Speaker 0: Welcome back to Hour of Decision. My name is Lou Moore. You know, the events of the last couple of days have really kinda changed my game plan here. I was gonna talk about are we still midnight in America? Is it still midnight in America?
I think the answer to that is yes, but we're gonna talk more about that in a minute. But right now I'm just right in the middle of this human drama with, the richest man in the world, the savior of America, the American savior, Donald Trump, the richest man in the world, Elon Musk. Can you get a better story than this, ladies and gentlemen? But unfortunately, it's reality. So as I said, Musk held out so much promise for the MAGA movement first by freeing up, supposedly, Twitter turning it into x, supposedly making it a free speech platform again, giving us again the full power of, what social media can be and how quickly a message can be seen by 70, 80, 90,000,000 people that can get right to the point on a political issue.
I mean, it's just devastating in its potentiality, but we were losing all that because they were taking it away, from people who were not on GAB. I highly, by the way, recommend GAB. I recommend you support GAB. I don't trust any of these rich people. I don't trust the Chinese guy that had GETTR or has GETTR.
I don't trust Trump and the Trump Organization completely by any means. I like Andrew Torba. I like Gabb. I would keep, Gabb in the hip pocket so we have some way of communicating this way as long as we're gonna be able, be allowed to communicate in any way in this ongoing, hour of decision that we're in to save our country. But all that being said, it was great to get x back, to get Twitter back in there where you where you're not getting 6, 700,000 excuse me.
Individuals, seen a post at one time, you're getting 60, 70,000,000 people. Seeing a post at one time and getting people like Alex Jones back on there. I mean, it's unbelievable. And and, Musk himself doing a lot of great work during the campaign. So that promise was out there.
It just seemed so huge. And then the infusion of capital, which means different things to different people, having been in the political game a little bit. I I I could see how, to a degree at least, how Musk was spending that money and how efficiently it was being spent. Not just the fact that he was putting in a quarter of a $1,000,000,000. So I was extremely excited about that too and I knew it was gonna be key to getting Trump over the top, which it did.
But and then the third the third, promise of Elon Musk, third element of that promise, at least in my mind, and maybe the biggest one of all was his whole idea of Doge. The idea of him coming in with Vivek Ramaswami, and not talking about cutting a couple $100,000,000 or a bill excuse me, a couple $100,000,000,000 a year from the budget. Over 10 years, we'll do this and that and blah blah. And they never do anything. They never really go up against the special interest.
They never go through any significant line item in the federal budget, but, you know, we're in an existential crisis right now just in that area alone, government spending, and the idea of a couple of people of this, persuasive talent but also of the power, particularly of Musk, his informational power and monetary power, talking about cutting 2 or so $1,000,000,000,000 annually out of our unbelievably bloated federal budget to me was almost a godsend and, of course, the first real challenge to the Fabian socialist project, which has been nothing but an effort to grow the size of government, which is now let's say what it is, folks. It's the growth of compulsion upon you by elites. That's what government is. Government is force, and government government is necessary, but, without getting into a whole dissertation on, the Republic of the United States of America, If government is not drastically limited, it will become a tyrant in your life, period. And we've seen how big of a tyrant it can become, and we haven't seen anything yet, not not for what's planned.
But the idea that 2 or so $1,000,000,000,000 of resources can be cut away from that monster was just just that. It was extremely exciting to me and we'll see what happens because they do have to do something because we are. Even for the country that has the, reserve currency and has the unlimited printing presses of the Federal Reserve System, even we are now coming to our limits and how big we can grow the government under the current configuration. So that was the 3rd big promise that Musk held out. You know, the money and the campaign, the freedom of speech through x, and then, and now this DOGE project.
But where is that gonna go as, the firestorm, I believe, will build around the real immigration issue. The real issue of who is an American, who should be an American, why is it important, and what really is the difference culturally downstream between an illegal alien I mean, we obviously know the difference on the surface. Somebody does all the paperwork and plods through all the bureaucracy like a good East Indian as an example, and they come in legally or they, you know, sneak across the river in the middle of the night. I mean, ultimately 2 or 3 generations downstream, what difference does that make to the country? So as we now have the opportunity to try to to get that clutter out of the way, to see this is just one simple issue, the issue of who are Americans and who will be Americans in 20, 30 years from now is that is cleared away.
What is gonna happen what is gonna happen in the meantime? And and, of course, this is all happening in the house of the Republicans. This is not happening in the house of the Democrats, but are more Democrats gonna be pulled over into this issue because of the labor implications alone and the implications to the African American community and implications to the large and growing Hispanic community that are already here and other ethnicities as well. And they're actually more directly affected, more immediately affected, particularly in all the lower skill, the lower skill end of the economy. They're more affected, short term than anyone else.
And so, you know, the potential here folks that that this inconsequential debate over 60 or 65000 h one b visas. It's pretty big. It's just pretty big. Take my word for it. So we can't overlook the agendas outside of MAGA because, you know, the CNNs of the world, the politicos of the world, the Axios media outlets of the world, they're loving a big fight inside of MAGA.
MAGA civil war. This is gonna be fantastic. So they're gonna be egging this thing on too. So this is not going to go away. Even though it seems maybe on the surface to be a little bit inconsequential, it's not going away and it ultimately leads to all of the most important of the issues.
So Whether Trump can do more is centered in this question of who we are and who occupies our world. What forces are controlled and and unleashed to describe that? In other words, I'm now getting into the topic of Trump. And what is Trump is what has Trump been about and why is he important to us? He's important to us because he buys us time to save this country.
I have not ever said that he was going to be our national savior, that that his that he will solve all of our problems or even, you know, solve any of our problems, but we have existential crises that he is in a position of holding off, slowing down, stopping, and whether he can do more than that if he can even and we'll get back into those 4 crises in just a minute, but if he can even do that, if he can even buy us time, you know, whether he could do more centers, more on the question of who we are and who we decide we are as Americans and, and who is gonna ultimately occupy this land. So so four crises. I have identified them. Other pundits have talked about them in different ways, but these are the big four folks. Number 1, gets right back to Elon Musk, gets right back to x and the the question now of, deplatforming people that has come up just in the last 2 or 3 days as soon as somebody really gets at the core of Elon Musk's agenda.
But freedom, our freedom of speech, our ability to speak, our ability to organize, our ability to go to school board meetings and talk about transgender library day, our ability to talk about our history and to analyze and to ask questions and to notice and to notice who has power in our country and where did they come from and what is their agenda and do they have dual loyalties? All these various things that we should have every right as people of the West, people of Western civilization, people who invented the idea of a human right, who invented the Magna Carta, who invented the Constitution of the United States of America. I kinda got lost there, but we ultimately can't do these things. I lost my train of thought for a second. But we ultimately cannot defend in this hour of decision our country unless we have the rights to do it or else it's just flat out bloodshed, which at some point is what our enemies are gonna want because they're gonna feel like they will be strong enough to just completely subdue us.
And so and nobody wants that. Nobody wants an ending like that. Nobody with a family wants an ending like that. So we need to have these rights, and they were imperiled to an incredible degree so quickly in the last few years with the COVID scam, with the, censorship around the elections, and with all the other censorship schemes, going on and this whole invention of misinformation. The idea of what we tell you officially, what the experts tell you is information and what you think up on your own or what you dig out by investigating or talking to other people, that's disinformation and that's wrong, and we're not gonna allow that.
So, Trump is a break on that. I worry about the Israel issue since there's been a number of censorship moves. Ron DeSantis all about it, as was Kristi Noem in South Dakota, trying to adopt, historical interpretations from very partisan, ethnic organizations as law that you weren't, that you would not be allowed to speak against them. Pretty damn drastic, but hopefully that's an outlier compared to what will happen overall in the country with Trump. I mean, we will have to see.
We'll have to see on that issue as well because there's been a lot of pushback, about these free speech laws and these laws that have been created at the state and pushed at the federal level to protect Israel. So we will see about that. But that is crisis number 1, free speech. Crisis number 2, the border. The border and our immediate national sovereignty, yeah, we're under invasion.
And I think Trump's gonna be able to put that into order. But again, that's now going into a subset of this larger issue of immigration overall and the content of the American populace overall, bigger question. Bigger question. But Trump, definitely I mean, we need with with the flood that we've experienced and and and the potentiality for a much larger flood of people coming here, a biblical proportion, so to speak, is real because of the dynamics around the world. So this is the second reason we absolutely needed Trump to come in and why he can, and I believe will buy us time.
The third reason, I alluded to it already, is the economy and the dollar and the stability of our economy. And, you know, it's great to say, oh, let it fall. Let the thing fall. It's corrupt. It's Babylon.
Let it fall. I don't think so, folks. We're not quite ready to deal with that as a movement seeking to restore our country and this hour of decision, and we need time to organize further. We need to organize in our neighborhoods, in our families. I'm gonna talk more about that in a minute, but, we need protection from the top, including protection of our dollar and our economy to give us time at the bottom at the grassroots to build an even much larger army to take our country back.
And again, I think Trump is absolutely key to this, and I was very excited about what was coming from, Vivek or Ramaswami and from Elon Musk in terms of our government spending because what's happened folk folks is the Fabian project has wanted to constantly expand the size of our government and they came up with Keynesian economics, Lord Keynes over there in England. The idea that priming the pump of of the economy with debt, in other words, spending more government money than, is coming in is is a good thing. It was a great way to grow the size of government and government's grown and grown and grown and grown, but then they came up with this idea of modern monetary theory, Thomas Piketty, people out of France, Marxists, and and it's just craziness. It's the idea that you can't create enough money. You just create as much money as you want.
And this is basically, and politicians love this, this is basically what we've been under for the last few years, which is why the size of the government grew like 40% in 2 years. I mean, you can't have that kind of you can't have that kind of, increase in, the size of government spending in the size of the monetary base without destruction. I mean, it's not possible. And you end up with a Weimar Republic scenario every time and then you end up with somebody taking absolute power right after that. So we can't we cannot allow that to happen.
So this is why I was excited about what Musk was talking in this area because it was a real swing at big government. 2,000,000,000,000 out of a $6,500,000,000,000 budget. $2,000,000,000,000 cut is for real. It's real talk. It's real.
It's not just talk if it if it can happen. So, I was very excited about that. I still think that Trump is the man to, in some way, allow us to keep growing, because the other trick is you have to keep growing the economy. And, of course, we have the energy sector is the quickest way to move in that area. You need to grow the size of the economy and cut the size of the government and of the monetary creation at the same time so you don't end up with a hyperinflation.
So we'll see, but that's crisis number 3 that I felt Trump had some potential to deal with. And then, of course, the 4th one is not really one. It's these flashpoints around the world. It's China. It's, yes, indeed, folks, Russia.
It's the Mideast. And, I believed and I still believe Trump is the best suited, by far of anybody we could have come up with in this period of time to keep us out of World War 3 and to keep the whole world from just disintegrating into chaos, which is still a possibility. So that's the four reasons I have been high on Trump, but he's gonna make serious mistakes because he's human, because he's being pushed from all sides, because he has political realities to deal with, and right now the political reality he has to deal with are tech billionaires who still, I'm afraid, have the same internationalist point of view and the same authoritarian, ultimately, points of view that they had before when they were holding hands with the World Economic Forum and with China, etcetera, etcetera. So we gotta keep watching. Every day there will be a kind of a soap opera of the MAGA world, but there are huge huge implications to this conversation.
Unlike a lot of the other political conversations that really seemed important at the time to Americans and cutting taxes and whatnot, that really were not the real thing itself. We're getting to the thing itself. And there's people running to the front of the parade on the MAGA side trying to gatekeep us, keep us away from certain issues, keep us from talking about certain tangents, certain elements of this conversation about the civilizational crisis of Western civilization. But, folks, I think the genie has been let out of the bottle. I really believe I really believe that because of the rapidity with which we can communicate now with the information that's already out there, with the awareness that is growing by the hour among Americans, that we are coming into some very, very interesting times and nobody is going to hold back the prophetic destiny of the United States of America, and that's where I wanna end this hour of decision today.
It is still midnight in America, but the darkest hour is always before the dawn. And, as I say on my website, wrong rules the land while waiting justice sleeps. We are still waiting for the justice and ultimately that full measure of justice will not come without the return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, which I most firmly believe will happen at some time, but I do not believe we should be waiting around to be taken up into a cloud. I do not believe that. I believe we were here to take dominion of this planet for Jesus Christ and and be a city, an example, a city on the hill.
And, that you know, Ron Reagan talked about that. It's been maybe talked about too much, but that is America's role in the world. It has a manifest destiny to be a beacon of freedom and an example for other peoples around the world, and I don't think America by any means is done yet. And I do believe I absolutely believe our greatest days can be ahead of us. But this is the hour of decision.
It's not the hour of the crisis. The crisis has been building for over a 100 years, but now because of this confluence of events, because of the awareness that can be spread so quickly of what is going on, this is indeed, folks, the hour of decision, and, we need this air cover from Trump over these existential issues that are beyond us. The financial system, the border, international affairs, so we can build from the bottom up, neighborhood by neighborhood, precinct by precinct, community by community, exercising our free will, our right of free association to begin to restore fully the potential of this great country. This country that I love so much, I hope you love so much. This is the last hour of decision broadcast in the year 2020 4, and what a ride it has been.
We will see what happens next. Who knows what's gonna happen next? I mean, who saw this coming? But, you know, you have a a weekend before a new year, and people are not quite settled into their new routine. They start thinking and all of a sudden they're on the phone and this thing has blown up and the tech billionaires have, around Trump trying to do the coup d'etat around Trump looks like they might have overreached.
Hopefully so. We'll see what happens next. So this is the hour to stand and fight. If you wanna fight, this is the time to do it. This it's midnight in America.
The darkest hour is before the dawn. But this, ladies and gentlemen, is the hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore. You can, find out more about what I do at news for America dot org. You can learn more about election integrity issues at secure vote dot news, and you can buy my book, forerunner, the unlikely role of Ron Paul in all this human drama, at Lew Moore, l e w m, double o, r e.com.
May you have a blessed rest of your holiday season and a great 2025. See you later.