Speaker 0: It's midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision.
Speaker 1: The crisis is here. Devils are among us, replacing our love of country, our values, our heroes, and our freedoms. This evil will replace our entire civilization and the descendants of the people who created it if we let them. America can still become the new Jerusalem our forefathers saw in vision. Their struggle for freedom was blessed by God.
We will be too. If like them, we decide to fight.
Speaker 0: Against tyranny and corruption for Christ and constitution. The Hour of Decision with Lou Moore starts now. Welcome to Hour of Decision. My name is Lou Moore, and tonight, we've got a couple of topics on the table. The first one, I guess, is the fight for the Department of Justice and the fight that Donald Trump is gonna continue to have, ladies and gentlemen, to fight for the people he wants to serve with him in government.
Because as I've said before on our decision, we have a congress problem, a serious congress problem. And it's not just because there's so many democrats in both the senate and a whole lot of them in the house, almost as many as the republicans, but it's because of the quality of the Republicans that we have in the house. But, primarily, now we're talking about in the US senate. So today and I don't try to be a topical news show necessarily, but as I'm recording this today, Matt Gaetz has taken himself out of the running to be the attorney general. And, evidently, according to reporting from war room with Steve Bannon, there were 4 hard no Republican senators, Murakowski from Alaska, who's not really a Republican, who's only there because of ranked choice voting, Susan Collins in Maine, Mitch McConnell, need I say any more about that individual, and a new senator, one from my state, the great state of Utah, John Curtis, who evidently, right out of the gate, is going to establish the fact that he's Mitt Romney 2.0.
Terrible. Terrible. For the state of Utah, a state that, elected John Donald Trump by 60% of the vote, that we are gonna be represented now, it looks like folks, by a total and complete rhino. But that's a story from another day, and it is a story we're gonna tell because for my entire audience, just let me tell you that John Curtis was the chairman of the Democrat party in the county which I live in Utah, in Utah County, not that many years ago. But suddenly, he decided he actually wanted to get elected to something in Utah County, which went for Trump by over 70% of the vote.
So mister Curtis suddenly realized that he was a republican, and there you go. He got elected mayor. He got elected to congress, and, you know, he was, like, number 2 on the entire list of members of congress right there with Nancy Pelosi with stock trading issues, trading stock, and, of course, the number one crusader in the house against members of congress doing day trading with all that inside information they have. The number one person fighting that in the house was Matt Gaetz, who has just been torpedoed by John Curtis and by the other 3, major league rhinos that we have in the US senate. But, of course, unfortunately, folks, those are not the only rhinos in the senate.
So big problem. And, as I said, I've said it more than once. The most important pick for Donald Trump, the single most important pick for Donald Trump, other than vice president. And that's only an important pick, really, if something happens to our president-elect. But, otherwise, the single most important pick without any doubt is the office of attorney general.
He has to have a wingman with all of the people out to get him, and we have to completely clean out the Department of Justice or, otherwise, one of those 4 existential crises I keep referring to that I've, supported Trump so vigorously because I believed he would deal with them. But crisis number 1 was the crisis concerning our first amendment rights, our freedom of speech, our freedom to assemble, and we cannot possibly deal with this censorship crisis that we have, the attack on our churches, all of the other elements of that particular crisis. We can't possibly get there from here, folks, without a new attorney general and one that's gonna be vigorous with all of the satanic snakes that exist in the justice department, in the FBI, so, in the US attorney offices. You know, these US attorneys, folks, is is becoming common knowledge. They withhold evidence all the time.
In these cases, they don't give the defense attorneys the kind of, transparency that's required under our system. So they can provide a proper defense, and they brag they brag there in those US attorney's offices that their conviction rate is well into the 90 percentiles. It's like 94, 95%. It is because some of these trials are pretty close to being rigged. And we gotta get rid of these US attorneys, every single one that is sitting right now.
I mean, Trump may decide to keep a couple of them, but all the rest need to go. And this is all under the purview of the attorney general and the justice department as is the FBI, which has major league problems. You know, we just found out they sent a couple of attractive women into the Trump campaign in 2016 to sexually compromise members of the Trump team. Folks, this is totally outrageous. This is totally third world or totally communist.
And, you know, Wray, he's gotta go. He has got to go, and this entire justice department needs to be cleaned out vigorously. Not a surface cleaning folks, a deep clean. And that Gates would have been perfect for that assignment, but he's not going to get that assignment now. He's taken himself out of the running for attorney general.
Scarulous allegations, that the justice department the justice department that hates Mac Gaetz' guts, that department that is as crooked as I just described, took a pass on trying to prosecute him because, of course, everybody was after him because of the disruptive nature of his political career. The fact he took on speaker McCarthy, stood up in the house, and stared down that scumbag, liar, McCarthy, that gave us the, I mean, beyond belief, budgetary situation we're in because he didn't fight at all, giving the democrats a couple of years of free rein. But the budget and that's just the beginning with McCarthy. Don't get me started there, but Matt Gaetz stood him down. Matt Gaetz had the guts to look into this here situation with the stock trading, that little problem that now senator Curtis has had in the past from the state of Utah.
So on every level, Matt Gaetz was a fighter. He was extremely good on his feet, very sharp, and, he would have been perfect. But now Trump's gonna have to find somebody else. And, as important as the fact that he has to go back to the well and find somebody else, there's now blood on the in the water, folks, because he's had his first defeat. Trump has been on a roll for a long time for quite a while before the election, and then the massive show of support on the part of the American people on election night and since then.
And, he made some bold picks. We're gonna talk about a few others of these picks, and they're all in the crosshairs, every one of them, and the defeat out of the gate of Matt Gaetz of, the situation forcing him to now pull himself out of the running for attorney general. This is not good for the Trump train. This is not good for any of us who want wanted who want real reform in the justice department and in these other agencies and, and solving these 4 crises. I just mentioned the first one most pertinent to the attorney general and to the Department of Justice, which is our first amendment crisis, the most important one.
So we'll see what happens, folks. We'll see who Trump puts up next. But, you know, there's gonna be pressure on him within his inner circle, all these corporate donors that kinda joined the Trump train late. They're all gonna say, oh, let's you maybe better pick a little safer person. You can't suffer another defeat, mister president-elect.
You're gonna have to pick somebody a little weaker. We don't want that. But that's a situation that president Trump is in, so we'll see if, something happens on that before, you hear this show. But it might take a few days for them to reassemble themselves as far as his, department of justice attorney general pick. So, that was Gates.
That was the, Department of Justice, and that was, existential crisis number 1, the situation, there with our first amendment. So, crisis number 2 that I keep talking about is our border, our broken immigration system, and the fact that we have just been engulfed by aliens where you have 20,000 Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, where you have this other town in Ohio whose name now escapes me. It's got a population of about 4000 and 2000 of them are illegal aliens. We can't have this, folks. And we can't have these soft people who, you know, every day they're pushing at the margins.
Oh, we're just gonna get the criminals. You know, we're really not gonna be able to deport these other people. Ladies and gentlemen, at minimum, every single person that has come in this way, 15 to 20 million of them, it is the size. It's the size that some people are saying, oh, we can't deport all those people. This is why we have to deport all these people because there is so many of them, and they've come here so quickly.
And a lot of them are gangsters. 100 of thousands of them are criminals, and they all gotta go. And I don't mind prioritization. But ladies and gentlemen, they all gotta go, every last one of them, and we need to keep the pressure up on our government, on these weasel weak members of the congress and the senate, and keep supporting our president who promised that they were all gonna go. They all gotta go.
Anyway, he's picked Tom Homan. We're now talking about some of his other picks for, the borders are, which is not really a constitutional office, and I don't like these czars they come up with. But we are in an emergency, and we need somebody that we know is gonna prosecute president Trump as Trump's agenda. His immediate agenda is getting back on building that border wall on starting to deport the most dangerous among us, the several 100000 criminals among us, the several 100000 that have been ordered by a judge to leave our country who are still wandering around because of the sabotage to our entire border system by the communist Biden administration. And so, we need somebody to prosecute that agenda.
Nobody better than I'm aware of than Tom Homan. Now his boss at the sec at the Homeland Security, agency or department, excuse me, cabinet department, because it's because Bush created this monster. Terrible that he did that. We have Kristi Noem in that slot. Not a fan of Kristi Noem.
Not a big fan of hers. She's done some good things, but mainly, she's kind of, been going along to get along, in my opinion, as far as her relationship with the Trump operation and her relationship, more importantly, with the MAGA agenda. So Christy Noem, not a fan, but I don't believe she's gonna be herself tied to give up the works too much. And immigration was, front and center, in Trump's, in Trump's world, in Trump's issue set. And, of course, he was pretty dynamite on immigration the last time.
We didn't get into the deportation levels of illegals that we now, because of a crisis, have to talk about. But he he was trying to get the wall built despite rhino Republican opposition as well as the Democrats. He did all these things with Mexico. He ended catch and release. He did a relatively very good job.
Last time, he got a bigger emergency, and this time, I think he will again, give it 100% of his attention. So Christy, no one whether she's the sharpest knife in the drawer or the strongest person they could've been picked for that position, Department of Homeland Security. I don't think she's gonna interfere, with mister Allman. The borders are. So pretty happy with that pick.
So we go over to, now some of the other, picks that are in trouble, and they're in more trouble, folks. Not because of anything they've done, but just because of what happened to mister Gates today. There's gonna be an increased resolve to not allow these other 3 anti establishment picks, to be, and intend up to be in our government. But let's start with Pete Hegseth at the Department of Defense. Not wasn't a huge supporter of mister Hegseth, all of his views earlier on because I kinda suspected a little bit of a neoconservative streak through, mister Hegsetz.
But, I mean, he is spot on on DEI, and DEI alone will destroy our military capability if we don't reverse this whole woke Marxist disaster going on in our military immediately. And then secondarily, we've gotta rebuild this military. We've gotta gut the size of the Pentagon, get rid of the fat, get rid of a ton of duplication, and people walking around with clipboards and analysts and all this crap and get all of them the hell out of there. But then we've gotta rebuild our merchant marine. We've gotta rebuild our defenses, at the North Pole.
Ladies and gentlemen, JR Nyquist, who's been on my show a number of times, who is sharp as a knife, has been pointing out that we basically have completely abandoned our polar defenses. So why is that a big deal? You know, are we gonna be fighting polar bears and, you know, the native folk and igloos up there and everything, whatever it doesn't make? Well, it makes a huge difference because if we're gonna have a missile attack, for example, and possibly an air attack from either Russia or China, they're coming over the pole, folks. This is just a known fact.
And, and both of them have put a very high priority on their, their military systems that are, pointed at us over the pole. So that that's a big one. That's a big one. People are not even talking about, except, of course, my friend, JR Nyquist, who is always ahead of the curve on these defense issues. But, I mean, I'm just beginning.
You know? Why don't we have a missile defense? Why don't we have a missile defense system? We gave Israel 1. Israel can have a missile defense system paid for by the United States with US technology.
Why can't we have 1? And, I mean, it goes on and on, folks. There's so much that needs to be done in the, area of our war fighting, of our national security. And I think overall, Pete Hecks has a tremendous pick, and, of course, they're coming after him because nobody messes with the Pentagon without one hell of a intramural fight. And so it's coming, and we gotta back him.
We gotta support him in my opinion. Tulsi Gabbard kinda had mixed feelings about her. I just mentioned JR Nyquist, one of his closest associates, and I've got to sit down, spend some time with myself. I haven't had him on my show as of yet. But Trevor Loudoun, one of the best folks, one of the best at ferreting out the communists that are throughout our government, but particularly in the congress.
He's not too high on Tulsi because, yes, she did leave the Democrat party. Yes. She has affiliated with MAGA, but she was very, very, very affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America. She didn't just support Bernie Sanders. She was up to her eyebrows, eyeballs in the socialist project, and people could change.
I believe that. And so, anyway, I'm gonna have to trust president Trump on this one, but I will just put on the record, I am not all rah rah about Tulsi Gabbard. I am very nervous about Tulsi Gabbard. I might try to get Trevor on my show to explain his position on this. I don't want don't I hate the backbiting of Trump, but we are talking about making her the DNI, the kind of the czar of national intelligence.
Another one of these consolidation moves where now all the intelligence agencies are supposed to filter all their stuff through the DNI. And, you know, Clapper is the most infamous one we've had recently. James Clapper, horrid. Anyway, it's an important position, and, we gotta take that one real seriously, folks. But at the same time, there's all kind of deep state activity going on with these intelligence agencies now.
They also need to be cleaned out. And, we got John Ratcliffe is gonna come in, I guess, is the CIA director. Ratcliffe, my his record's pretty good with Trump, pretty loyal, but I don't know if he's the fireball type that we need in that agency. That is such a wilderness of mirrors as James Jesus Angleton told us many years ago. And a lot of good people there.
I don't I hear conservatives say, we gotta get rid of the CIA. That is about the last thing on earth we need to do, ladies and gentlemen, but we sure as hell need to clean it. Deep cleaning of the CIA is in order. So we'll see and we'll see about mister Ratcliffe. So, one of my favorite picks, and I'm surprised that I'm even saying this since I spent a lot of time on our decision.
If you followed this program attacking the Kennedy family, not a fan of JFK. Sorry about it, but, really, I'm not sorry about it. Not a fan of RFK senior, not at all. But, RFK junior, not a fan of his earlier environmental efforts. He was heading one of the most litigious organizations in America that was, sue first, ask questions later that, actually, I ran up against these people.
I'm not gonna get into this now, but when I was up in the Puget Sound, and we were trying to trying to make the Puget Sound better and cleaner, but not destroying industry in the process. And, the organization he, was affiliated with, not not very nice. But, anyway but I love his stand on the medical industrial complex. And because of this, folks, I forgive him all of his sins, in the other area. And, Trump has made it very clear he's gonna kinda cordon off Bobby Kennedy junior and just keep him focused on the health issue.
He said a few things I don't totally agree with. But, I mean, it's obvious, folks. We need to make major changes in this country, and we need to whack the pharmaceutical industry and the public health tyrants that starting from the UN and going through our national, you know, NIH and the whole thing with doctor Fauci. And I don't have a lot more time in this segment. I'm running out of time.
But I wanna do a whole segment on this. And on, Robert f Kennedy junior as he gets going here, that's coming, folks, because I I have personal experiences, I have experiences in my family with alternative medicine and also experiences with the boot heel of the fascist deep state, coming after people that just wanted to make you healthier. And people that you probably never even heard of because of the boot heel of the deep state as well as the phenol pharmaceutical industry. And with a I say it with a capital b, Venal, there are good players in that entire field that are trying to come up with good, you know, improvements, in medicines for our health. But the far as the players that run it, the ones that run every state legislature in America and a good hunk of the congress, what we call big pharma, these people are no damn good folks.
And we got a really I'd tell you another big cleanse operation, and, hopefully, Bobby Kennedy can get through his confirmation process and, provide that for us. So Gates out. HEGSETH, gonna be tough. Gabbard, gonna be tough. Kennedy, gonna be tough.
Gonna be resistance on every front, ladies and gentlemen. I said this early on. Whether Trump wins or not, the fight is just beginning. My name is Lou Moore, and I invite you to, go to the website that I am co owner of called Secure Vote dot news to, read the latest election integrity news, and we have a tremendous body of, documents and other resources for election integrity advocates. That's at secure vote dot news, and we have a show.
9:15 mountain time. I keep forgetting to mention this. You can hear us at
9:15 mountain time. Just go to our website, and you can hear that show every week. I'll be right back.
This is Lou Moore at hour of decision. Welcome back to hour of decision. My name is Lou Moore, and, we're gonna talk about some rhinos now, folks. We're gonna talk about the rhinos, the republicans in name only. The folks that are causing president Trump all the problem now, and we haven't seen anything yet.
They're gonna be causing him a whole lot more problem, particularly if we don't back our president all the way when we know he's right. And I hope, Trump is not shy about making appeals over the top of the senate leaders and house leaders, as far as that goes, of our own party to, get his make America great agenda up and running and hopefully across the finish line on some of these key issues and key areas. This term, republicans in name only, it implies that there are republicans running around that really are republicans. And at this point in time in history, I would say that is certainly the case. It's not just a matter that they have a little bit different view than you do, but that that they, have gotten elected, that they have got one support in the public, in the conservative media, when they are not doing the things they say they want to do.
So big problem. But I'm gonna go into the history here a little bit because I love history. And a lot of people don't know this history, and a lot of conservatives are given a false, history by republican propagandists who wanna tell you that every democrat, most evil person ever walked the earth the entire history of their party, nothing could be farther from the truth. So back in the day and the day being, after the civil war in 1800, there were 2 political parties. Same 2 we have now.
Basically, a 2 party system, But the Republican Party, folks, was the big government party. They were the party who wanted to get the government all kinds of new things. The radical wing of the, Republican Party at that time was corresponding with 5 people like Karl Marx, getting ideas from him. This is a fact, ladies and gentlemen, where the democrats, and you may not like a lot of the things they believed at that time, but they believed themselves to be, the party a personal liberty. And, they had a kind of a strange coalition between southerners who didn't want the northerners on their backs.
Of course, this did have to do with segregation and with the African American population down there. But then in the cities, new immigrants into the country, they were highly, distrustful of the federal government, and they were in this coalition with the southerners, the white southerners, the northern immigrants, the Jews, the Irish, the Poles, the, you know, the people from Eastern Europe, etcetera. And then, farmers scattered around, but particularly out in the west, farmers in the mining interest. Also many of them democrat to because they didn't want the federal government on their back. They didn't want higher taxes.
They didn't wanna pay for a lot of the great ideas that the precursors to the Marxist socialist, had in the Republican Party. So that's how the parties kinda broke out back at that time, but then the progressive era came upon us. And both parties, unfortunately, to a great degree, embraced progressivism, and particularly the democrats first under Woodrow Wilson. And then later, the complete transformation of the democrats actually occurred under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was not a small government, not a personal liberty type of democrat, but there were a lot of them out there. I mentioned in an earlier show, we had this Al Smith dinner that, Kamala Kamala didn't go to here a month ago.
That that dinner is put on by Catholic folk in New York, and it's named after a politician named Al Smith, who was, I believe, the first Catholic governor of New York. He was the first Catholic candidate for president of the United States. He lost in 1928. But Al Smith was a small government conservative democrat, and he hated Franklin Roosevelt, fought him a hammer and tong, and started an organization, helped start one called the Liberty League after the new deal started to put all these onerous big government programs in place. This is in the mid 19 thirties.
Al Smith was involved with the Liberty League. So, anyway, this is how, a lot of democrats were and republicans, generally big government, but they started to move away from that. And there were elements in republicans that wanted to move away from it, and they, became more influential in the party first in the twenties with Harding, Coolidge, and not so much Hoover, but Harding and Coolidge, who were had been somewhat in the progressive project, particularly Coolidge had been, but saw the mood of the country that they didn't like the big government, coming out of World War 1, coming out of the Wilson administration. And so they became more conservative, not really ideologically conservative, but more just, more suspicious of all of these new initiatives, including, the big overseas project that Roosevelt, got serious with after World War 2. They failed after World War 1, the League of Nations, but after World War 2 with the United Nations, the whole internationalist project, there was a body of Republicans who were more and more not supporting that, but there was also a body of republicans who had been republicans their whole career, whose parents were republicans, grandparents were republicans, who were all about big government, who disagreed with Roosevelt, but basically thought they could do it, just do a new deal, big government type of project better than the democrats.
You know? And this is the Rockefeller family. The eastern establishment republicans, they go way back. Prescott Bush and the Bush family. As another example, he was in the senate in the fifties, the white David Eisenhower.
I will go into all the machinations involved between the more conservative faction, which, after World War 2 was led by Robert Taft initially. But, the grassroots were gravitating to the Taft wing and away from the eastern establishment and the big government Republicans, but they were, in their minds, legitimately Republicans. They had had these same views for couple of 3 generations in the Republican party. But when Barry Goldwater came along, that was the real separation. And it started later in the fifties, the John Birch Society, a lot of other organizations.
We're gonna be talking about the Birchers at length there, maybe even next week. I've got some interview footage, and I also have a bunch of notes on the history of the John Birch Society, which I think you folks need to know because all kinds of things have been said about them that are not true. So we'll be talking about the birches, but, anyway so big conservative movement, anticommunist movement, anti big government movement, anti internationalist movement, building in the fifties, and it didn't affect, too much the presidential election in 1960. But it sure as hell affected it in 64 where Barry Goldwater, very similar to Trump, defeated the establishment and became the presidential nominee. Now he went down to ignomia's defeat.
He went down to a severe defeat in that election. But I would argue about that time, all over the country, the mechanisms of the GOP were taken over by Goldwater conservatives. And Goldwater conservatism, it wasn't even called that for very long, but conservatism really became the backbone of the Republican party. And and because it became the backbone of the Republican party, there became fewer and fewer and fewer, what they called Rockefeller Republicans at that time, eastern establishment liberal Republicans, George Romney Republicans. And, more and more folks were saying folks were saying, boy, I'm a conservative.
I'm really conservative. 1 of them was a young man by the name of George Bush down in Texas running around with his cowboy boots on even though he was from establishment money in Connecticut. He went down to Texas and, he ran around and said, boy, I'm for Barry Goldwater. I'm a conservative, when he really wasn't one. And that, I believe, he's a good example.
He's not the only one by far, but that's what I believe the republican in name only began. When the republican brand, the republican party was thoroughly taken over by the Goldwater small government, constitutionalist, nationalist, anticommunist, faction of the party took really complete dominance, and then people who wanted to get through primaries had to, swear allegiance in some form to that. And, Ronald Reagan's election in 66, just the impetus, the southerners leaving the democrats, coming into the Republican Party on mass, really, within a few years, it made, the GOP become the conservative party, but but the powers that be didn't want some party out there going wild, destroying their big government project at home and their world government project, being conducted, with the other nations of the world, the internationalist project. And so hence, the, guy that runs for office saying, boy, I wanna cut taxes. I'm a conservative and all this.
And, really, really, they still, were going to pay allegiance to the people financing their campaigns and the people giving them decent press in the establishment media. And, those people those people became what I would now call a rhino, legitimately. They were pretending to be one thing when they were really something else. Right? Nelson Rockefeller didn't do that.
Nelson Rockefeller pretty upfront about being a liberal. George Romney in Michigan was pretty upfront about being a liberal and, just believe they could do big government more efficiently than the democrats. A little less corrupt than all those union democrats, but they were liberals. But, that, faded out, and what took its place was the rain rhino Republican. So while you have the conservative movement just growing and growing and success on certain issues, like the gun issue, some success like in California on the tax issue, a growing pro life movement, the property rights movements, where you had, building energy on the ground in some of these discrete issue areas and some victories for the conservatives.
The core of the Fabian socialist project, growing big government at home, growing it bigger and bigger and bigger, and, growing, a superstructure for a world government overseas. I mean, in our country, but with the other countries overseas, that just kept on going, folks. Might have been slower. Progress might have been slower under George h, h w Bush. It might have been slower under GW Bush, but it was still going on, and they were still supporting it.
I mean, George Bush senior had the chance to destroy the communist Chinese, and he sent Brent coast, Scowcroft, excuse me, Utah boy, sent, Brent Scowcroft over to China, to send a signal and prop them up after the, after there was rebellion all over the country, including the huge protest at Tiananmen Square that resulted in a massacre. That government was on the ropes, folks, and Bush propped them up as part of the new world order arrangement. Remember, these internationalists, they may say at different times, oh, we're really anti communist, but they're always wanting just to contain communism. Keep it in line a little bit. Keep everything orderly for the rules based world order that they're always bragging about, talking about, and promoting.
Where Barry Goldwater, true conservatives for the last I mean, we're getting now 80 years, folks. They wanted to get rid of all this stuff and they wanted freedom. Freedom for Americans and freedom from entanglements overseas going back to what George Washington warned us about in his, in his address where he talked about entangling alliances. We we don't need these. We shouldn't have these.
They're bad for us and for our country. So, so the Republican party progresses in every cycle. The conservatives go against a little bit more moderate candidate, and then the conservatives get their candidate, and then they go to the US senator or the house, and most of them do not do a damn thing to end the big government project or this internationalist project. But then, this quiet occurred, and I talk about this in my book. And even before my book about Ron Paul, before the period that it covers, in great detail.
I talk about it some, but you had Pat Buchanan with a nationalist agenda, concerned both about the degenerate, Marxist culture over, cultural Marxism beginning to overwhelm our country in the nineties, but really talking about this internationalist project and, and how it was destroying us. And what was happening was these politicians are getting elected. They were steering the base into, you know, the tax issue. Oh, we'll cut your taxes. Let's have lower taxes.
Boy, I'm pro gun all the way. And they might have said, I'm pro life all the way. A lot of them said that, but they would steer you away from the trade issue, from the fact that we were losing our entire manufacturing base. A project of these internationalists that for generations have talked about leveling the United States, leveling the power of the United States so it could be comfortably merged into a one world government. So these re rhino republicans were saying they were conservative and, oh, they're pro life, and I belong to the NRA and all this stuff.
But they're steering the public away from the trade issue and away from the immigration issue because big business loves cheap labor, and they were more than happy to destroy our culture and destroy our sovereignty by having this open border. And that's why we've had inexcusable intrusions over our border going back now to the 19 seventies. This is not hardly a new issue, folks. And, but I mean, it's gotten so far out of hand at this point. We're, you know, we're on another level of destruction of our sovereignty and of having a border, but it's been going on for a long time.
And there were not hardly any Republican conservatives with the guts to really even talk about this, much less do anything about it. But that changed over time. 1st, the talk. But now talk you know, talk's cheap. Now we gotta have the action, and that's where Trump has come in.
But, but what has happened is is the grassroots have had the ability with the new media, which is a whole another factor. You know, back in the sixties seventies, they didn't have you have talk radio to any degree. They certainly didn't have social media. They didn't have x. They didn't have Twitter.
They didn't have the level of networking and the ability to get their message out around the corporate media, going around the corporate media that is occurring now. And, you know, if you can't get around the corporate media, you can't get the word out. You can't get your message out. You can't make your arguments, and you can't win. So this has been a problem.
But, you know, over time, some of these problems have been dealt with. And now we have a president that he owes a few things to a few people. He had to take some big money. We talked about that, I believe, last week on our decision. But he's basically unfettered and a grass roots produced candidate that was elected again, president of the United States.
Problem is that's not how these senators, as I said last week, that's not how they're getting elected. That's not how members of congress are getting elected. And so we still need a lot more grassroots warriors, ladies and gentlemen, because right now, it's becoming obvious that the grassroots have had success in changing the nature of presidential politics with the emergence of Donald Trump. But we haven't done a whole lot to change the nature of the congress. And the dark art and I call it a dark art because people don't pay attention every day to what goes on in that congress.
And, it's not quite as much true, but it is pretty much true. They don't pay enough attention or don't have a lot of attention shined on what's going on in the senate for them to know what these people are doing in the senate. People who are taking 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of dollars of money from big pharma, from people who have some overseas agendas, or people who are maybe, you know, single focused on Israel's needs as opposed to the needs of the United States. People who are in corporate America and the military industrial complex, all of the elements of the medical industrial complex. And so, that's where these people are getting funded, most of them.
That's why Pat Gates, one of the reasons why he was such a great pick, he never took any PAC money. He wasn't beholden to these people at all. I mean, totally dangerous for our establishment and totally encouraging for us. But, anyway so here we are in the situation where we have got these rhinos, and I I'm now calling them my nose because I'm a lot of them are going to the mic and saying, boy, I'm for Donald Trump all the way. This Donald Trump, boy, he's a really a great American.
People would have been happy if he had been rolled up in the January 6th psy op. People who said nothing and did nothing, like my congressman John Curtis, who's now a US senator, who was confronted by a friend of mine who happened to have a camera on, who claimed complete ignorance of what was going on with the j six prisoners. I mean, you gotta be kidding me. This is a member of congress. He had pretty busy with his day trading, I guess, maybe, his stock trading.
But, anyway, we we got you know, how many republicans? 220 approximately? A whole lot of them are still no damn good. They could be pushed. They can be influenced by the extreme popularity and what we call political capital that Donald Trump has today.
He's gotta be spending that capital quickly to build more capital, but, you know, they could be pressured. A lot of them can be pressured. It's not like they're all gonna vote against, president Trump. You know that's not true. But there aren't very many who are really with him, and the senate is even worse.
We have a huge problem in the US senate, and this is this is the rhino folks. This is the republican in name only. They get elected with the brand. They talk the issues, and now they're talking about a lot of the whole MAGA agenda to some degree or another, but they are not sincere. We gotta get rid of every one of them, and it's gonna take some time to do that.
In the meantime, we have to pressure them to do the right thing and to help president Trump get the cabinet he wants. Suffered one defeat already in that in that end of things. And, we need to get people who are aggressively conducting oversight over all these agencies and willing to cut this budget. And I don't may 1 or 2%, but are really on board with what Elon Musk is talking about, with what president Trump is talking about, that they are really on board with, transforming our government into something at least resembling the constitutional republic that our forefathers were given by God. This is so important, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Lou Moore, and you are listening to the hour of decision on Liberty News Radio. You can also find my, show on news for America.org. Hate to just give you this whole litany of websites here. You can also find my show on Lew Moore, l e w m, double o r e.com, or you can also find my book, forerunner, the unlikely role of Ron Paul, which talks about a lot of these patterns of history that led to doctor Paul's success in 2,008 and 2,012 and which was a forerunner, a precursor of the big explosion that went off inside the GOP in 2016, transforming the GOP, transforming the grassroots to an America first, nationalist, liberty minded, patriotic party. And now we gotta get these other office holders that are throwbacks, that are holdovers from the old corrupt era of rhinoism, of being republicans in name only.
We gotta get them on the bus or we gotta throw them off of the bus or we are gonna lose our republic. I'm gonna be talking in the next few episodes, here and there, the extreme importance of electing people at the local level. Or so I don't wanna just be fixated on the national level because in many ways, the action for patriots is at the local level. Again, my name is Lou Moore. This is Hour of Decision.
Thank you for joining me.