Many staunch patriots are concerned about putting all their chips on one man, or setting up someone as our National Savior. While I agree with that sentiment, our situation today is pretty simple. We must stop, alleviate, and hopefully reverse the situations causing FOUR existential crisises, any one of which could bring the end of America as we know it, and in the fourth case, maybe life on earth as we know it.
Crisis #1: The planned end of free speech and free elections. Look around folks. Free speech is in mortal danger all over the planet, particularly in traditionally “free” nations like the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and New Zealand. It’s clear our corporate masters don’t want us to have this freedom much longer, either. Digital ID, the social credit score, surveillance everywhere over everybody, and the new crusade against “Disinformation” all portend an end to this sacred Constituional right for Americans if the Powers That Be are not stopped. Trump could be the one to at least put the finger in the dike so to speak while we wake up more Americans to the awful situation they are in.
The alternative: listen to Kamala talk about “the responsibility” for entities like X to provide only the “correct” information. Listen to Hillary, who pretty clearly wants to see all of us in Jail.
Crisis #2: The border invasion. A blanket invitation to come, a return to the farcical “catch and release,” the clandestine flights of aliens being deposited all over the country, particularly to areas that are “too white,” the tearing down of new border wall sectors--- we see what is going on here. Our masters are sowing the chaos that always comes in handy when you want to impose a tyranny, and erase national borders and distinct national peoples in the progress. We know Trump can fix this.
Crisis #3: The collapse of our economy and the bankruptcy of the federal government. We cannot sustain adding ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of national debt every 100 days (or less), particularly when an increasing percentage of that debt is being financed by debasing our currency rather than seeking bonds on the open market. Our only hope is to enact drastic government cuts while unleashing the energy sector and the rest of the economy by unshackling entrepreneurs from the administrative state and piles on piles of wealth-killing regulations. Trump has an excellent record on this. So does Elon Musk, who is supposed to be slated to help with the government-slashing project.
Crisis #4: Preventing WWIII. Trump must back down China in their obvious ambition to take Taiwan, which threatens both our microchip supply and the most important shipping lanes to us (while making America less dependent upon these shipping lanes). He must push back Iran which is backing all of the trouble facing Israel in the Middle East. He must be strong enough to stand up to Israel too as he seeks to recreate the accords that had the potential at least to bring a peaceful order to the Mideast before Biden let Iran out of the box and handed them billions to cause problems with the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. Trump can hopefully keep Israel from exposing the U.S. unacceptably (whether we like it or not) through the aggressive posture they have taken in the region. Finally, Trump is capable of cutting a deal with the Russians to end the horrific fighting in Ukraine that the internationalists seem hell-bent to magnify into a wider, possibly continental-wide conflict.
Trump is not perfection but he has enough of a track record to give us reason to believe he can pull America off the ledge and save us from the destruction looming from each one of these crisises. Trump must live, and win.