Speaker 0: Look around you. Wrong rules the land while waiting justice sleeps. I saw in the congress and crossing the country, campaigning with Ron Paul. Tyranny, rising, unspeakable evil, manifesting, devils lying about our heritage who want to enslave and replace us. But we are Americans with a manifest destiny to bring the new Jerusalem of endless possibilities.
But first, this fight for freedom. Be a part of it. But don't delay because this is the hour of decision. Hour of Decision with Lou Moore starts now. Welcome to Hour of Decision.
My name is Lou Moore. This afternoon, we're gonna talk about the hour of decision, about the show, and about the times that we live in. And we're gonna talk about the fact that this show, unlike most shows, has a practical side to it. It's not just an exercise in, you know, it's not just for spectators. This show is for activists.
My whole goal in producing this show was to, correct the historical record in a number of instances, but, primarily, my goal was to create activists because this is the hour of decision, not just for our country but for Western civilization, for the world. And, so that is the purpose of the show is to help activists be effective and create more of them. So there's a practical side to this show, and there is an underlying strategy an underlying strategy that I'm gonna talk about, articulate a little bit in this episode. And then after that, the second half second half hour of hour of decision today, we're gonna talk about the Democrats, because it's pretty interesting, and it's also vital to our future to, regaining our freedom, to preventing total government from engulfing us. It's absolutely vital that we understand the Democrat party today.
So, there's a foundation to this show. The foundation is Jesus Christ and the constitution of the United States. That's the foundation of the show. The goal, as I said, is to create more effective activists and a heck of a lot more of them. This is not a current event show.
This is not a, a program, an entertainment program. It's not I certainly don't want to, portray politics on this show, and we do talk about current politics. But I don't want to portray it in such a way that it comes off like a sporting event analysis, which is what you get on the cables, stuff like that. So, so we've tried to do a number of things on the show. Tried to help you with some practical things like picking a candidate.
How do you pick a candidate in a race? What's the criteria? Is it always about winning? Is it always about not winning? Getting the guy who thinks just like you, you, who is likely, you know, represented by 1 or 2 or 3 percent of the population on a lot of the issues if you're like me.
You know, if I if I had the perfect candidate every time in terms of what I believe, that's probably what how many votes they might get in the election. So, you know, there's a lot that goes into picking a candidate. It has to do with the race. It has to do with the makeup of, let's say, the state legislature if it's a legislative candidate or a member of Congress. You might wanna settle for a candidate that is far below your standards, if they're going to make a majority, for your party.
And, then there's the whole thing about the parties, about the 2 party system. The fact that we are in this system, folks, like it or not, and both parties start with about 40% of the vote in most races, no matter who the candidate is, and and, you know, that varies. There's some districts that are weaker, particularly for the Republicans in urban areas around the country. But, normally, they start with somewhere around 40% of the vote, and so you could then compete, the you can compete for the rest of the vote needed to win from that number. Or you can start, where the Constitution party starts and the Libertarian party starts and the Independent American party starts and some of these others that have a lot of people in them that I highly respect, that I really like and who have a in some cases, have a lot of views I respect and really like these parties, but they're starting at under 1% or 1 or 2% and and trying to make something from happen from there, which it doesn't happen.
And, you know, even some very powerful third party moves over the last several years, you know, still failures. George Wallace, failure. Ross Perot, failure. Anyway, I can go down the list. Bob Buchanan, failure.
But, so, you know, we're in a 2 party system, folks. And the good news is after a long night in the wilderness where the progressive movement where the Fabian socialist had completely mucked up the 2 party system, where you had the national consensus, the national bipartisan consensus on board foreign policy that we should be working toward, building international institutions and a one world government. And, domestically, we should be growing the government as big as humanly possible, either at a faster or slower rate depending on which party we were, which party you're in, which party you're talking about, you know, that that consensus, it's over with. The Republican Party is now coming out of that wilderness and establishing itself as a America first, party that stands for fiscal sovereignty, for getting out of these endless wars overseas, for protecting our rights, protecting our constitution. And, you know, that's despite the fact that we still have a ton of remnants, as I've said in other episodes, in the party.
And, unfortunately, a lot of these remnants are in congress. A lot of these remnants are still in power or have positions of power, but slowly slowly but surely, the ship is being turned here. And, you know, it's a fight every day, folks, because we've had, a deeply embedded force in our political life for over a 100 years now, you know, seeking, covertly or, in many cases, overtly to give us total government and take all all of our rights and all of our sovereignty away. But, you know, they're not just going to vanish. They're just not gonna hand it back over to us even in the Republican party, so there's a fight every day.
But it's a fight that we're winning, and, that's good because, you know, we're in the crisis, and this indeed is the hour of decision, in my opinion, if you're interested in saving America and saving, civilization on this planet, as we've come to know it, basically, the values of Christianity and Western civilization, individual rights, and those kinds of things. So, that's that's been the framing of this show. Yeah. I wanna I wanna correct the historical record on, on some issues and on some personalities, like John F. Kennedy is an example.
Harry Truman is an example. And then on the other side, Joe McCarthy is an example. Barry Goldwater is an example. I've done some pretty extensive work on those areas, setting the record straight about, somebody like Joe McCarthy who truly was, and I kinda kid around about it sometimes. But, I mean, Joe McCarthy truly was a great American and an American hero trying to warn us about the serious situation we were in at the end of World War 2 that has just gotten worse since then, with communist infiltration in the government, and he was also leading us toward the fact that many of our own leaders had the same objectives as the communists in terms of total government, in terms of creating a one world government.
So we've tried to do some of that. We, tried to explain how, state governments, local governments work to a degree, talked about various strategies, talked about distractors, things like term limits, which is coming in. And I know a lot of people, on the conservative side of the fence don't agree with me on this, but when you have, in a lot of times, well heeled organizations presenting these structural changes that they want you to get very involved with, spend all your time trying to get a term limits amendment to the constitution or, god forbid, spend your time trying to talk to your state legislator into opening our convention opening our constitution at a convention where literally anything could happen to the constitution all in the name of term limits or in the name of a balanced budget amendment, that this is a distractor and not the best use of your time. You know, we don't need a balanced budget amendment to the constitution that that will, by necessity, have a number of loopholes for all kinds of emergencies. But, we need to be spending a hell of a lot less money and drastically reducing the size of this government, and that's why I've, you know, talking about this balanced budget amendment now.
You know, the other other issue that, very powerful people are are foisting on the conservative movement trying to get, trying to get a rationale for a constitutional convention, but, you know, that's not the that's not the answer. And the ad and term limits the whole issue of term limits is, the the narration is people go to congress. They're the best people in the world, boy, but Bobby owned the, you know, he owned the car dealership downtown, or he was a fine lawyer in town or whatever. And we knew his family, and what a great man. And then then he goes back to Congress, and over time, he starts becoming corrupted.
He starts becoming part of the system. This is this happens, but this is not usually how it happens or what happens, folks, and I I have told you. I have watched a lot of members of congress be corrupted before the freshman orientation was over with. And the fact that good members of congress, like, I'm just gonna say 1, Thomas Massie, these people are more staff dependent and more dependent on their own experience because they don't have a massive power behind them with 100 and 100 of staffers and tons of money and tons of resources to operate on Capitol Hill. They have a, usually a few besieged staffers that are never gonna get the lobbying jobs that their colleagues, move on to from other congressional staffs, and, the members like this are very dependent upon their own gathered knowledge from the years of experience being there or the knowledge of these kinds of staffers.
And, you know, it's hard to explain this to people who have not been there and worked there, and, you know, and the politicians love to trot these issues out. You know, Ted Cruz is, oh, we're gonna have term limits. And, you know, how long has he been there? But how long has he been in the senate? It's been at least two terms for Ted.
I think we're we're on the third one and, which would be more than the 12 year limit that I always hear about for senators with term limits. And, so anyway, this is an example of what I would call a distraction from the real issue. The real issue is we have to get a political dynamic where these guys are afraid to vote against us and where we get courageous leadership in the positions we need to get them in in the congress? That's what we need. We don't need a a a perpetual freshman going through there.
The government is huge. The government is complicated, very complicated. There's a lot to it. You don't know what you're doing, most members after 2 years, a lot of them after 4 years, some of them after 6 years. That mean that, you know, they can operate there.
They can function. They can vote. They can go home and tell you how great they are, but how effective are behind the scenes? What kind of relationships do they have? What can they get done?
Do they see the strategic opportunities? Do they see the necessities of what really does need to happen next in a limited amount of time and with the limited amount of resources that they have? So, anyway, I I I'm using this as an example, but it's a pretty good one. It's a big distraction away from what we really need. Politicians will respond to you if you could deliver the heat.
If you could deliver the heat, they will listen to you. And if you develop leadership, then, you need to have the political will, the timing, and the right you need to have the political will, the timing, and the right dynamics to put the heat on these people so they don't screw you behind the scenes, and they don't vote against you, and they don't put line items, in the budget for their best buddies and all the stuff that they're doing right now. And you're always gonna have some of this because government by nature is basically no damn good, folks. We need it. It's a necessity, but as Thomas Jefferson said, it's like fire.
You know, it could burn you at any time. So anyhow so that's some of the practical things I've tried to put on the table on this show and, and then talk about, you know, we talk quite a bit about the machinations of a very fascinating presidential year. Made some predictions there. Predicting is not really my thing. I don't think that should be the primary, litmus test if a show is valuable to watch necessarily, but, and you get lucky sometimes.
But we made a number of predictions, and almost all of them came true in terms of the election this time. But, you know, this is the hour of decision, folks. I just remember a few years ago when this Black Lives Matter was getting going, and people are trying to eat at a restaurant, you know, out on the street in Washington, DC, and these fools, violent, vile, fools are coming up to them and making them kneel down and, clay you know, and, confessing all their racial sins and, I mean, it was just getting so out of hand on every level. All the statues that went down. All of this animosity towards some of the greatest generals this country ever produced that happened to be from the South And the fact that there was so, so many institutions named after, southern generals and people from the South because they were trying to heal a tremendous rift in this country so we could be one country after the terrible, events, surrounding the war between the states, you know, and the rioting and the rioting that was not being answered.
And even now, you know, more significantly, what happened with the COVID scam? I mean, these people have laid their plan bare, folks. They've laid it bare. They'll take away all of your rights. They'll take away all of your privacy.
They want a digital currency. They wanna know about every transaction you make, and they wanna be able to just stop you from making a transaction or even being transactional in this society, which they can do if everything's electronic. And so, you know, terrible, terrible threat that is hanging over us right now, and there are a number of these. But the other side of the coin, the one, the the, thesis, the theme I sought to develop in my book, forerunner, the unlikely role of Ron Paul, is the fact that the public has been fighting back and fighting back more and more over, the last few years. And fact that with social media, despite all the censorship, despite now even Elon Musk, our hero, century people he doesn't like, even if they're MAGA stalwarts, you know, over this h one b visa thing, we, you know, there is the ability for rapid communications that are unmediated by our corporate masters, a disaster for them, an absolute disaster, And that's why we had Donald Trump.
We wouldn't have him, if it wasn't for that. So, so we've tried to do some practical things with this show. We've tried to do some how to. You know, I had a whole episode about doing something, about how to what to think about if you do a public demonstration, what you're gonna think about if you're doing research on public officials, you know, things like that. These things are important, and they're not the most entertaining.
But we need to get people more a lot more people stepping up and doing them. And, so, you know, we've tried to do those practical kinds of things on the show. And, but now I wanna talk about the underlying strategy, of this show and where I believe is the direction we need to go as a movement and as a country, if we are going to save our civilization, our constitutional republic, and our way of life. So we're in a position now where we have been able, with a little bit of help from tech oligarchs, we've been able to elect a president, and, he is not going to solve all of our problems, folks. He will not be our national savior.
Donald Trump will not be that. There are for a variety of reasons, starting with his own flaws, but, you know, it's too heavy of a lift, but he can stave off absolute disaster to give us time to build from the grassroots to do the work that needs to be done to save this country. And I've talked about the 4 existential crises, our constitutional liberties and our ability to speak to each other and to organize, the the fact that was under threat, the economy, the dollar, and the fact that we can't have a complete economic collapse Weimar Republic style, or we will end up with some form or another of totalitarianism, and it probably will not be a kind that you will like. So we have to stave that off, and it's too big to be done at the grassroots. We need Trump for that.
The fact that we had a have a collapsing border, which is only part of the immigration issue as we've seen now, as we talked about, with the legal immigration issue coming back on the table with the h one b visas and all that. But, nonetheless, I mean, in 4 years when you have over 15,000,000 people coming into this country illegally Fentanyl coming in and all these military age males coming in. I mean, this is a complete existential crisis, of our of our sovereignty and of our of our borders, of our fences, of our yard being inundated with enemies and with people who are not productive for us and who are still a problem for our liberties even if they're not personally coming here to create problems for our liberties, a problem with our wage rates that they create, even if they're not here to do that. And so, and then, of course, there's the overseas issues that are still ticking ticking bombs. Ukraine is one of them, certainly.
The Mideast is one, certainly. Taiwan, the Taiwan situation. And now add South Korea to the list. These are big, big international problems that I still believe, that Donald Trump, is by far the most suited to deal with. So, hopefully, he can stave off disaster in these four areas while we do the work we really need to do, which is starting at the grassroots, starting with local government, going into state government, turning this ship around with nullification, with all of the tools that, are available for us, as the John Birches are saying now, to become states again, for the United States to become states again.
And critical to this, and we're not gonna get into it a lot tonight, but absolutely critical to this, folks, is electing constitutional sheriffs all over America. I am a huge fan of the CSPOA and of sheriff Mac and of Sam Bushman, who is the chairman of the CSPOA and actually owns the Liberty News Radio Network. And so, we're gonna be having, either the sheriff or Sam on in the near future. We're gonna be talking about constitutional sheriffs at length, but, we need sheriff's posses stocked with godly constitutionalist Americans everywhere to protect our rights legally and to be the undergirding as we build from there and return local government to its proper role and, in that returning state government to their proper role. State government is real expensive in a few places when you're running for office, just as it is as local government is if it's a big city, but, it's still doable.
It's still doable to get people in office. I mean, in Arizona, we've just elected, folks, a constitutional sheriff in Maricopa County, the huge monstrous sized county of Maricopa, the land of election, gatori, and a number of other things. We have a constitutional sheriff there now. He just got elected. It can be done, and this is what has to happen all over the country with the time that I am hoping Trump is going to buy for us.
Now there's more to this strategy than this, but that's the outline pieces of it. We're gonna save the country one precinct at a time, local, up, you know, up from the grassroots, up to the national levels, and, that's what we're gonna do, folks. This is the Hour of Decision, and my name is Lou Moore. And we will be right back after the news. Welcome back to Hour of Decision.
My name is Lou Moore. We've been talking about the hour of decision, about the show, about the times we live in, about a strategy to save our country. So now I wanna shift a little bit, and I wanna talk about those pesky Democrats and about the party system itself and, about the situation we are in and the situation, maybe more importantly, that the Democrats are in. So party we have been basically in a 2 party system in America. That's not in the constitution.
George Washington didn't wanna have political parties. But, right away, there was a difference of opinion on the role the proper role of government in Washington's cabinet, principally between, at first, between Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. And, without getting into all of it, it it usually breaks down in some way to whether we have more government or less government, and the government, be more active or less active. And so the Democrats, who came out of the Jeffersonian group that were called the Democratic Republicans, Initially, they're the oldest political party. The Democrats were the party of smaller government, and they called themselves many times often referred to themselves as a party of personal liberty.
And, you know, they created this odd coalition after the civil war. I mean, before the civil war, they were for, you know, very much against central banking. Andrew Jackson, the great lion that defeated the second, Bank of the United States and defeated the corruption of Nicholas Biddle who ran the second bank of the United States and, by practically, every member of the US Senate to keep them in this central bank tied to the, wicked, powers in Europe, to the Rothschilds and others. And, Jackson courageously defeated this bank. They were they were for sound money.
They were for a more aggressive foreign policy in terms of our borders, kinda like Donald Trump right now with Mexico and Canada, but, you know, they weren't going around the world looking for dragons to slay. Anyway, after the civil war, they took up the cause of the defeated south, which, you know, brought in all the racial issues. But, they were for states' rights as opposed to federal rights. And, in the inner cities, immigrants, strangely, and this, joined the same coalition, because they didn't want the government telling them that they couldn't drink, A lot of them being, from cultures like Italy, like Germany, like Ireland, where that's a pretty big deal as opposed to the growing, prohibition movement coming out of white Anglo Saxon protestants. So, you know, there were a lot of different issues, but, this pattern continued of the democrats being generally and these are generalizations created to to create a broader understanding.
People are people. Politics gets real complicated real fast, and there's always exceptions. And, it's not as simple as I'm laying out case by case. But in general, the Republicans continue to want to expand the federal government, the role of the federal government, getting them into land grant colleges, handing out homesteads, building railroads, and making certain people in society very wealthy, at the expense of others. But they were all for expanding the government.
And, of course, in the case of the South, they were all for going in and gutting the South and, taking away and completely, diminishing the rights of the former Confederates and empowering, the the black slaves in the south. That was reconstruction, which went down to ignominious defeat as, the democrats reorganized down there. The, south used to be only partially democrat. They had the Whig party. I won't get into all that right now.
Anyhow, the the, this pattern continued almost up until and and arguably up until the beginning of 20th century that the Republicans were the party of activist government, I guess we could say, and the Democrats were the party of lesser government at the federal level and, describing that as being the party of personal liberty. But what happened was was the progressive movement and the Fabian socialist movement financed by our corporate masters of that day and bringing in this conspiracy to give us Marxist total government, that, that began to occur, after the turn of the century with people like the Rockefellers and the Morgan Embed, the the 2 polls of big business finance in America, financing this, and their goal was to take all of the political parties, reduce the power of all elected officials, and essentially turn governance and turn society over to experts, experts who would provide the answers and experts who were answering to our corporate masters, creating more and more government at home and, beginning the project quite early, and certainly by the time of Woodrow Wilson, who was elected in 1912, beginning the project of creating a one world government and getting rid of the United States and getting rid of our constitutional rights and the limitations on the use of force in our society coming from the government.
So, things got murky as they, these forces were able to get a large foothold in the Democrat party and maintain a foothold to a degree, although it lessened actually in the Republican party. And, and so that continued. And we had the depression, Franklin Roosevelt greatly changing our ideas of what the federal government was allowed to do, was able to do, or what they should do. And, and then because of the drastic nature of the great depression and without getting into all the real causes of that depression and how Franklin Roosevelt's big government solutions did not work to end the depression, despite those facts, the Republicans basically started this me too attitude of, oh, yes. You know, these government programs are very important.
They just need to be, made a little bit more efficient. They need to be less corrupt. We need to take other things in consideration, but we do need this more powerful federal government. So, and then, of course, after that came World War 2, which is an all out mobilization, and nothing creates big government like an all out declared war with rationing and a curtailment of freedom of speech and the draft and, and all of the commitments overseas and all of the financing of our allies, so called, like, the union of Soviet Socialist Republics and communists. And so then coming out of World War 2, you know, this trend continues, and they actually started calling it the bipartisan consensus.
And, primarily, this consensus was on in foreign policy, but it was really in domestic policy too. And so there was no place to go at that point for somebody who was nationalist, America first, constitutionalist, wanting a limited government, and not wanting to subsume the United States into a large, massive, all encompassing one world government. And so, and, it took a long time before before that changed. And there were elements in both parties. And I mentioned earlier that parties are always coalitions of some kind and there were elements still in the Democrat party, as late as the 19 seventies.
People like Larry McDonald of Georgia, one of my heroes, he was a Democrat folks, ahead of the John Birch Society and a staunch believer in the constitution and limited government. So there was people like that under the big tent, but they were, you know, they did not have the say. And in the Republican Party, there were more people like that, but they still didn't have control of the party. And, Barry Goldwater arrested control briefly from these people, of the party from these kinds of people. And he, had to suffer a withering, incredible smear attack during the whole time he was in that process of taking that party, the Republican Party, away from the internationalist and the powers that be.
So but, you know, over time, you you you can't hold the people down forever. You can't lie to them forever. You can't hold them down forever. And once, the public was finding more ways to communicate with each other and to organize, and then, of course, with the, coming of talk radio and then the coming of the Internet, you know, populism, as we call it now, bottom up political action against our corporate masters exploded. And this activity migrated pretty much solely now to the Republican Party.
And so we're in a position today where we, can correct this, you know, pneur that was over both parties, about what was going on and who was actually, fighting for the country, who was seeking to keep our constitutional republic, and who was not. I mean, when you have people in both parties saying all kinds of different things, it's harder to delineate who the good guys, quote, unquote, are. But we're now with Donald Trump. It's pretty clear. The direction of the Republican Party is now America first, constitutionalist, patriotic, not perfect.
Trump's not perfect. And this is still a battle, a major battle, because of of everything that's gone on, in terms of the continued corporate influence over both parties, but, the Republican Party is now pretty clearly headed in that direction. And, again, no time to start a third party. This is the last thing we should be doing. There was more of an argument for it years ago when both parties, were very clearly completely serving our corporate masters.
I mean, this is a time where we can fix things by putting, all of our effort behind one of those 2 parties. So that leaves the other party, folks. That's the Democrats who are in the wilderness right now, not just because Trump beat them. Because there there are some longer trend lines here that have caught up to the democrats. One is, when you have, a move toward, bigger and bigger government, it do becomes more obvious that the program is just socialism.
The program is just communism. And so to come up with a new idea of how to fix something becomes more and more difficult when it's obvious that you're just gonna apply more government spending, more government coercion to every single problem that exists. So the democrats, in essence, are bereft of new ideas on how to fix a number of things and their ideas on how to fix things like the environment, poverty, crime, international conflict, you know, failure, folks. Failure. Failure.
Failure. Failure. And so, their approach hasn't worked. And so the republicans really just smuggling in, trying to, as much as possible, a free market, a freedom solution to all of these problems as opposed to a government coercion solution, they're the party that's perceived more now as having new ideas because they're the you know, we haven't been in power. Our ideas have not been empowered to any great degree, but, that has changed, and I think it's going to change even further.
So the democrats are kind of bankrupt in that department, as far as what what new program can they put together, that is that people are gonna buy, that's going to be effective, that's going to be popular. It's a problem. And then who's in this party now? You have what I used to call business democrats. Democrats who are were willing to grow the government and work with the labor unions and work with the environmentalists and work with all these people at tax free foundations and slowly lead us down the hill, but they still had the ability of management.
They still had, people who had some common sense, that could run something, even if, over the long line of things, they were still running it into the ground. So but, more and more folks, the Marxist fanatic is in the driver's seat in the Democrat party, and that's not really a news flash. But they've got a major reckoning in the nineties after the Republicans had success with Ronald Reagan twice and George Bush kinda grabbed the coattails of that to get one more term, for the GOP, not for us, not for our interest, but, kept the Republicans in power. The Democrats realized that that getting more and more radical was not gonna be how to appeal to middle America. And so that's where they got Bill Clinton.
That's where they got the so called new Democrat, the kind of Democrat who is talking about getting more money to the police, the democrat that's, talking about putting parental controls on the television, the democrat that's against, gay marriage, the Democrat who, is seeking to to say that the era of big government is over. These are all things Clinton tried to sell, the big crime bill, the Joe Biden crime bill. This was the the new democrats of the nineties, but the party base, that's not where they were. And, the, you know, it was, you know, the sixties created 100 and 100 of 1000 of proto Marxist Americans that all ended up, most of them, in the Democrat party and wanted something totally different. And so, after, after Gore lost in 2000, I mean, the party took a hard shift to the left in every sense.
And, that's much more of the party we have today. It's full of Marxist folks. It's full of extremists. And one thing that they don't do well is govern. I mean, you know, beyond their ultimate goals that are frightening, the idea of total government and total authoritarian control, and we've seen all their tendencies to authoritarianism.
I mean, now that they, you you know, now that they, have been in the driver's seat with Obama and with Biden and more in the driver's seat in the Democrat party, you know, the American Civil Liberties Union, they used to stand up for civil liberties. They used to, at times, stand up for freedom of speech. I mean, where are they today? I mean, this is not what the democrats are all about. They're all about censorship.
They're all about authoritarianism. They're all about making people do things that maybe they don't want to do, like take the clot shot, like put a mask on, like, have to leave their gun in the trunk of the car when they're walking into a jungle of crime because of the mismanagement of the Democrats in the inner cities. And so, and so, it's an authoritarian trend that's coming from the left because it's pretty much now unvarnished. Marxism and even communism is coming into the picture, but there's still these other folks that really aren't with them on all these issues. And, you know, what I used to call the business people that used to, to a degree, run Washington state where I lived that were, in many ways, practical people despite some of their political ideas that were wrong and led, and unfortunately led us right to where we are today with this Bolshevik Democrat party.
So I think the public is not with them on transgender, library day. I don't think the public's with them on the green new deal on, the hyperinflationary economic program, the modern monetary theory, that it created this tremendous inflation we've had to deal with, that we'll completely bankrupt this. If that trend is allowed in any way to continue or just printing and printing more money, the public is not with them on this. And then they see the mismanagement. You know, they see 2 things.
I mean, just take these 2 big national emergencies, folks that we've had in the last few years or in the last year, excuse me, in North Carolina, Totally partisan. Oh, you got a Trump sign. We're not coming to your house to help you. And they're not helping these people. Even in the Democrat areas like Asheville, North Carolina, they're not helping them, but, I mean, they they've just abandoned these hill folk, all these, Appalachian types who are mostly Christian, who are mostly white, who are mostly Republicans and Trump supporters.
They've been totally partisan. They've been vicious ideologues in this, the people on the ground at FEMA. And then and then look at the LA fire. Oh my god. Totally different situation.
Palisades voted 70% for Kamala Harris, Pacific Palisades. It's not really there anymore. But the mismanagement, I mean, the unbelievable mismanagement, 100 fire trucks out of service, a reservoir right behind Palisades, empty. You know, Biden's in the airspace. They can't get planes up because Biden's there on on his fundraiser or whatever the hell he was doing.
I mean, it just goes on and on, cutting the budget of the fire department when they have all of these other programs that are exploding in size that people really, that may sound good, but most people probably could care less about. And Karen Bass knew some he he's smooth. He's slick. But this Karen Bass, who was a communist, who is far as I know still a communist, was involved with that brigade of of youngsters from America that was going over all the time to Havana to help Fidel Castro back in the day. I mean, she was an overt communist supporter and seems to care less, really, about what's even going on with her poor overtaxed, constituents who are already victims of incredible crime and really stupid, criminal, you you know, criminal enforcement now that they're trying to address that in California, but they can't govern.
And so this is becoming obvious to more and more parts of the public. And what are the Democrats going to do about it? And then on top of this, with how the this election turned out, they're bringing in people like Liz Cheney into their party, a total neocon. The democrats supposed to be the anti war party. You know, they were a lot of these left wingers that are now much older in the democrat party, they came in protesting the Vietnam War.
And a lot of them protested the Iraq War. But but now we got Liz Cheney running around. Oh, she's perfectly fine because she was involved in persecuting Donald Trump. So it's almost kind of schizoid. And then the fact that they have labor in their coalition, as I've called out recently on our decision, labor is still a fairly big part of their coalition, but they're bringing in all these immigrants that lower the wage rates.
I mean, how does that work? And they're supposed to be the party for, blacks and Hispanics, and they're the the immediate victims of this huge influx of illegal aliens just because of the wage rates and for competition for housing in the inner cities. So the Democrats are in a terrible place, folks, So we have to do everything we can to keep them there to, again, deploy this strategy of building from the grassroots, building through our sheriffs, and then also our senior election officials, and then the rest of the, appropriators and people involved at the local level and then, of course, expanding into the state level. And, I think we're gonna get new allies out of the Democrat party because these various constituencies are not being well treated in any way by the Democrat leadership, and they're kind of rudderless right now. Their direction is very unclear.
So, as we look going forward, we have our own problems. We got our rhino problem in congress in our party. We have the tech oligarchs around Trump with too much influence. But, we have a party now that is moving clearly into the America first direction, and we have a rudderless, bankrupt party with the wrong ideas that expose themselves as communists. My name is Lou Moore, and this is the hour of decision.
And you can find the hour of decision, at Liberty News Radio. You even after it airs live, you can find the RSS feed on Liberty News Radio's website. You can also find this at, lu moore.com or my book, forerunner, the unlikely role of Ron Paul, which talks not only about some of my experiences as Ron Paul's 2008 national campaign manager, but talks about a lot of, of these trends that we discussed today that, are giving the populist movement in this country a chance, giving us a chance, god willing, to turn the ship around here in America. So, and then we also have I should also mention, we have secure vote dot news, and we are not gonna let up, folks. We are not gonna let up on getting election integrity back into our election system, and we have a long way to go in that area as well.
My name is Lou Moore. You have been listening to the hour of decision on Liberty News Radio. Thank you very much. See you later.