Lew reviews the whirlwind opening of the second Trump presidency and then discusses the severe challenges he has ahead with enemies within his own party, the media, the Deep State and other bureaucracies like the FBI. Trump must cut the budget. He must produce cheaper energy prices. He has to extricate us from Ukraine while preserving the peace in the Middle East. He has to keep China at bay. And he has to seal off our border and hopefully deport fifteen million illegal aliens. It will not be easy. But he’s off to an unbelievable start.
Speaker 0: Look around you. Wrong rules the land while waiting justice sleeps. I saw in the congress and crossing the country, campaigning with Ron Paul. Tyranny, rising, unspeakable evil, manifesting, devils lying about our heritage who want to enslave and replace us. But we are Americans with a manifest destiny to bring the new Jerusalem of endless possibilities.
But first, this fight for freedom. Be a part of it. But don't delay because this is the Hour of Decision.
Speaker 1: Hour of Decision with Lou Moore starts now. Welcome to Hour of Decision. My name is Lou Moore, and wow, folks, have we got a lot to talk about. Donald Trump on a tear and giving us a glimpse, at least, of what he is calling a golden age for America. It's at least a glimpse.
If it's gonna be more than that, we'll have to see, and there's a lot of things he'll have to overcome for it to be more than that. But right off the bat, we're no longer in the World Health Organization. That's positive news for the day right there. We could wrap it right there. Call it a good day's work, but that's just the beginning.
We're out of the Paris climate accord again, another phony internationalist deal to level the United States to make it part, eventually, of the wonderful one world government. We have troops massing at the border as we speak, and cartels who have been running wild under Joe Biden, pretty much having the run of the place all across the, US southern border, have been named a terrorist organization. Look for some cruise missiles to get dropped on a few matches, folks. Think that might be coming in the near future. ICE claims they have, conducted over 500 raids under the Trump administration, buttoning up, violent criminals, child pornographers, rapists, people, I guess, Joe Biden thought were just, it would just be wonderful if they were here as illegal aliens in America.
But, Trump's on the march in that direction. He's impounded $300,000,000,000 of graft from our federal budget that was supposed to go to a number of favored people in the new in the Green New Deal scheme. That's something that's pretty good. Head of the prisons, these godforsaken federal prisons, head of the Bureau of Prisons, fired, woke, head of the Coast Guard that was extremely fixated with DEI, fired, and then there was the magnificent release of RJ 6 prisoners, folks, despite the deep state resistance, despite the bleeding, bleating of the establishment news media, the whining of rhinos on Capitol Hill. Despite that fact, Donald Trump has commuted the sentences or, pardoned 1500 of these folks and almost all of them have gotten full pardons.
Only a few are still under review for the full pardon, but their sentences have been commuted. So people like Stuart Rhodes from, Oath Keepers and Eugene Torio Torio from the Proud Boys, 2 organizations I said on an earlier podcast, they really rammed it to these guys. I mean, Rhodes had an 18 year sentence. It's because, our enemies don't want organizations that are well put together that have the capability of protecting our people when we wanna go out in the street and protest the destruction of our country and the multitudinous issues that fall under that category. They don't want that.
So they really went after these guys, but the Oath Keepers, far as I know, I'm not real familiar with it, but far as I know, a great organization. I've talked to Stuart Rhodes on the phone just right when he was founding it. He's a former Ron Paul staffer. He's a friend of some very close friends of mine, highly respected by them. I believe he's a Yale educated attorney and a combat veteran.
I believe I have all that right. Anyway, he's free. Praise God. Praise God for that and for all the other oath keepers in particular because they really zeroed in on them, who are also freed, who most of them had outrageous jail sentences, prison sentences from the evil powers that what the hell was going on there? We've all seen the multitudinous film clips of Capitol police officers opening doors to let these protesters in the Capitol.
We got Ray Epps running around, a man who, unlike myself and most Americans, has actually had a puff piece written about him in The New York Times who was pleading, begging, cajoling, pressuring anybody who would listen to him to storm the capital. What's up with Ray Epps? I think we're gonna find that out now, folks. I got a feeling we are. What about that pipe bombing?
What about the details of that so called, pipe bomb attempt that they just don't really wanna talk about anymore? That bomb was supposed to have been in front of the Democrat National Committee offices just down from the Capitol. What really was up with that? What was up with some of the strange characters I'd heard described that had, like, little hoodies on or, little hats on with skulls on them that kind of showed up all of a sudden that didn't seem to be did not have the MAGA vibe. They were right there, right there at the Capitol.
And what about characters like John Sullivan, who actually hails from my part of the country, an African American gentleman quite busy? John Sullivan organized a protest, in downtown Provo, Utah, my hometown, and this protest, of course, was blocking cars on a main highway, and, they shot somebody trying to get through this communist, melee, going on in the middle of one of the, main streets of Provo, Utah. He organized that protest. A little later, for fortune really shined on John Sullivan because CNN paid this son of a bitch 33,000 dollars to be a media representative who just happened to be able to get inside the Capitol on j 6, who was seen by several people and by accounts I've heard egging them on to do damage and do violence, Capitol police officer. And Capitol police officer.
And, again, he was urging people. She was trying to keep keep people out of this section of the Capitol. They were, some people were wanting to go in to. She was trying to hold them back, and he was egging them on, folks, and getting paid by CNN $33,000, and nobody talks about it now. And it pisses me off every time I think about John Sullivan.
And where is John Sullivan today? Is he going to actually pay his debt to society for being a violent communist scumbag? I certainly hope so. So there are hundreds of questions like this that surround what happened on January 6th, and you remember the backdrop. President Trump had an election stolen from him.
Pretty obvious. MAGA people, attorneys like Rudy Giuliani had, like, persuaded several legislative leaders in some of the swing states where the, outcome, who should get the electoral votes in those states was in doubt. They were persuaded to petition, which they did, the congress to give them just a few more days to figure out what actually went on in that election to make sure that the correct candidate was getting electoral votes, but a traitor by the name of Mike Pence shut that down. But that's what Trump was wanting that day. The million, probably 1,000,000 and a half godly, prayerful, patriotic Americans that were there that day to support their president, That's what they were interested in.
Not lawlessness, not insurrection, but justice. They were interested in justice, folks. That's why they were there. And that was the purpose of of the lawful protest, but, of course, the powers that be saw a real opportunity to set up the very situation they did set up of this fake insurrection where everybody came to the big insurrection there at the Capitol, but they didn't have any weapons. I mean, some of these hardcore guys, like some of these oak keepers and the Proud Boys, no weapons.
Boy, that's a that's a heck of an insurrection. Man, these guys are something else. They got new tactics, new strategy evidently, to be insurrectionists. And so I could go on and on, but the point is there's more questions, 100 and 100 of more questions than firm and complete answers at this point because instead of having a lawful congressional committee, we had the communist and communist led Benny Thompson, son of communist from Mississippi, communist, Stalinist, j 6 panel that did not have regular order, that did not have, opposing counsel, that did not have the, the setup that's in every other congressional committee where there are two sides represented fairly, and then they didn't have, producers from ABC and these other Hollywood outfits producing all these videos. And, by the way, let's talk about coaching some witnesses.
How about that? Could be some big trouble there. Hence, a few pardons handed out by Joe Biden to every one of these damn people involved with this thing. This was a criminal activity, folks, posing as a lawful exercise of our representatives in congress. So it was all propaganda, communist to the max communist in form, in tactics, and also in substance, and it was not it was not a lawful exercise of our representatives doing their due diligence, doing their oversight function as our representatives.
I'm very happy to inform the audience, those who don't already know, that the weasel, Mike Johnson, our current speaker of the house, the poodle himself, it says he's going to reconstitute a January 6th committee, and he's gonna have a proper investigation and get to the bottom of these various items I mentioned and many others. And I said in an earlier episode of our of decision, I don't care if Mike Johnson is a poodle as long as he is our poodle and not the poodle of the special interest, which has not been the case so far. We don't have to go back very far in time to see that as he tried to lard up this last continuing resolution full of pork, and slip it through, but, we'll see. We'll see. Maybe he's gonna do the right thing in this case, and maybe it's gonna lead to a lot of other right thing or correct things being done.
So January 6, people free? God bless President Trump. God bless President Trump. And, 20 minutes before I started to record this episode, the president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, issued in an executive order to release all remaining classified files related to the JFK assassination, to the RFK assassination, the assassination of his of JFK's brother Bobby in 1968, and the other assassination that happened 2 months, before that time of Martin Luther King.
That one happened in April of 1968, but all three of those, a lot of allegations, a lot of suspicions, a lot of ill ease on the part of family members, particularly of the Kennedy family with some resources, may I add, who do not believe the official account, of any one of these three assassination attempts. Trump? I mean, the devil's in the details, and I'm already seeing some weasel words in this proclamation, in this executive order, but it appears that our president is at least making a full faith effort to, get at the bottom and let the public, more importantly, get it get to the bottom of what happened. On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, what happened in California, and I believe it was June. It was June of 1968, the cal night of the California primary where Bobby Kennedy won that primary.
Big head of steam heading to the Democrat convention as a rebel candidate, not an establishment candidate, as a Democrat nominee for president. And then, of course, 2 months earlier in Memphis at the infamous garbage orca strike, the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior and on the, balcony there at the Laurent Lorraine Motel. So big news, folks. Big news. I mean, it just keeps coming.
Can hardly even take it all in. In the 1st 4 days of the presidency of Donald John Trump. But getting back to these assassinations just for a minute, I have my own theory about what happened with JFK. I present that in the final of 3 episodes that I put together about the life, the presidency, and the assassination of John f Kennedy. Those who listen to me regularly know I am not a fan of John f Kennedy, in any regard.
But, anyway, I have my ideas about that. You can listen to that episode, episode 3 of my JFK series, if you wanna know all of my feelings and thoughts about the, JFK assassination. The RFK assassination. Interesting. JFK was an ineffective president who in the cycle of things with the Fabians was coming in, after 8 years of the white David Eisenhower acting as a gatekeeper preventing a populist rebellion against the New Deal, against the Fabian socialist conspiracy in America, and then JFK was supposed to come in and herald the new era of government governmental expansion.
We had one under Woodrow Wilson from 1913 to 1921. We had a huge, effort at in that regard under Franklin Delano Roosevelt from 1933 until some point where the New Deal actually just became World War 2. And, Kennedy was supposed to be hoped to be, people believed he would be the 3rd the 3rd big advancement of the administrative state, of the federal government, far outside the constitutional bounds our founders tried to keep the government in, and he was an ignominious failure, folks. John f Kennedy was a failure as a president in many regards, in in many foreign policy areas as well as his domestic agenda, the New Frontier, which was a total failure. He could did not get off the ground, and that's for a variety of reasons, which I talk about in that podcast series, but there was a reason to turn a failure into a martyr that would be used to pass all of this new government expansion that was on the table, which is exactly what happened under Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1964 as he was running for president, things like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and then the onslaught, the first 100 days of what they then started calling the great society after Johnson won the 1964 election using, shamelessly, using, JFK as a martyr, you know, they passed.
I mean, they expanded the government like it had never been expanded before, and which we're living under that and paying for all of that as we speak, paying for it in many different ways. So, anyway, that was JFK. RFK, RFK was a disturber. He was a unsettled element in the force. He was brilliant.
He was the strategist that got JFK, the White House. He were the principal strategist, was Bobby. He was a fan, as big a fan as I am, ladies and gentlemen, of Joseph R McCarthy, my hero, the senator and anti communist warrior from Wisconsin, Bobby worked for Joe McCarthy. Bobby stood up for him even when it wasn't popular in the later years. He stormed out of a dinner.
He was, in the front table as one of the notable guests at this dinner where some Democrat senator gets up and started ripping on McCarthy. He stood up in the middle of this speech, glared at this guy, and stormed out. And everybody knew why, folks. Bobby Kennedy loved Joe McCarthy as did his father, Joseph p Kennedy. It's complicated, but it's the truth.
And so Bobby would have known a lot of things as an investigator for Joe McCarthy right off the bat, folks. Take a look at the history of that era and of what Joe McCarthy unearthed in his effort to save America. So Bobby was right in the middle of this, but then, he wanted to become McCarthy's chief of staff, and, McCarthy stuck stood with his current chief of staff. He was under constant attack for being anti Semitic because so many Jews are communists, and so he stuck with his his, chief of staff Roy Cohn, who was very Jewish, rather than throwing over Cohn and putting Bobby Kennedy, and so Kennedy then went a different direction. Anyway, Kennedy continually fought powerful people and made a hell of a lot of enemies.
So from many directions, there could have come animosity at Bobby Kennedy, and he hated Lyndon Johnson, And he knew he had the dirt on Lyndon Johnson, who was about ready to be thrown out of the vice presidency. I believe this is true. I talk about it in, one of those episodes, my Kennedy episodes. This was all at the instigation of Bobby Kennedy, unearthing a lot of dirt on Lyndon Johnson, who was a vice president that they hated and didn't want to get him out of there. So big enemy since, Johnson was the president when Kennedy was shot.
And and then Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King had, kind of served and outlived his usefulness, in my opinion, of the powers that be. Martin Luther King was not on the high side of his career when he was down with the garbage workers of Memphis marching around trying to stay relevant. He wasn't very relevant at that moment, but once he was murdered, he became, once again, very, very relevant and became, the symbol they decided to use, you know, for a black holiday, for a lot of things. And you have a lot of idiot conservatives running around quoting Martin Luther King who was himself a Marxist Leninist, and then that's a story for another day, but it is also a fact.
So very interesting that Trump is going to release a lot of these documents, so we'll have to see what comes up with all of them. And then there's Trump at Davos, But I wanna talk about that and a number of other things about our new commander in chief after the news. You are listening to the Hour of Decision on Liberty News Radio. Welcome back to Hour of Decision. My name is Lou Moore.
We've been talking about president Donald j Trump. The bull, a veritable bull in the China closet of the New World Order, wreaking havoc everywhere he has been going the last few days on our corporate masters and our enemies. And today, our president had the opportunity to come in on a Zoom call to those scurvy, scumbag, powers that be who hang out every year at Davos, and the group. And Trump came in and just sounded like a boss, like he does everywhere else. And, he was very polite.
He was somewhat reserved in his, you know, his pleasantries and whatnot with the scurvy, satanic World Economic Forum, but he wasn't mincing any words with them about his desire to restore completely the sovereignty of the United States of America, that he was sick and tired of taking care of Europe in any way since they rip us off on trade and they run around and get their 8 week vacations, and we pay for their defense. And, Trump, made them, belly up to the bar during his first term, made them, I think most of them, not all of them, but most of them did get to the 2%. I think it's 2% of their GDP. They're supposed to kick into the great NATO alliance, and I think he did finally get almost all of them to do that. But now he's saying it should be 5%.
And, folks, it should be 5%. Absolutely, it should be. Now I'm not gonna go so far as to say that we don't have any kind of vital interest in the, in keeping Europe out of the clutches of people like, Vladimir Putin, who I don't like and who I do not have the favorable view of as do many conservatives I listen to on these various talk shows who I think are acting like morons in their analysis of Putin. But, nonetheless, no. It's Europe's responsibility, essentially, and almost completely, in my opinion, to take care of the defense of Europe.
Something they've done a terrible job at. Terrible. And, you know, they're not ready. None of these forces are ready really for much of anything in Europe, and, that's a 100% gotta change. So, anyway, Trump brought that up, made several references to, to coming to some kind of terms with, Putin over Ukraine and the horrid, useless slaughter that's gone on there that these bastards at the World Economic Forum have encouraged in every way.
And, anyway, with Trump, it was a beautiful thing. It was a beautiful thing to watch him at Davos, and, they they had these, they had a little panel. He took questions from a panel. He didn't just make a speech. Happy to answer some questions.
And, one of the panelists was, the scurvy CEO of Bank of America, one of my least favorite organizations in the United States of America. And, he said something to Trump. I can't remember. Something about oil jeepers will be great if we get a tax cut or something like that. And Trump answered him, and then he said, but, you know, you guys gotta quit deplatforming conservatives.
I don't like that. You should never should have done that. Totally wrong, and you gotta quit doing that. Beautiful moment from our president. And, the guy didn't reply, but on notice.
Trump is putting these people on notice, and, it is a beautiful thing. And something else Trump mentioned in this, speech was was interesting and might be a little bit fanciful, but Trump is telling the Davos crowd and, really, the other leadership around the world and the bankers in the Davos crowd and the bankers around the world, that if he gets energy cost down, the price of oil, and specifically, that he is expecting the central banks of the world to lower their interest rates. That is going to be a very heavy lift. I mean, it's problematic because, you know, the price of bonds is some indication of where investors are in their confidence in a currency, in an economy, in the practices of a central bank that manage a currency and manage an economy. And, in the case of the United States of America, the long term, rates for bonds have gone up and up and up because they can't get anybody to buy these long term commitments, folks, because they don't trust what is gonna happen in this country, specifically when we have a congress who is completely still, la di da da, about the fact that we are going 1 trillion dollars more in debt every 100 days, which is the biggest of the 4 existential crises that I've identified, we're gonna talk about again in a minute, that I believe that Trump could in some way deal with and has to deal with.
So Trump is expecting them to lower rates if he if he, causes this other surge, which will be a surge, in the American economy and economies around the world. But it's very tough for Trump. He's trying to grow his way out of a huge hole. And, even I think he has said I know Scott, Besson has said it, his new secretary of the treasury, this is the last shot at this, folks. This is the last time that we might be able, conceivably, to use economic growth as a means to get out of a debt crisis.
And, odds are not great that that is actually going to happen. So we will see. But, anyway, Trump at Davos, very interesting, and, beautiful things beautiful things being said, reaction of these creepy leaders over there. You know, the oh, Donald Trump, you know, the yeah. Small applause.
And they're and the white guys are, oh, listen to the tremendous applause. We're working with you, mister president. Yeah. The whole thing. Pretty hilarious.
So, anyway, let's talk now. I can get my notes organized here. Let's talk again about the reasons that I was an enthusiastic supporter of Donald j Trump, because not because I believe he is going to be our national savior and solve all of our problems like a man waving a wand, but because we have 4 existential crises, any one of which could destroy the United States of America and any chance that the population on planet Earth is going to live in anything even slightly resembling personal freedom. If we know, you know, if we don't get all 4 of these crises fixed. The first one, the crisis of freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of association, the crisis of information.
And Trump is, of course, taking some steps there already, in his executive orders ordering the federal government to get the hell out of the censorship business. Hopefully, that will continue. Hopefully, he doesn't make an exception for Israel, because some of his supporters have made a big exception for Israel and want to cut, shut down your freedom of speech in a heartbeat if you are critical of the Jewish state. But that's a topic for another day, and we will be zeroing in on that topic, but not today. So, anyway, the crisis of freedom of speech, freedom of association, deplatforming, as, president Trump gently brought up to the CEO of Bank of America that he was talking to today.
And I think Trump is going to do a good job on this one overall, at least. But number 2 is the border, and I think he's gonna do a good job on the border sealing it off, getting the wall built, keeping enough troops down there to keep people out of the country while they're building the wall, while they're taking other steps. But, the real question is, folks, the real question is these deportations. And, the public is behind it right now? Amazingly, 44% of Democrats, folks, in a poll released last week by The New York Times indicated that 44% of the Democrats taking this poll want mass deportations of illegal aliens that came in under the Biden regime, which is probably at least 15,000,000 of them.
Unbelievable. I mean, it's just unbelievable. And, so the wind has had Trump's back on this one, but that may not continue to be the case as all of the heart rending tales, are, developed and all of the footage of the evil, mean federal agents and, you know, I I did just such a target rich environment for narratives that will not be truthful, but who might start swaying particularly elements of the suburban female population, away from Trump and then make it more untenable politically, and then, of course, all these weasels on Capitol Hill will desert him in a heartbeat because most of them are not really with him right now anyway. So that's the area where there's gonna be a tell is how deep down the list of illegal aliens are they gonna go with these mass deportations? I mean, they're starting with child pornographers, dope dealers, and murderers.
Kinda low hanging fruit, I would say, but we'll see when when, they leave that area and they're just getting into people that just came over here to get a job or whatever, you know, they're doing here, but aren't supposed to be here. And they're taking your job, and they're lowering your wage rate. So we will see about that one. I mentioned the economy, and this is gonna be the economy is starting to become, to me, the biggest worry because there's something else that is not going on. We have a congress problem, ladies and gentlemen.
I've mentioned that. We have, steeled, disciplined, hardened democrats in both the house and the senate that vote in lockstep pretty much in the house and the senate. And then to varying degrees, we have a ton of weak, weasily, and in many cases, rhino Republicans on our side of the football. And they may be with Trump today, but that day may not that that day may not even last till sundown. I mean, these people are weak, a lot of them.
Speaker is weak. At the house, the our leader in the senate is a Mitch McConnell trainee, and, he can't be trusted. John Thew cannot be trusted. Johnson has kind of shown that he can't be trusted. And so while Trump is extremely popular, they're going to fall in line to a degree.
But if that popularity if the appearance, if the perception is that that popularity is waning, Katie bar the door, as to what might happen on our side of the football, on the Republican side, in the house and in the senate. And this has everything to do with the biggest crisis I believe we had. The second episode of this show, I identified it clearly. It is the unbelievable amount of spending and the unbelievable growth of the federal government just since 2019. And, of course, we lay some of this at the fact that these scumbag congressmen will do anything to put more money in the budget for them regardless of the consequences.
But the other reason is is it was fueled by this modern monetary theory, another creature of Davos, another Marxist creation, another effort to subvert and destroy the Marxist enemy, which is us which is us and the Western European and nations and the nation of the United States because this is not a theory that is only it was not it was not tailored only to the United States. It actually came out of France. Thomas Piketty, Marxist. And, it's doing what they want. It's destroying capitalism.
But, it is not doing what we want. And so, really bad, really bad, $1,000,000,000,000 of new debt approximately every 100 days, and we have a congress that still is not they're not for even now, they're not focused on this folks, they're just not. And Doge, oh I'm gonna be on Doge, I'm gonna get that, have my picture taken with Elon Musk. Did you know he's the richest man in the world? Oh, wow.
Isn't it fantastic? I don't see a lot of seriousness here, folks. I just don't. Out of the congress, and we need some real seriousness out of congress. And Vivek Ramaswami was talking a fantastic game with a lot of detail on how they could cut $2,000,000,000,000 out of the annual budget, which is exactly the amount they need to cut.
And now he's going to run for governor of Ohio and he wishes everyone the best in their effort to cut the federal budget. And Elon Musk is running around, and he's obviously more concerned about h one b visas than just about anything. And, there's gotta be some focus here, folks. So they'll focus on Doge and not a lowering of expectations every single time they talk about it. We need to be raising expectations, and there is so much fat in this government.
This government does not deliver, folks. Forget whether or not it's the proper role of governments. Forget whether or not these programs are not enumerated in the constitution. A lot of them are socialist. They just don't deliver.
They're terrible. They're inefficient. They're unbelievably incompetent in almost every area. The Pentagon wastes so much money. It's unbelievable.
And they've got all the Republicans trained. Oh, well, we can't cut a dime out of the defense budget. Boy, look at Ukraine. Look at I mean, we're in serious trouble with China. Folks, they're not spending the majority of that money on your national defense.
They are not. Not really. Not at the end of the day. We need to cut the budget in every agency. We need to go through Medicare with a fine tooth comb, and I am not talking about cutting the benefits of the seniors, which Joe Biden did a ton of it, stealth, in the last 3 or 4 years.
I'm gonna do a, show on Medicare very soon. Unbelievable. What is happening to our seniors? But they keep spending the money, and the drug companies are making out like bandits. They're making a bloody fortune on our seniors.
It's wrong. It's totally wrong. And, we're gonna get into that. But so we do have to get into the entitlements because they're not being administered properly, because there's a ton of corruption in there, and we need to root all of that out. And, and there's still gonna be a problem because there's more and more seniors every day.
Those baby boomers now are all old, and they all wanna have free drugs. They want free everything just like everybody else. But, anyway, they are it isn't entitlement, and, politically, it's suicide to talk about taking away that entitlement, and I'm not talking about that. I'm just talking about having it cost less money to provide the same level of service, which I think would not even be a heavy lift. I forgot his name now.
Tucker just had a guy on his show. You know Tucker Carlson, maybe 10 shows back? Incredible. What is going on with Medicare and these here, venal drug companies, and they're all crooked. UnitedHealthcare folks, defrauding the government, sending doctors around that a patient has a regular doctor.
Patient goes to the doctor, oh, do I have rheumatoid arthritis? Oh, no. You're fine. Yeah. You're doing fine.
You wanna go home. And then these drug companies, according to New York Times reports, other reports, they're sending their own doctors. They're not consulting with the regular doctor, and they're coming up with any kind of code, any kind of, diagnosis where they can turn around and make a ton of money off the federal government, which is your tax money, folks. And it's not legal, but they've been doing it. UnitedHealthcare, one of the biggest offenders.
And this fellow who got shot was from UnitedHealthcare not very long ago. So anyway, we have to, folks, we have to cut this budget this year, not down the road not down the road, this year. And if you have a congressman that's giving you a bunch of mush mouth about this, that's their number one job, ladies and gentlemen, to keep your grandchildren out of a life of penury and economic slavery, which is where they're headed the way they are spending money right now. Just telling you. So and then there's the, because of justice.
It's not just. Like, congress that Trump's gonna have a problem with, there's the bureaucracy. They don't like. And a 50% were polled that said they're not gonna do what Trump tells them to do. That's kinda like an insurrection.
But, FBI, I get you know, we hear a lot conservatives say, oh, the FBI is great. They just had a few bad leaders. I'm not so sure about this, folks. And Barack Obama was not about making a few changes around the edges. He was about fundamentally transforming America.
Do you remember that? That includes our military, our military leadership, and it certainly included the FBI under Robert Mueller that got rid of thousands of Christians and conservatives on his watch, and they were the more experienced and in the higher leadership, ranks among the FBI populace at large. So how is the FBI really gonna respond to Kash Patel? What is that exactly gonna mean? We don't really know that quite yet.
The state department, notorious. We're not listening to president. It's notorious going way all the way back. I mean, all the way back to the Franklin Roosevelt days. You know, are we gonna be able to root out enough of these deep state people that president Trump can prosecute the foreign policy he wants?
Is that even gonna be possible? You know, that's an open question right now, ladies and gentlemen. We actually don't know the answer to that. And it's the same with the deportations. Is every state and local government that has a democrat in, are they every one of them going to sabotage the mass deportations?
What are they gonna do? So these are some of the open ended questions, that have not been answered yet about, whether Trump whether we're really gonna have a golden age in America, but whether we're gonna even solve these 4 existential crises, you know, in in the foreign, in the, foreign affairs area, in the economic area, in the area of our civil liberties, and even, on the issues surrounding the border. So, Donald Trump is amazing. He really is amazing, But he has a congress problem. He has a bureaucracy problem.
He has a state and local government problem with some republican governments and most of the democrat governments in this country. And so challenges are going to be significant, and we still have not rooted out the corporate GOP. It's an ongoing process, and we've made a lot of progress in that area, to say the least. But we've got a long way to go. And so we hope president Trump can keep the peace in the world, keep our dollars strong enough, seal off our border, and allow us to organize, to speak, and to do the things we need to do at the grassroots level to really organize this country, to reclaim it, to save it, to restore the constitution, and to do what God would have us do.
This was a country with a prophetic destiny, in my opinion, and a country that people have known from the time they came here was a very special place and that they, had a duty to God to move it forward. So I hope we can do that. You have been listening to the hour of decision on Liberty News Radio. My name is Lou Moore, and don't forget about the election situation. I haven't.
Go to securevote.news to stay up on those issues. We have to keep that fight red hot, ladies and gentlemen. Again, my name is Lou Moore. Thank you very much. See you later.