Lew takes a first look at the assassination attempt on Donald Trump coming on the heels of the Demo coup put in motion against Joe Biden.
The media did an unbelievable 180 in their treatment of Biden. Now, suddenly, they are drastically changing their tune about Trump. And to my amazement, Biden looks a bit presidential. With a cordial call to Trump, the photo op in the Situation Room, and calling for a rigorous “independent” investigation into the assassination, old Joe hasn’t, as of yet, completely messed up.
And now, the great call for Kumbaya from ALL of the establishment news media. What is this about? Well, it seems to be advantaging those great advocates of moderation, the GOP RINOs. Exhibit #1, Nicki Haley will now be speaking at the RNC.
And where are you with the brand new Kumbaya litmus test? Are you still having all those negative thoughts Trumpers are known for? About stolen elections? Rigged courtrooms?
All eyes will be on everything Trump for the next few days, so the Biden coup plotters can work out of the limelight as they seek to get Joe out. But that may not be necessary, if someone takes a more successful shot at President Trump. Don’t think it couldn’t happen.
And look out for some alleged “Trumper” who may be lurking for the right moment to retaliate against Biden, who unlike the Trump shooter, would be instantly tied to hundreds of our fellow patriots.
Bottom line, we’re in a totally fluid situation. And those who actually rule over us will do anything to keep an American First patriot out of the White House. And please pray for Donald Trump, and for all of us who imperfectly seek to save this nation.