with Reif, trying to make this exciting discovery, become part of mainstream medicine and cure people of cancer among other diseases. Doctor Edward c Rosenow of Mayo Clinic, at the division of experimental biology also became a firm supporter of doctor Reif's during this time. By the end of 1932, it was said that Reif could destroy the typhus bacteria, the poliovirus, the poliovirus, many years before the polio vaccination, the herpes virus, and the cancer virus in culture and experimental animals, on lab cultures and in experimental animals.
In 1933, Reif completed his universal microscope with a 31,000 time resolution and a magnification. Now completing this, a magnification of 60,000 times. Doctor Carl Meyer, 1930 3, director of the Hooper Foundation For Medical Research at the University of California at San Francisco joined Reif's team. In the summer of 1934, a, medical research committee, it's in Southern California, sponsored by the by USC, University of Southern California. This committee chaired by doctor Milbank Johnson is formed to oversee, re research into this rife generator that was killing these viruses.
The chief surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway railway. 2 doctors from the Children's Hospital of New York and, a professor of pathology at Chicago University were all on this committee. They started doing clinical studies at Scripps, Scripps Institute at La Jolla, California. 16 terminally ill patients were treated. 14 were cured in 3 months.
The other 2 were cured within 6 months. This is cured of cancer, ladies and gentlemen, in 1934. In 1935, Wright built a built a smaller microscope that could be mass produced, meaning it could be sent to labs, to medical facilities all around the world. In May June of 1935, doctor O'Cameron Gooner of Montreal replicated Rife's cancer, experiment, isolating the cancer virus. In September of 1935, a new version of the Rife frequency ray, this Rife generator is completed.
Doctors Walker and Meyer at the Hooper Institute in San Francisco, using Reif's microscope and this generator, replicated his cures at the Hooper Institute hemp Hooper, clinic, excuse me, in San Francisco. In 1938, 14 riot generators were built. 2 went to England, 1 went to the Paradise Valley Sanatorium in Southern California, 1 to doctor Arthur Yale, 2 to Arizona doctors, and 8 to other, Southern California doctors. Many people were cured. But this draws the attention of a satanic viper by the name of Morris Fishbane, who unfortunately was the head of the American Medical Association and the editor of the journal of the American Medical Association.
Mister Fishbane wants to buy in to this technology, but he's turned down. Very soon afterwards, a laboratory in New Jersey working with Reif burns to the ground. Then the AMA gets Rife, indicted for fraudulent medical practices. Rife has a medical, has a, mental breakdown during this trial, unfortunately. Doctors begin turning their backs on Reif and saying they didn't know him.
There were 44 doctors attended a dinner at the home of doctor Milbank Johnson, the head of the Southern California Medical Association and one of Reif's associates. 44 doctors from all over the world attended this dinner in 1931 celebrating what they thought was gonna be the end of disease. This was on the front page of the LA Times, folks. Now most of these doctors claim they don't even know who Reif is. Doctors had attended this dinner.
Doctor Kendall is given a $250,000 grant from the American Medical Association, one of Reif's associates, and he disappears. Doctors are raided all over the Western United States. Doctors are threatened to be to lose their licenses if they continue to use the Rife Generator. In 1944, just before doctor Milbank Johnson was going to give a major presentation at the American Medical Association. He dies under mysterious circumstances, and 2 federal inspectors believe he was poisoned.
So Royal Rife's journey kinda goes downhill from there because he succumbs to alcoholism. All of these famous doctors that worked with him, just about all of them. I mean, if they didn't die, they turned their back on him, turned their back on, his research. But a doctor in 1948 by the name of, 2 women doctors in the 19 forties, pretty interesting. Doctor Virginia Livingston and doctor Eleanor Alexander Jackson, microbiologists in Philadelphia, prove that the cancer virus is existed, that that that cancer is caused by a virus.
In 1949, doctor Virginia Livingston becomes the head of the Rutgers Presbyterian Laboratory in Newark, New Jersey, pretty big deal. Also in 1949, Morris Fishbane, who organized the harassment campaign against Raiff, who pressured the government to indict Raiff, who pressured all these other doctors and got them to abandon use of Raife generators and abandon this whole approach to medicine, is ousted by the AMA at its Atlantic City Convention because they discovered for years, Morris Fishpane has been stealing funds and committing advertising fraud. What a bastard he was. In the same year, 1949, doctor Irene Diller of the Institute For Cancer isolates a fungus from cancer grows and unknowingly replicates the work of Reif and Gruner and also of Virginia Livingston. So in 1954, doctor Livingston, now married to a mister Wheeler, moves to San Diego and takes a job with a clinic there.
In 1958, meanwhile, in another part of the country, actually, my part of the country, Salt Lake City, several Salt Lake doctors, rebels, began using the right frequency generator. And then they're ordered to stop using it even though they're having success using it, curing cancer. In 19 58, meanwhile, Virginia Livingston Wheeler is the 1st speaker at an International Congress of microbiology and leukemia in Antwerp, Belgium. And she's discovering that her theory that cancer is a virus, similar to doctor Reif's theory, is, gaining acceptance in Europe. In 1959, doctor Wheeler meets her neighbor, now her neighbor, doctor Royal Reif, and they begin working together and, making even further advancements in their understanding of cancer as a virus.
Doctor Livingston begins working on a serum, a vaccine of sorts, or a serum injection to kill this cancer virus while doctor Reif already knows, but it's now banned everywhere, that, this virus can be killed by his generator. At the same time, in their infinite wisdom in, I think it was in 1960, There is the key fob or amendment to the Food and Drug Act of 19, 38, which gives the FDA the right to determine the sole right in American law to determine if a drug is effective. Drug treatment effectiveness and safety is at that point taken out of the hands of the doctor and his patient. So in 1966, doctor Livingston and her old colleague, doctor Eleanor Alexander Jackson of Columbia University, present a paper at an American Cancer Seminar in Arizona. When doctor Jackson Alexander Jackson returns to Columbia, she discovers that she and all of her work at Columbia had been terminated.
In 1968, doctor Livingston and her husband opened a cancer clinic in San Diego. From 1968 to 1983, they treat over 10,000 cancer patients using her serum and a high immune building diet with an 80% success rate. And this is where the story becomes personal for me folks because one of those patients was my father. My father came to me when I was 13 years old in 1969 and told me the doctors, conventional doctors, good people, but conventional doctors told him that he had a fast moving lymphoma cancer, lymphatic cancer, and that he had 6 months to live. I was 13 years old when he told me this, folks.
He wasn't that old. He was a hard charging man, a a CPA, but also a developer, a builder, a person that got things done, and a definitely a role model in my life. He told me he had 6 months to live, but he began traveling. He wasn't taking that lying down. He traveled all over the world talking to alternative therapists of different types and finally found right in his own backyard since he lived in Los Angeles, doctor Livingston and the Livingston Clinic in San Diego.
And so my father began this serum treatment. He began getting serum injections, at the clinic and started a what I thought was a very strange diet, of eating, raw cashews for dinner. That's that was, like, the main course there for a while. Taking all kinds of different things and drinking a ton of carrot juice, which is something now that the health people don't seem to do. I mean, my dad's skin was turning yellow, but this was part at that time of this immune diet, high immune building diet that doctor Livingston had as a part of her therapy, basing, based on the premise the premise that she had determined in her micro, bio biology studies and had been buttressed by the work of doctor Royal Reiff that cancer was a virus.
She also had my dad meditating every week. It wasn't any kinda weird eastern, religious kinda thing. She just had him spend an hour a week thinking about his body destroying this cancer virus. That was also part of the therapy. So my dad's story, he had 6 months of living.
He started this therapy. He lived 45 more years, folks. 45 more years. And, meanwhile, the state of California State Department of Health has began, a majorly effort to shut down the Livingston Clinic. And, eventually, they succeeded in outlawing the use of the serum that saved my father's life and many many other people's lives.
60 minutes went after her. And, of course, we know just from the recent election what kind of a scumbag outfit 60 minutes is and always has been. Don't believe this stuff. They're all they used to be fine journalists and everything. They were always propagandists for the corporate masters they served there at CBS.
They they ran an expose on doctor Livingston. And at one point, the, the Sloan Kettering Institute, Rockefeller money, showed an interest in what she was doing. And so she asked my father. This was after he I don't know if cured is technically the word, but after he was better and out of the woods with the cancer, she asked my father if he would submit to an entire day of tests and examinations by 2 August doctors from the Sloan Kettering Institute, which he agreed to do as did several other of her patients. Even though I read today in establishment publications, her findings could never be replicated, and there's no proof that anybody was ever cured at the Livingston Clinic.
A flat out lie. A lie, ladies and gentlemen. So that's what I know about the Livingston Clinic, about doctor Virginia Livingston, about the work indirectly of doctor Royal Reiff, about how the establishment treats people like doctor Royal Rife and doctor Virginia Livingston keeping up this lie and, feeding the beast. As of, in the last statistic I saw was 1998, $50,000,000,000 spent on finding a cure for cancer. Conventional allopathic medicine.
And, and looking at the research of people that I respect like, Murray Rothbard, doctor Rothbard who was an economist, but tend to wander into history quite a bit and come up with some very interesting things when he did. The Rockefellers way back, those same people that gave us all of that social engineering and, you know, major impetus behind the progressive movement, the idea that rule should be by experts that, we should, build as much as we can a total government at home and a wonderful one world government overseas. These say you find people, the Rockefeller money, and I believe it was the Rockefeller Foundation, sent a guy named Alexander Flexner around the country to shut down natural, medical schools, homeopathic medical schools, and buttressed and funded allopathic medical schools, the ones that teach that the only way is to give people a whole lot of drugs from the pharmaceutical industry, which they also had their fingers in all the way back then. So they were up to no good way back then. And this is just a pattern that has continued, ladies and gentlemen.
And, of course, with our the recent COVID scam, we saw laid bare the tyranny that the public health officials, and now we have them at the world level from the World Health Organization at the national level through the CDC and the NIH. We have the tyranny of these experts, First of all, terrifying your doctor. You know, Obama made such a big deal about Obamacare. Like, oh, boy. You get to keep your doctor.
This is just great. But, you know, your doctor more and more, it has no independence. They're not even financially independent. They're almost all now employees of these big medical combines, and they are more terrified than ever of stepping out of line in any way from the orthodoxy even though there is all of this evidence. And I just talked about doctor Livingston and about rural life.
I'm not excluding other people, folks, that have gone other directions using natural treatments to, alleviate the suffering and in many cases, curing people of some very significant diseases as we are now engulfed in disease in America today. And now, coincidentally enough, since the COVID tyranny, we seem to be engulfed in turbo cancers, fast moving cancers that are killing people quickly in just a few months. 1000 and thousands of cases. They're exploding. And we need to do something different in this country, obviously, obviously, to me.
And we need to open our minds to other possibilities in medicine. And we need to shut down this medical industrial complex that was already lording it over, legitimate doctors and true seeking doctors as far back as the 19 thirties. Just take a look at what happened to doctor Royal Rife, and then later on what happened to my dad's doctor, doctor Virginia Livingston Wheeler. You are listening to Hour of Decision on Liberty News Radio, and I will be back right after the news. So welcome back to Hour of Decision.
In the last segment, we talked about the venal nature of the medical industrial establishment in this country, specifically the experiences of doctor Royal Reiff, doctor Virginia Livingston, and the experiences of my father who was a patient of doctor Livingston. And, you know, I had the opportunity over 40 years ago now to have a sit down meeting with Bertrand El Capore, who was the attorney former city attorney of San Diego, graduate of Stanford, who was the attorney for Royal Rife. And he described what it was like to take on the entire brunt of the medical industrial complex and the AMA and the powers that be even back in the 19 thirties forties. So that was a very interesting conversation. Very brave man himself.
So now I'm gonna talk about another individual I've had the opportunity to sit down with more than once, a, medical doctor, but a a natural orientated doctor, in the Puget Sound area of Washington state by the name of doctor Jonathan Wright. Jonathan was a good friend, a close friend of my former boss, congressman Jack Metcalfe, and was also his physician for certain things. And, Jonathan kinda got famous the wrong way. He was well known within the natural health world. He had done a number of papers and had done some breakthrough things in the alternative medicine space, But he really became well known when all over the United States, there was a picture on the front page of almost every newspaper in 1992 of a SWAT team.
And, one member of the SWAT team pointing his m 16 at a 75 year old woman on the ground who was just one of doctor Wright's patients waiting to get her vitamin b 12 injection, which is why they raided his clinic. And a lot of people at that time didn't even know the FDA had SWAT teams and did not know that getting a vitamin b 12 injection was a federal crime of the highest magnitude, at least, allegedly. And, this was in the Bush administration. This is also the era of the Ruby Ridge siege and the, the murder of a pregnant woman by an FBI sniper, during this same period. But, yeah, George Bush was not nice on a lot of these things, but there was such blowback.
There was so much public outrage over this raid of the Tahoma Clinic, which is located just south of the SeaTac Airport, the big airport between Seattle and Tacoma in Washington state. So much blowback over this raid that they finally had to bag it in and give back according to an article I just checked up on again yesterday. Most of doctor Wright's equipment and most of his $100,000 in 1992 money, his $100,000 worth of natural, health products, which they had confiscated in the big raid that they pulled off in 1992 on Jonathan Wright in the Tacoma Clinic. So he was a great man, always willing to stand up to the system for his patients, and, a guy worth paying attention to. So years went by, and I got a phone call, after, congressman Metcalf left office, after I left his employ as, chief of staff.
Jonathan called me. He said, I want you to come down to this meeting tonight. He goes, you're not gonna believe this. And so I went down to, this meeting room in a large hotel, large meeting room, in a large hotel adjacent to the Seattle Tacoma International Airport. And this, meeting room was full of parents, full of parents wanting to know why their children had autism.
We're talking, like, 300 people. This room was packed, and these people were well put together. A lot of them looked fairly affluent. Not to say that that was the most important thing, but these were not a bunch of Edge, Edge City cranks getting together, you know, like a scene out of Deliverance or something, people without their teeth, or whatever or however these people are are often described in the mainstream media that don't believe the lies about the medical industrial complex, that do believe there's alternatives to a lot of things, including, to some of the diseases we talked about in the earlier segment. These people were outraged, and they wanted answers.
And then the crowd even, I won't name her, but, a chairman of a state, legislative committee in Washington state, a liberal democrat, who had the same experience as these other people, an autistic child. And in my own family, we have we have suffered this as well. So, anyway, now now it's 2024. Oh, we're kinda used to it. Oh, there's all these kids that have autism.
No kids used to have autism, folks. No kid. Practically nobody had autism. When I was a kid, I didn't know of a single kid that had autism, or I'd never even heard of it. And, but by the nineties, by the time that vaccine schedule, went beyond the DPT shot, you know, a tetanus shot, a polio shot, 2 or 3 others required to get into public school.
And when this schedule got longer and longer and longer, suddenly, all kinds of kids have autism. And I know not all the science has been done, and I know, the medical establishment absolutely rejects the idea that autism in any way is related or many of these other explosions in chronic disease, are related to the vaccine schedule and related to the large number of pharmaceutical drugs we all seem to be taking now, particularly all of us older people who just turn on Fox News and watch one commercial after another fixing every conceivable problem, fixing problems we didn't even know people had his problems, but, of course, with also a long list of things that could go wrong if you take those medications. Anyhow, it's a different era today. At 1, despite all the alternative, all the medical alternatives that appear to be out there, the the medical establishment, the medical industry complex is really on their high horse. And, the only thing that shot them down to some degree was, what so many of us learned during the COVID scam, during the COVID outbreak, and the venal efforts on the part of these vaccine makers working with the medical industrial complex in our government and in the world government to get children to take this vaccine when they're weren't even hardly affected by COVID.
I mean, this was just so outrageous, folks. So outrageous. But anyway, getting back to my experience going to this meeting that doctor Wright put on in the northwest in, like, 2,004, sometime like that. Bobby Kennedy had a, Bobby Kennedy junior, he had kind of a similar experience, only he didn't go to a meeting, but he just started to have people coming to him. He was known as somebody who was willing to fight the establishment, stick it to the man.
He was working on industrial pollution and on cleaning up rivers and stuff like that. He was willing to sue all these big corporations. And so people went to him as somebody they thought was a courageous fighter and asking for help. And he realized we had a big problem, a big problem with autism in this country and a big problem with the explosion of all these other chronic diseases including, and not excluding by any means, cancer. So, that was Bobby Kennedy's introduction to this, and he just kinda went down the rabbit hole, as they say.
And I don't mean that in any pejorative sense, because he was doing work that was not being done that needed to be done on the legal front, on assembling all of the information, all of the documentation of the profidity of these drug companies and the real profidity of people in our government like doctor Anthony Fauci. And now I'm gonna turn, your attention, and I thought
Speaker 0: I had it right here but
Speaker 1: I don't. It's in the other room, to the real Anthony Fauci. Yet one more book I am going to highlight on this show and we are not going to talk too much about it and what's left in this segment, but, ladies and gentlemen, this book is incredible. First of all, how tightly documented this book is on every single front, on every assertion that RFK Jr. Makes about the v venality of doctor Fauci about all of his evil thinking and wrongdoing, and misdirection plays he undertook at the NIH to prevent, people like doctor Zelenko's protocol, protocols being developed all over the world using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, how he prevented in any way that from becoming an established therapy in the United States.
And they are still saying, folks, if you go to Wikipedia matter of fact, they go through this whole book in in Wikipedia. It's a real educational experience into where our establishment is at and the communist thinking of our establishment, where they don't refute anything in this book, but they keep saying, oh, this claim was unsubstantiated, and we all know this is not true. And this was not true, and that was not true because the government told us it was not true. Rather than actually making an argument, since they're arguing things that, Robert Kennedy Junior said in his book were not true, they're not making an argument against that. They're just telling you the official line of the government, and, boy, you better get in line.
That's the tone of so many articles now in 2 areas, the 2 areas you're not supposed to ever talk about, the 2 areas that if, I've been advised that if you talk about, you're not allowed to be on YouTube. One of them is talking about the vaccine and these venal bastards in the medical industrial complex, and 2 is the elections. A whole another area of profanity, of cheating, of evil thinking, and wrongdoing. And I won't get up onto that now, but I will remind you folks that News for America, an organization I am very involved with, has a website called secure vote dot news. Secure vote dot news, and you can go there at any time and get the latest aggregated news information from around the country about election integrity problems, election integrity advocates, and you can also get information to plug into an election integrity group in your state.
We have links to, those kind of groups in all 50 states as well as links to, I believe, all of the major national election integrity groups that we've seen have been effective in different ways. We have all that information. We also have a ton of documents. We have a easily searchable database of over 500 news stories. So you can go back and refresh your memory about those nice people at Konic, the organization linked to the Chinese Communist Party.
That's also very much linked to our election system and different parts of the country. You can quickly find all of the stories we posted over the years about Connick just for just as an example. So we have that. We have links also to several of the most important election integrity documentaries, like Hacking Democracy, like Selection Code, like the, documentary that was done a couple of years ago on the big steal that happened in Arizona in 20 22, stealing the governorship away from Kary Lake. So we have all that information.
It's all in one place, folks. Secure vote dot news. That is secure vote dot news. So r f k junior from the storied Kennedy family has a checkered past because all of these Kennedys have a checkered past, folks. Sorry to tell you that.
And, a lot has happened to that family, and that's not a news flash. The assassinations, all the other things that have happened over the years to members of that family. A lot of people have described them as a star crossed family. And I don't mind telling you, I pray every day for RFK Junior's health as well as for the health of our incoming president, Donald j Trump. And, and I pray for, Bobby Kennedy Junior because despite pretty vast differences in philosophy between myself and him, at least far as I can tell, this man is sincere, and this man is fighting one of the deepest, most satanic power elements, power sources in our country.
And it's all part of the Fabian socialist project, folks. It really is to level the United States in every way, whether it's morally, whether it's militarily, whether it's our patriotism, our confidence in America, or our health to level us so we are no longer the powerhouse that God intended us to be and blessed us to be so we can be comfortably merged at the right time into that one world digital prison that they have waiting for us. Don't think they don't. This is all part of it. And, as I talked about with, Royal Rife and touched upon talking about Doctor.
Jonathan Wright in Seattle, Washington, Some bad things can happen to people who do stand up, who stand up for their patients, who stand up, against the dominant paradigm of surgery and drugs and x rays and burning people to death to cure their cancers as an example. The people that demanded every child in America get this wretched vaccine, causing now who knows how many problems. We've got the myocarditis. We've got, you know, all these athletes dropping dead on the field that are 18, 19 years old. We have children.
Every single disease skyrocketing among the youth population. And then we have the older people. You know, my wife has a business where she has a ton of older clients, and she cannot believe how many of them have suddenly got cancer. And that's anecdotal, but it's a pretty large pool of people. And she's seen tons of these people, the ones that haven't already died, getting these fast moving cancers.
We've had it in our own family. And, the vaccine folks, I'm telling you, likely to be a major culprit. There's certainly a lot of circumstantial evidence and some evidence beyond circumstantial evidence that's been compiled in that area. And Robert f Kennedy junior has had the courage to confront these devils, and now possibly, will have the opportunity to confront them as a secretary of health and human services, but he's not there yet. And, I think we would be rather naive to believe that the organizations that sponsor every cable news broadcast in America today on Fox, on MSNBC, on CNN, on NewsNation, and are also sponsoring a lot of the news, in the on the big networks and are, have an incredible influence in every state legislature in the United States.
Folks, I have personal experience with this. I can tell you it's true. Not to mention the amounts of money they are spending to elect members of congress, and, unfortunately, now we will, focus on members of the senate. It would be beyond naive to believe that they are not gonna put an all out all out array of warfare, not kinetic warfare, I hope, but information warfare, political warfare to keep Robert f Kennedy junior from becoming the secretary of HHS. And, you know, Chris Christie, I am totally not a Chris Christie fan, but Chris Christie on the ABC talk, you know, the big talk show they have every Sunday, the George Stephanopoulos show.
He wasn't on this particular episode, Jonathan Karl was, but Chris Christie said, you know, the smart way. Because, of course, he's another mouthpiece for the corporate establishment. You know, they were talking about Tulsi. They've already gotten rid of Matt Gaetz. I talked about this before, my feelings about all that.
They got rid of Matt Gaetz, but the 3 that are the most dangerous to our corporate masters, our Pete Hegseth and his enemies, his growing number of enemies that will be emerging at the Pentagon, Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert f Kennedy junior. And what, Chris Christie was saying is we need to pick 1 of them. 0 in on one of them, and we will be able to defeat at least one of them if we do it. And Markwayne Mullen, who is a congressman or excuse me, a senator, he's incoming senator from Oklahoma who is supporting these nominations. He told Charlie Kirk the other day, I happen to hear this, that they're gonna try to move through as many of Trump's nominees as possible in tranches, in groups so they can move more quickly through the senatorial process.
But that Tulsi, Pete Hegseth, and Bobby Kennedy would not be moving through in a tranche. They will have to be considered one at a time because of the controversial nature of those appointments. So they're gonna 0 in, folks, and I I gotta say, I I was, saying this, even before mister Christie did, that the smart way, the smart strategy is to 0 in and focus on 1 opponent and not scatter your attack on several different people, but focus in on 1. And then if possible, 1, and then the next one, and then the next one. So anyhow, Pete Hegseth has big problems.
He's got some sexual problems there. Tulsi Gabbard has some, problems being pretty affiliated with some communists in this country years ago, at least. But the person that I really believe is the most vulnerable in this process of any of them is Robert f Kennedy junior, and we need to do everything we can to get Robert f Kennedy junior. And I don't care what he did when he was an alcoholic and what sex to sexcapades they can come up with or weird thing he did with a bear carcass or something. I can't remember what they're talking about.
But, anyway, regardless of what I come up with in his past, he's sincere he's sincere about fighting the military, the, medical, excuse me, the medical industrial complex, and we need to be there to support Trump and to support his nomination. We don't just need, by the way, to make a few reforms on how they approve drugs. We need to make sure there is no censorship of physicians, no censorship of patients who have opinions on these things, and that there is no more stepping on the scales for the pharmaceutical companies to get some of these drugs out and keeping other ones off the market. It is so critical, and there needs to be accountability, folks. All of this nonsense about Ivermectin, the award winning Ivermectin that everybody thought was a miracle drug, suddenly, they're talking about it as, oh, oh, it's just a horse medication.
What are you doing taking that? That's a horse medication. A total lie. A total lie they came up with to keep people from taking something that would cause their COVID to go away. Something that would cure them, to keep them out of the hospital, to keep them away from that satanic remdesivir.
Folks, there is gonna be accountability. There has to be accountability for all of these venal actors in a medical industrial complex, and we're not gonna get that accountability if we don't have a lawyer in a position like the one at HHS, like Robert f Kennedy junior would be. So I'm telling you right now, they're gonna try to take him out. They're gonna try to take him out. I mean, this book, the real Anthony Fauci.
Folks, he doesn't just talk about the COVID vaccine. He talks about all of the, venality, all of the corruption around the AIDS epidemic and around AZT, this kinda like remdesivir, another killer, pharmaceutical that they were giving people and poisoning them, that had, that had AIDS back in the day. Everything that went on with that and all of Anthony Fauci's entanglements with Bill Gates. Bill Gates, who is not a nice man, he was not a nice man when he ran Microsoft. I was in Seattle when that thing started up.
He he didn't he'd work people a 100 hours a week. He didn't give a damn if you had a family or anything else. He was terrible and brought in as many aliens as possible because he knew they would work for less than Americans. He did a lot behind the scenes to keep Americans from getting jobs at Microsoft. This was a known fact, folks.
I don't ever hear anybody mention it. I mean, Kirkland, Washington I mean, it looks like you're in, some part of India or something when you go in that place now because of that. No damn good. And he wants to I I people in Kenya believe he wanted to eradicate their population there, and Gates is in trouble in Kenya as we speak. So, anyway, that book touches on many different topics.
I highly recommend it. Please stand up for Robert f Kennedy junior. Please don't take your eye off this medical industrial complex. My name is Lou Moore, and this is the hour of decision. Thank you very much.
See you later.