Speaker 0: It's midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision.
Speaker 1: The crisis is here. Devils are among us, replacing our love of country, our values, our heroes, and our freedoms. This evil will replace our entire civilization and the descendants of the people who created it if we let them. America can still become the new Jerusalem our forefathers saw in vision. Their struggle for freedom was blessed by God.
We will be too. If like them, we decide to fight.
Speaker 0: Against tyranny and corruption for Christ and constitution. The hour of decision with Lou Moore starts now. Welcome to the hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore, and wow, folks, a lot of exciting things are happening out there. And some of our Uber Uber positive people are probably thinking, hey.
It's not midnight in America anymore. It's morning in America. But, folks, I would ask you to have a little bit of situational awareness. It's great to hear about Bobby Kennedy gonna be the head of HHS. Matt Gaetz maybe becoming our attorney general.
Tulsi Gabbard, Pete Hegseth. Wow. All these picks out of the box. But, you know, not in the framework of the establishment. Establishment people freaking out, both, in the rhino column there in the senate, as well as our friends in the lamestream media.
But, folks, as I said, you need to have a little situational awareness because the battle hasn't even really begun yet. Whether you're talking about the knife fight that will probably occur, in the halls of the senate to get some of these people through, But much less than knife fight that will continue and probably intensify in the courts on various issues as well as out in the street. So we'll have to see. But, anyway, some encouraging signs coming from the Trump team, from the Trump train. And tonight, I'm gonna talk about the most encouraging of them all.
In one of my first podcasts, when this show was just a podcast, I told people that the most dangerous crisis of all the crises we had in America, the single most dangerous crisis facing America was the financial collapse of the United States, the collapse of the dollar, the profligate spending of the federal government leading us to bankruptcy, and, really, with no hope to deal with that because these politicians never deal with this, folks. You know that. How many times did the Republicans campaign? We're gonna cut the size of government. And then pretty soon they're telling you, well, we're gonna cut the increase in government.
And then pretty soon, you realize they're not doing any of that. They're just growing the size of the government. And, and then, of course, the democrats put the pedal to the metal on the government growth, and we certainly saw that with Joe Biden. So it's pretty encouraging for me to look at a different situation today than we faced before. Timing is everything in politics, and it's obvious to me that the time is right to deal a hammer blow to the Fabian socialist project, a hammer blow to big government and to greatly decrease the size of government in one fell swoop.
And the the timing is right, folks, for a few different reasons. 1, we have to do something. We can't continue to have $2,000,000,000,000 plus deficits year after year at this point. Totally unsustainable. They're having difficulty, renewing, the bonded indebtedness on previous debt, on some of the previous amount previous, bonds that were covering parts of our 30, 6,000,000,000,000 and counting debt.
With all this new debt, it just makes it harder and harder to float these bonds. And, of course, the alternative is to just crank up those printing presses and print the money, and that leads to inflation, the cruelest tax of all, as I said in the last episode, which is paid by you in the form of higher prices for everything. So that, you know, this is an unsustainable situation. So that's the first reason why the timing is right for drastic change. The second reason the timing is right for drastic change, folks, is some of these recent supreme court decisions that have to do with Chevron, deference, that have to do with the administrative state.
Both that, these bureaucrats can no longer just make these regulations on their own that are detached from the laws that supposedly empower them that were, passed by the congress, and that affects hiring as well, obviously, because they need minions to go out and enforce all these new regulations. But there has just been a change in the legal landscape. So it's still illegal with the vaunted, civil service privileges that were put in in the progressive era, supposedly depoliticizing government employees and saying, well, you just can't fire this employee just because you want to. They have civil service protection, but you can fire. You can't get rid of whole groups of these people as reductions of force of a general reduction, in the number of people that are needed in a certain area.
In other words, it's giving the opportunity to shut down whole departments, whole segments of the bureaucratic operation in every single one of these bureaucracies. The door has really been open there. And, so that is the second reason why the timing is right. The third reason why the timing is right is as it's become more partisan in this country, as the partisan divide widens, it's painfully obvious to all of us folks that a huge percentage of the bureaucracy are now the enemies of the rest of the people of this country. They're militantly democrat.
They're led by these unions, which, by the way, we never should have allowed and should never allow government employees to be unionized. I mean, folks, this is just it takes away again, you know, these people who love democracy so much. The opponents of Donald Trump and the opponents of conservatives around the country always talking about how they just love that democracy. But people vote for one thing, and they can't get it because of union contracts, because of deals these executives, when they're democrats in particular, make with these unions and they're set asides in budgeting. And then, you know, there's always a fear of a strike, which they shouldn't be allowed to strike either.
But, I am totally against the unionization at all of government employees. They need to be servants of the people, and they need to follow the directives of the democratically elected representatives and executives, the governors, etcetera, that they have to deal with or with the president of the United States. So anyhow, this has gotten totally out of hand with these folks. And so all of these reasons are setting up the fact that the timing is right. And now the last piece is Donald Trump, who is a different type of person who doesn't owe too many people too many things.
He certainly doesn't owe the bureaucratic unions anything, but he with with all of these other situations occurring right now, the in in the backdrop, in the environment that we're in today, he is more than willing to take some drastic steps, and he's bringing in a whole group of people who have the same attitude. I mean, Pete Hegseth is talking about taking a meat axe to the Pentagon, which is so bloated, folks. So bloated. I had a friend and, who who I knew for several years and, particularly, spent time with him when I lived in the Washington DC area. And, he worked at the Pentagon.
He was not a political person in any way, but he was a highly a place highly placed civilian, Pentagon official. He was for a while on the staff of the secretary of defense. I won't say which one right now. I don't definitely don't wanna identify this person. But, anyhow, he came home from work one day, happened to, run into him, and he told me he goes, if we got rid of a third of the bureaucrats at the Pentagon, that you wouldn't even notice.
There's so much fluff. There's so much overlay. There's so much bureaucratic, empire building and protection of little petty empires all through, not just the Pentagon building, but all through the military, establishment. And that's not even talking about what's going on in the military, but we have more generals now than we had in World War 2 when we had a fighting force several times larger in a all out war. But a force several times larger than the force we have now, but, you know, there's just too much, there's just too much fluff, too many paper shufflers, too many bureaucrats, too many generals who really aren't just bureaucrats or politicians with a uniform on.
And then what are they doing? They're putting in all this stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with war fighting, all this DEI and this transgender garbage, all this stuff. And people are ready for a big change at the Pentagon, not even counting the reality that we have to cut, the spending of the government, as well as building the world war fire war fighter capability, which has substantially diminished, unfortunately, at a time where we're facing 2 major adversaries in the world and potentially, as I've said, 3 flash points for World War 3. And the first step to avoid World War 3 is to strengthen our military, peace through strength. And so that's just an one example, folks, but you go down the list of these agencies.
People bring up FEMA, totally politicized. We now are learning that possibly the entire agency had become politicized and told people not to help people that had Trump signs in front of their house, in hurricanes, and in other emergency situations. And it wasn't just as one woman down in North Carolina who was caught on text telling her staffers to avoid houses that had Trump signs in front of them when they were supposed to be rescuing people. But, she's alleging, and there's other reasons not to believe. This was an agency wide epidemic of politicization at BEMA.
You look at the department of education, that whole damn thing needs to go immediately. And, of course, republican presidents, it hasn't just been Trump. Republican president's back to Ronald Reagan. I think every one of the candidates on the Republican side has promised to close the Department of Education, but none of them ever did. And so, Trump is the kind of guy that would do that, so I'm hoping that the Department of Education is on the chopping block.
But in agency after agency, people are recognizing, including people who are being appointed to head these agencies by Donald Trump, that we don't need them. And we certainly don't need them at the size and scale that they're at. But I do caution something in this area. I'm hearing some of these conservative commentators, I won't name one of them that was talking the other day. He said, boy, this FEMA is just terrible.
They're politicized. We need to just close FEMA and take that money and send it to the states. You know what folks? That is a terrible idea. That that was Nixon's idea, of taking the taking federal monies and just sending it to the states.
And what's wrong with that idea? It still puts the power and authority in Washington DC. It it sends the money to Washington DC through the income tax and other mechanisms, and then it it leaves them in a position of dispersing out the money to the states. It's totally inefficient, and it is also it keeps the states in this subservient relationship to the federal government, which I brought up in a couple of previous episodes of hour of decision. And it's something that a lot of people just don't know that every one of our state governments are, dependent on the federal government today, to the tune of somewhere between 25 to 40% of their budgets.
35, 37, 38% of their budgets in some states are from the feds. That makes the states totally dependent on the feds and completely subverts federalism. We don't need any more power and authority in Washington DC. We need to get rid of a ton of unconstitutional power of and authority in Washington DC and return it to the states. We need to make it the United States again.
The United States of America, not the big leviathan federal government of America lording it over the state and local governments of our country. But it's not just about efficiency, folks, I must stress. This is about the distribution of power. Our founders knew that if you did not limit government greatly and then distribute the power that they do have, that they are allowed to have, if you don't distribute that distribute that between the federal government, the states, and the local governments, you are going to have big problems, and this is what we have. Big problems and the biggest problem starts with a t.
It's called tyranny, folks. Centralization of power, 100% of the time leads to tyranny. So, anyway, we can't fall into that trap of, oh, we'll just get rid of the Department of Education and send that money back to the states. No. No.
We need to get rid of the department of education as one example, and then not be collecting the money for it, but allow the states to do what they will do in this area, the states and local school boards, and not be, collecting the money from them to just distribute back to them. Ridiculous and dangerous, still dangerous, even if you're just distributing money and not distributing bureaucratic orders to them as well. So the timing is right, folks, and we're getting the right people in a number of these agencies. It looks like Bobby Kennedy at HHS who wants to take a meat axe to that agency and to the number of people working there, not to mention what they're doing there. Matt Gates at DOJ, Pete Hetsec Hetsec excuse me, at the Department of Defense, and you go down the list and people that Trump is bringing in have this on their minds.
And nobody has this on their minds more than, the most important single person to the Trump campaign and to the Trump victory, the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, who is now gonna be heading, Doge, I guess they're calling it, doge, the department of governmental efficiency, which I mentioned in the last episode of this radio show, and he's talking 2,000,000,000,000, a $2,000,000,000,000 cut in government, which is not enough, but it's one hell of a start. And, it looks like, you know, what happens normally, folks, is you get some kind of a commission. Like Reagan had the grace commission. You know, Ronald Reagan was generally with us on this whole federalism question, on the big government question. He was against the growth, of the size of the government, but, he didn't have people around him.
He put people in these agencies, and all of them are trying to protect their turf, including the people at the Department of Education that talked him out of ending it. He was the 1st president to promise he would. But, but Ronald Reagan has started this grace commission, and we have this big commission, and, oh, we're gonna cut the government and have all these recommendations. But then, like, almost all government commissions, they just take their, advice and put it in a drawer, and then nobody ever hears about it again. You probably never heard of the grace commission, most of you listening to this show.
It's gonna be different this time because of the timing. Timing is everything in politics, and I've just explained, several reasons why the timing is right, and it is absolutely necessary to make drastic cuts to the government. And Elon Musk is the guy for this job as is his wingman, his sidekick, his cochair, I guess they're calling him, of this new, government group, Vivek Ramaswami. And, you know, it's so interesting to me folks. I couldn't find it.
But I remember reading, like, 40 years ago, 35 years ago. I read this opinion piece by I believe it was a libertarian author of some sort. And he was saying the only way you would ever be able to make serious cuts to the federal government is if you create a killer agency, which is what this author called it, and that that their sole job would be to kill off other parts of the government and that they would be rewarded for that, that that bureaucracy would be rewarded by how much of the rest of the government they could cut. And folks, this is kind of what we're getting now with this new agency. And Vivek Ramaswami has really thought this out.
He's I listened to him on Tucker. I highly recommend you watch that interview. I don't mind recommending people watch other things or listen to other things, and he's talking about 80%, folks. He believes he can get rid of 80% of the federal bureaucracy, and, I agree with him totally, and I also agree with his reasoning why, which is the some of the reasons I just gave you. So this is where he's at, and this is where, Elon Musk is at.
Drastic cuts. And, you know, if we are gonna have a real change in this country, regardless of the money involved, regardless of the protection of the dollar, regardless of the inflation issue, we need to get rid of these bureaucrats who more and more as I said just a moment ago are really becoming political agents, political operatives. They're more and more politicized. And most of them are are getting lazier and lazier. They won't even go to work.
And what are they doing at home? On Fox News, they were saying that only 7% of the, people in the Social Security Administration go to work anymore. Now I'm sure that most of them are just so diligently and faithfully in their pajamas doing their job from their kitchen table or wherever, but, you know, maybe not quite so much. But, anyway, there there's just so much data coming in now. So much sentiment.
The federalist, was talking about Kristi Noem not being a good pick for the Department of Homeland Security, which I totally agree with that, by the way. But they were saying, don't pick Kristi Noem. Eliminate the Department of Homeland Security, which we should Bush never should have started that monstrous agency. Now there's functions in it. Of course, we still need the customs and not to mention the border situation, but we don't need the Department of Homeland Security and a lot of the crap like SAISA, this fraudulent censorship organization they put in there and the guys are protecting us from cyber attacks.
How's that going by the way folks? I'm getting a letter, like, every week from somebody. Oh, sorry. All your data's been compromised. We've been hacked again by, you know, who knows?
And, anyway, that's just an example of an agency that doesn't seem to be doing very well that we probably just don't need because they're up to no good. That they they're they've been up to censorship and to, fouling up our elections and not make and destroying the our election integrity around the country on a federal level. So folks, the time is now to attack the heart of the beast, to get rid of this Fabian socialist project. And, you know, the entitlements are another question, another issue, and they should be tackled last. They need to be tackled too.
But we can go a long way toward making our military more effective, making all these, proper government functions more effective, and getting rid of not just waste, fraud, and abuse, which, you know, a lot of the press, even like on Fox, they're still back in the Ronald Reagan days, folks. I mean, they're talking about this, like, Elon Musk is gonna be counting rubber bands in some agency to see if they spent too much money on rubber bands. Folks, that's not where this is at. Because of this this new legal framework the supreme court gave us, because of the desperate need to cut a ton of spending, because there is new political will to cut this spending. Yeah.
We're not talking about government efficiency in terms of a few things here and there. We're talking about gutting the administrative state and gutting the Fabian socialist project in America, and I'm telling you right now, it couldn't happen soon enough. My name is Lou Moore, and you are listening to Hour of Decision on Liberty News Radio, and I will be right back in just a few moments after the news. So welcome back to hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore.
And by the way, if you're interested in my book, 4 Runner, the Unlikely Role of Ron Paul, or you're interested in looking at my 50 some odd, any of my other 50 some odd podcasts and radio shows, you can go to liewmoore.com. That's liewm, double o, r e.com, where you can find both of those things. Alright. So we've talked now about the opportunity to get the administrative state, and I didn't get into the regulatory side. I talked mostly about the spending, but I think that's a real good place to start on that topic.
So now I wanna just talk about a number of conclusions I've come to, the conclusions of significance when we look at what happened with this election. So first of all, major shift in the country, not a news flash there. Huge swings in the margins for Trump in many of the red states, huge swings, toward Trump and narrowing of margins in the blue states. I mean, look at California folks. Some states are now totally in play in the future, like New Jersey, like New Hampshire, like Virginia, like Minnesota, as for examples.
The second thing I would say is that I think that puts to rest, at least for now, the idea of the great divorce. The idea that somehow we should divide America into red states and blue states and have some kind of a divorce, a terrible idea for a whole lot of reasons, which I discuss in my earlier podcast on the great divorce. But, I mean, look at the map of California as an example. I mean, even in California, we're pretty much isolating blue. I hate the blue red thing.
That's something else I've talked about previously. And why I hate it, but, most of the counties are red, folks. Even in California, most of the land mass is red, and that's true in every state in the United States. The rural areas in every state are red. The experts in every state in the United States are red, and more and more the suburbs in every state in the United States.
Almost, most of them are now red. Orange County is red again. Orange County went Republican in California. Forget this great divorce. We just need to start working on these other areas and even gain more dominance.
So, hopefully, that idea is no longer on the table. There's a local government rebellion in a lot of these blue states. You've seen some evidence of it in California. You're gonna see a lot more of it in the future just as one example. Another observation, and this is a more unfortunate one.
Trump won. Trump won big, But despite the huge grassroots effort that it took to put Trump in the White House and unprecedented grassroots effort by people who are not being paid in most cases, unlike how it works in the other party with the union minions and all the other people that they're paying to go out there and, shake down people in the ghetto for their mail in ballots and all that stuff. This was a an unprecedented volunteer effort. But despite that fact, Trump could not do it without some big money, and big money, presence means that some promises were made. I don't know about Elon.
I'm still pretty high on Elon because I just talked in the last segment about, the Doge, Department of Government Efficiency. I mean, if he gets $2,000,000,000,000 out of our budget, I'm gonna be coming in love with Elon. But, that being said, you get somebody in the picture like that. Some promises were made that we might not like folks, and certainly that might be true with Miriam Adelson, who also gave Trump a $100,000,000,000. So we're but we're most of the way there of getting in in presidential politics when we put our shoulders to the wheel, electing people mostly on the basis of grassroots effort.
And, of course, why is this important? Because, obviously, it greatly reduces special interest control over your candidates. So, we couldn't do it totally with Trump, but to a great degree we did. And between his personal wealth and the grassroots effort, he is by far the most independent president, to enter the White House. I mean, I I don't know how far back I would have to go before I might say there is another president, more independent of the special interest than Donald Trump, and I think we're seeing that.
Nonetheless, the Trump election was a triumph of 1, the precinct strategy, which, for those of you who haven't heard of the precinct strategy, you should all be involved in it, by the way. It's going down to your local Republican party and getting involved. Excuse me. At the local level, getting involved at your pre in your precinct, getting involved with the governance of the Republican Party, taking over the Republican Party, if possible, in your area and maybe in your state, but also setting up organization on the ground, neighborhood by neighborhood, which is, folks, the way we are going to completely and totally take our country back. I've talked about this before in a couple of episodes of our decision, and I will be talking about it again.
Anyway, that that strategy alone and all the people that got involved with it have everything to do with Trump's victory with the turnout of low propensity voters that was so key to his victory and, very successful, and then not taking away anything from Charlie Kirk, Turning Point, from Scott Pressler, from all of these other independent organizations or 501c4s or whatever the heck they were. There was a several different groups that seen that the tremendous void at the RNC under Rana, Rana Romney McDaniel, that just got with it on their own. And then, after there was a change in administration at the RNC, they got the backing of the brass, but they went with these other groups, which was very smart and not saying, oh, no. We are the RNC. Nobody but us can be in charge of the grassroots, get out the vote effort, and you have to follow us because that would have been a total disaster.
But, yeah, Moms for Liberty, another group I absolutely love, they had different strategies to get people involved in the election to help their own cause, which is local schools, but also get these people to out to vote, you know, really for Trump. So there was a real shift among Hispanics. That one was absolutely for real, folks. I mean, you just look at the Rio Grande Valley. You just look at across the border in Texas, all of those counties that are 80, 90, 95% Hispanic that went from blue to red, went into the Trump column, and not to mention just the the great increase all over the country, the the victory in Nevada, surely, the margin of the victory in Arizona, greatly enhanced by, the growth of Hispanics in the party.
And I will say and I'm gonna talk about the black vote and the Jewish vote here in just a moment. I will say, folks, this was not a result of the, amount of pandering at times I was gagging on coming from the RNC. They were still doing too much of that stuff, but it was because of the basic policies of Donald Trump and their perception that he was a real leader, that he was going to restore our economy, that he was going to get rid of the tyranny of the federal government. And, I think those are the reasons that these people came across. I mean, when I worked for Ron Paul, you know, doctor Paul, 0 pandering.
Absolutely 0 pandering. No welfare for the inner cities. No welfare for the big corporations. No welfare for Israel. That was doctor Paul.
Very consistent, very constitutionalist, and we had and a lot of people don't even know this. But to date, I mean, there was more diversity, if you wanna use that term. I actually actually hate that term. But, there were, the participation of a lot of Puerto Ricans in that campaign, a lot of Hispanic folk, a lot of black folk. I had dinner with a rabbi.
There were Jewish folk involved knowing that he was gonna cut off Israel's foreign aid because a lot of these people don't wanna be pandered to, folks. They want you to be honest with them and they just want freedom. People a lot of people just want freedom, The opportunity to advance and, get a piece of the action in this country. And that is what I believe propelled Trump in this case. The same thing was propelling the success that we had earlier in earlier years with doctor Paul.
So this pandering, let's have a black program. Let's just say, this is we're doing all this for the blacks. That's a loser, folks. It's a loser politically, and it's also not right. Anything outside the constitution, totally not right.
But there's a real shift among Hispanics. There was not a huge shift in the black vote, but there was a decided lack of enthusiasm for the democrats coming from, particularly black males, and there was an increase in, the vote for the republicans with black males. But I I would describe it more as an unmooring of the black vote, particularly the male black vote from the democrats more than this colossal shift I kept hearing about, toward the republicans. The Jewish vote, without doubt, there were, Jewish, folk in consternation about Biden's general foreign policy incompetence, but particularly, as it applied to the Jewish state. Ironically, Muslims moved toward Trump up in Dearborn, Michigan.
I couldn't believe some of the stories that were coming out of Dearborn Heights, particularly the mayor of Dearborn Heights, which is adjacent to Dearborn, Michigan, a lot of Lebanese folk, Islamic folk of Lebanese extraction in that area, and, quite a few Muslims voting for Trump as well as, an increase in Jewish folk, but yet I looked at up the percentage. Now maybe the statistic wasn't correct. 21% of the Jewish vote for Trump, that's not that great. I keep hearing all that Jewish vote. Why?
I really came in for Trump. 21%, I don't think so. But the the Jewish folks are so embedded in the Democrat party as a group. But that is as a group. There have always been individuals who have been an exception to that always.
And, there were more of them this cycle. If that, statistic is accurate, 21%, though, not a whole lot to brag about there. My next conclusion about this election is that, it's obvious. When you look at the senate election of John Thune, when you look at the swinish behavior of the speaker of the house, who I've said was a poodle of special interest, and I hope now will become Trump's poodle. We'll have to see.
But it's obvious that there was this great grassroots emphasis influence over the presidential contest. That's why we have Donald Trump as a nominee and now as our president, but not so much at the congressional level at and at the, senatorial level. When these folks run for office, they're going to the pharmaceutical companies. They're going for the Israel connected lobbies. They're going to the defense contractors.
They're going to all these big business interests who fund the races for these, members of congress and, senators. And, you know, folks, if you're in a competitive district, my god. It is expensive. You're gonna run for congress. 2, 3, $4,000,000, and Katie bar the door when you run for senate anymore in a competitive situation.
They need 1,000,000 of dollars because there isn't the grassroots, emphasis, enthusiasm, for them. And, you know, one thing feeds on on another. They become you know, they're trying to play it safe. They don't come out in bold positions, and then the grassroots are not excited by them. And so we gotta fix that.
If we're gonna really fix our congress problem, as I called it in an earlier episode of our decision, we have got to unhook them from the special interest money and get them more in tune with small donors. There needs to be more small donors and with grassroots activists. We and we need the kind of candidates that excite small donors and grassroots activists. So big problem, and we'll see how big of a problem that is is Trump, now will have to get at least most of his cabinet picks through the senate full of Republican rhinos. I mean, bad.
I mean, forget the democrats. A lot of Republican senators are no damn good folks. They're just no damn good. So how much they, many of whom, 2 thirds of whom will not be elected, will not be up for reelection in the next election cycle. 2 thirds of them will not be.
1 third will be. The one the one third that will be in cycle as they call it, will pay a little bit more attention to the grassroots and more attention to Trump. The other 2 thirds are more removed from that leverage that we might hold over them, but we'll see how much the Trump landslide and the huge amount of political capital that Donald Trump has at the moment, how much that will influence them, to allow Trump to get through people like Bobby Kennedy through that cycle, Matt Gaetz, the attorney general pick through that cycle, Tulsi Gabbard, the DNI pick through that cycle. We'll have to see, but that's why we have that problem. Systemically, it's because they are almost totally unmoored from the grassroots, and they're, and that needs to change.
So we still need in America more intensity and many, many more warriors in the grassroots. There was an incredible explosion for Donald Trump. People, a lot of people got it and how dangerous it would have been for our republic to have 4 more years of these Marxist Democrats. But, we need a lot more intensity, more folks, more people in the precincts, more people going to the Republican party and asking, to become precinct captains or precinct committee officers or precinct chairman, whatever they call them in your state. And you need to do that if you haven't, checked into it.
And then for them to recruit other people in the neighborhood so neighborhood by neighborhood, we can talk directly to our neighbors about the serious issues that confront America, about returning America's sovereignty, about returning America to the constitution and to the 28 enumerated powers to get the federal government reduced to and focused on the 28 enumerated powers in the constitution and get them the hell out of all the other things they are doing, on a sustained basis, we gotta have a lot more soldiers out there. Early voting. Mike Lindell and other people were saying, do not do any early voting, and I have close friends here in Utah. Do not do any early voting. Folks, I understand all the perils of early voting, but, of course, there's a lot of election integrity perils of any kind of voting right now and, practically, anywhere in the country.
But I am gonna tell you, as somebody who's been a campaign operative for many, many, many years working at every level from school board to the president of the United States level of political competition, you you cannot hand early voting to your opposition. You need to be getting everyone you can and, particularly, people who wouldn't normally vote. You need to get them voting early, and, of course, ideally, if you have them fill out a mail in ballot and you help them get that ballot where it needs to go. This is why Trump won. He could not have won without the early voting effort, and they were so smart not to cannibalize the game day voting by going for what we call 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 4 voters, people who are so faithful they voted in the last four elections for everything, but they went for the 0 of 4 voters and the 1 of 4 voters to make sure they got to the polls.
And once they bank those votes, then the the list is smaller of people they need to get out close to or on election day. So it worked beautifully, and we have to keep doing that until we can get rid of this early voting. That's another topic when I will wanna talk about on our decision. But, while we have to deal with early voting, we need to be very competitive in it. So we already have a lot of what I call minos, MAGA in name only politicians.
They're all over the place now, folks. We all love Donald Trump. John Thune's up there saying, I love Donald Trump. I'm gonna get his agenda through. We'll have to see about that, senator Thune, since you've been a creepy rhino, from day 1.
Terrible. But, we're gonna have more of these folks folks, and we're gonna have to deal with them, understand who they are, expose them, and keep these office holders particularly, once again, I say it, in the house and in the senate in line with Donald Trump's agenda as long as his agenda is lie is in line with what we need in this country. A end of big government at home and an end of the international project overseas. But there will be a huge growth coming, bigger than we see now of fake MAGA people in the republican party. Take that one to the bank, folks.
There will be another conclusion and other obvious one, but one we need to keep in mind every minute. An all out assault from the left, like we haven't even seen yet against Donald Trump. And don't be mollified by the fact that Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor, is ending, at least for now, the federal prosecutions of Donald Trump from every different direction. The left will be attacking, and the internationalist establishment will be attacking because, folks, we are truly going for the jugular here. Thank god.
I didn't think I would live long enough to see this day coming, but I really do believe that Donald Trump's project, his MAGA project, you know, I'm not always in love with everything Donald Trump does or wants to do or the people around him or who he may have made deals with, etcetera, but, seriously, I mean, you're gonna objectively look at his project and the coming end of this transgender craziness in the federal government, the end of DEI in the federal government. The the, returning our war fighters to being war fighters, to having a more humble foreign policy, but buttressed with a stronger, robust military. And on and on, they're telling the climate people to go stick it somewhere, getting out of the climate agreement again. All of the things that we know Donald Trump is going to do. With all of those things in mind, you know, not just the far left folks, but the foreign policy establishment, as they call it, the council on foreign relations crowd, the Atlantic council crowd, the people behind Fox News, and all the other establishment news in this country, they're coming for Trump.
You better count on it. And keeping him alive alone is going to be a prayer project of a daily basis because this guy is dangerous to them. And thank god for that. Donald Trump is throwing down on the deep state. Unbelievable.
He really is. Just his pick for attorney general. And I've been telling people this. Everyone had asked me, the pick I'm gonna watch to see whether Trump is serious is who he picks for attorney general. And, oh my god, I could not believe he picked back Gates.
Wow. So we will see. And Bobby Kennedy at HHS. I mean, it's just starting to look like a beautiful world. So we will have to see.
But, the and Trump will continue to expose our enemies as you watch the freak out at Fox News over picks like Matt Gaetz, and you're gonna watch it in a lot of other areas as well. If Trump can continue this momentum, you will see our enemies, not just the obvious ones on the far left, but the ones in the republican party, the ones in the, corporate establishment. You will see who they are, folks, and what they really are. So stay tuned. It's getting more it's getting more and more exciting out there.
It is still midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore, and you can see, you can listen to all my episodes of our decision atluemohr.com. Thank you very much. See you later.