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Kate Dalley RadioJuly 26, 202400:08:508.1 MB

072524 (FIXED) SHORT 10 Min Who Is Biden's Handler Who Is Kamala's Handler

072524 (FIXED) SHORT 10 Min Who Is Biden's Handler Who Is Kamala's Handler by Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 26, 202400:13:5912.81 MB

072624 SHORT 13 MIN This 13 Min Will Make You Laugh And One Of The BIGGEST LIES We Are Told

072624 SHORT 13 MIN This 13 Min Will Make You Laugh And One Of The BIGGEST LIES We Are Told by Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 26, 202400:08:508.1 MB


072624 SHORT 8 MIN Olympics Violence And IS CIVIL UNREST COMING THIS FALL by Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 26, 202400:40:0036.63 MB

072624 2nd HR This Skit Will Make You Laugh; How To Train A Dog/ Person From CIA Behavior Expert

072624 2nd HR This Skit Will Make You Laugh; How To Train A Dog/ Person From CIA Behavior Expert by Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 26, 202400:38:3835.37 MB

072624 1st HR Guest Greg Mannarino Whats Happening Economy Now What To Look For What To Invest In

072624 1st HR Guest Greg Mannarino Whats Happening Economy Now What To Look For What To Invest In by Kate Dalley

Point of View July 26, 2024 – Hour 2 : Weekend Edition

Friday, July 26, 2024 Welcome to our Weekend Edition with host Dr. Merrill “Buddy” Matthews. His co-hosts are First Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford and our own Liberty McArtor. Topics for discussion include First Liberty’s new index on how well the states protect religious liberty, the Presidential race, and the important news of the day. Connect […]

Point of View July 26, 2024 – Hour 1 : Weekend Edition

Friday, July 26, 2024 Welcome to our Weekend Edition with host Dr. Merrill “Buddy” Matthews. His co-hosts are First Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford and our own Liberty McArtor. Topics for discussion include First Liberty’s new index on how well the states protect religious liberty, the Presidential race, and the important news of the day. Connect […]

Be Unburdened America

3435 – July 26, 2024 – Be Unburdened America – We are burdened with socialist policies, anti-American activists, and government agencies working against We The People. But, we should NOT be unburdened by “what has been” as Kamala says because our past must always be part of our future. We should, however, be unburdened by those who strive to destroy our Republic in favor of a “democracy.” Be Unburdened America Home – CSC Talk Radio Facebook video...

Liberty Roundtable PodcastJuly 26, 202454:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 1 – 07/26/2024

* FBI Director Chris Wray: Trump Didn't Get Hit by a Bullet! * Trump Rips Christopher Wray for What He Just Suggested About the Assassination Attempt. * This Sunday Is National Parents Day which celebrates the value of good Parenting may well be the most important job in the world. Teaching, guiding, listening, cheerleading, comforting, disciplining, and more is a massive undertaking. In 1994, Congress passed The Parents Day Resolution, designating the fourth Sunday of Jul...

Liberty Roundtable PodcastJuly 26, 202454:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 07/26/2024

* Guest: James Edwards - Race, Politics & Hypocrisy in 21st Century America - * FBI Director Chris Wray: Trump Didn't Get Hit by a Bullet! * 'Some Question' Whether Trump Was Hit With Bullet or Shrapnel! * Criminal FBI will lead the investigation into the attempted assassination! * Why We’ll Never Know What Really Happened in Butler, PA - Ron Paul. * "What if there was a genuine investigation that actually revealed the truth about what happened at the Trump rally over th...

The Big Mig ShowJuly 26, 2024x
51:2847.14 MB

Latinos For Trump |EP336

Bianca Gracia, Co-Founder of Latinos for Trump and Latino’s for America First, Host on 1440 Keys radio show. She is a political consultant, strategist and advocate for Latino conservatism –

The Big Mig ShowJuly 26, 2024x
51:2647.11 MB

Hackers & Cyberattacks on Joe Biden's Watch |EP335

CrowdStrike said the worldwide IT outage impacting air travel, 911 services, television and public infrastructure Hackers have likely stolen personal information of 73 million current and former AT&T customers and shared it on the dark web. Hackers leaked stolen documents from massive IT company, Leidos Holdings that services the Pentagon

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 25, 202400:09:198.54 MB

072524 SHORT 9 MIN Who Is Bidens HANDLER And Kamalas HANDLER Who Is Ted Kaufman

072524 SHORT 9 MIN Who Is Bidens HANDLER And Kamalas HANDLER Who Is Ted Kaufman by Kate Dalley

Kate Dalley RadioJuly 25, 202400:41:0037.55 MB

072524 2nd HR Are They LYING About Our Population Of 8 BILLION HUGE HOUR MUST LISTEN

072524 2nd HR Are They LYING About Our Population Of 8 BILLION HUGE HOUR MUST LISTEN by Kate Dalley

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