Speaker 0: It's midnight in America, and this is the hour of decision.
Speaker 1: The crisis is here. Devils are among us, replacing our love of country, our values, our heroes, and our freedoms. This evil will replace our entire civilization and the descendants of people who created it if we let them. America can still become the new Jerusalem our forefathers saw in vision. Their struggle for freedom was blessed by God.
We will be too. If like them, we decide to fight.
Speaker 0: Against tyranny and corruption for Christ and constitution. The hour of decision with Lou Moore starts now.
Speaker 2: Welcome to Hour of Decision. My name is Lou Moore. This afternoon, we're gonna talk about the John Birch Society. Why not? The John Birch Society was founded in 1958 by a candy manufacturer by the name of Robert Welch.
But mister Welch was not just a manufacturer of Welch's candies. Actually, it was his brother's company. He was a senior vice president or something of that company. But mister Welch had, become a key observer of events, particularly in the 19 fifties in America. And he had a lot to observe.
The stalemate in Korea, the destruction of senator Joseph R McCarthy, my hero, the cheating of Robert Taft, cheated out of the 1952 presidential election in favor of the internationalist gatekeeper, Dwight David Eisenhower. The fact that the Russians were on the ropes in the early 19 fifties, Stalin was running around paranoid. There, but he was trying to kill him even worse than he had been before. And the Soviet Union was on the edge of collapse as far as internal government, and our government continued to prop them up in various ways. So these were a lot of the things that Robert Wells saw.
As you got to the later 19 fifties, an entire conservative movement was exploding in this country, politically around the persona of Barry Goldwater, but it it was coming out of the heartland, a populist nationalist movement and is growing like crazy even by 1958. So Wells started this organization. He met with a bunch of primarily wealthy individuals in Indianapolis, Indiana, and spoke for 2 days about the need for this organization to save America. He named it after John Birch, who arguably was the first in the post World War 2 struggle against communism. He was killed by the communist Chinese in China, captain John Birch.
That's where the name of the society came from. But Welch gave this 2 day speech to these individuals, and it's now summed up. You can read it because it's the blue book of the John Birch Society, essentially, is the text of that speech. And and Welch posed a novel theory looking at the works of Spengler who believed that civilizations click click lifespan and that ends would became sick and die, became degenerate and died for for various reasons. Welch came up with the theory that that could be reversed if it was very carefully orchestrated.
And in the case of the United States of America, if it was orchestrated through a revival of constitutionalism, a morality, of faith, and of conscious effort and determination action on the part of individuals that he wanted to have joined this John Burt Society to accomplish this, and that that was the longer term goal. The immediate goal, of course, was to v to defeat the international communist conspiracy. So, well, just timing was very good. His financing was very good and like a rocket in 1958. And the whole basis of the birth society was education.
That if you got a large enough group of people well educated enough about the enemies of western civilization, about the enemies of American society, and you just had them meet regularly and network together, that a lot of good things could happen. And so the British society never got into politics per se, into electoral politics. They're still not active, excuse me, in that arena today. But they've always been a place where, well, put together intelligent people meet and where other people could find these kinds of people, to do some pretty great things. And then I've I've told a lot of people that when I was the manager of Ron Paul's 2,008 campaign and would come into a town, first, the question I would ask would be where is the John Birch Society?
Where are the Birch Society chapters in this town? Are there any? And can I meet any of their activists? Because they were inevitably best volunteers that we would have in any given area and starting with the fact that they were very well educated about the proper role of government and about the constitution. So, anyway, the Birch Society forms in 58.
There's some famous individuals joined with Welch from his Koch brothers, their father. A pretty colorful professor that wrote for years at National Review Magazine by the name of Revolo p Oliver, was one of the founders of the Burch Society. Head of general MacArthur's staff of the head of the general staff that MacArthur had was one of the founders. Anyway, a lot of people like that, but it was soon attracting very frustrated conservatives all over the United States with their message of less government, more individual responsibility, and with god's help, a better world. And I'm gonna say right now, because of the propaganda efforts of people like William f Buckley, fake conservatives who were internationalists, who glommed on to the conservative movement after the Goldwater campaign of 1964 because of the propaganda efforts that they undertook.
The Birch Society, went for years as being very underappreciated for the impact that they had on the overall movement, but science, political scientists, historians, and others going back and looking have figured it out. The birch society had a huge impact on the whole conservative movement. I was a bircher. You know, the list goes on and on. The I in my earlier podcast, earlier episode of our decision about the Go Water campaign of 1964, I talk about the huge impact that the Birches Society had on the nominating process and on that whole campaign and on the beginnings, really, after that of the conservative movement.
So the birchers, started out right away. They picked they picked some big targets, so they were an education organization. They had people reading a lot of books. This is a version of what I'm showing this now on video. Twelve books, they called it 1 dozen candles, and, they don't ask people to do this now because, unfortunately, our society has degraded in terms of reading desire and reading capability.
But, at one time, they asked you to read all these books. And these there are some tremendous books here. Books many have been shadow banned as we might say now by the establishment media. They weren't reviewed. People didn't even know about them.
But the Birch Society revived a lot of these books and brought them back out to the market. One of them here, the invisible government by Dan Smoot. I mean, this is still, even today, a blockbuster. If you read this book and you wanna know about the inner workings of our establishment back in the 19 fifties, early 19 sixties just as one example. Another one here, James Burnham, the web of subversion.
This lays out kind of an overview of the entire communist infiltration of our government back in the 19 thirties and forties under Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And then, of course, one of my favorites, this is actually the text of the big speech that Joe McCarthy gave on the floor of the senate about George Catlett Marshall, who had been the head of the army in World War 2, had then become secretary of defense and secretary of state, who seemed to never make a move that did not advantage the communist. But the book, when they published it, was called America's Retreat from Victory. But, originally, it was a 60,000 word speech on the floor of the US Senate. The Birchers, reproduced this book, and people were reading these kind of books back in the day in the John Birch Society, in the earlier edition of the John Birch Society, and they had a a fantastic magazine called American Opinion, very in-depth on a lot of topics, particularly a lot of foreign policy topics.
And, of course, that's been succeeded now by the New American, one of my favorite magazines, which is a a magazine you can subscribe to right now should you choose to do so. Go to jbs.org, which if you have any questions about the John Birch Society, the John Birch Society today, go to jbs.org. So, the the Birchers right off the bat, where they had their education program, but they they were circulating petitions. They were organizing people around several very important issues. One of them was the United Nations, getting us out of the United Nations, which is what we should have done.
When they when Robert Welch asked us to do so back in 1958, 1959, get us out of the UN. We we couldn't get out of there quick enough for me. And despite all of the fumbling around at the UN and all the 3rd world antics and corruption at the UN that a lot of people have made fun of over the years, it's still the most dangerous institution on the planet where they are still day and night plotting the end of our constitutional rights and our constitutional republic. It's the world government central headquarters, and the birches from day 1, were exposing all the machinations at the United Nations. The birches also very clearly understood and delineated the terrible impact of the Earl Warren Supreme Court of the 19 fifties 19 sixties.
Although I won't get into any of the rulings here, I am gonna talk about a few of them as we go down the road. But, you know, getting prayer out of schools, destroying states rights, making pornography perfectly fine and happy for people to have. All of the things that this court brought us,
Speaker 1: you
Speaker 2: know, vigorously opposed by the John Birch Society back in the day. The Birchers famously were made fun of for their opposition to fluoridation of the water. Well, how many people are making fun of that today? There's people all over very upset as they've realized what has happened to us as a society when they look at the chronic disease epidemic that we're under and the role that fluoridated water has played as part of that. The birchers were they were on top of this, folks, way back, 50 years ago.
The birchers had the courage to expose a civil rights movement for what it was, a communist front, an organization designed to create or a movement, excuse me, designed to create chaos, designed to, make the races more in opposition to each other. Kind of the effect that Obama had. Oh, gee. He was so great. We had more racial tension than ever under Obama.
We had, racial tension aplenty. The civil rights movement of the 19 sixties, and the birches had the courage to take a stand on that. And may I add, the John Birch Society was the first organization that fostered black leadership in the conservative movement. There was a number of blacks who got their start, who became polished speakers, who became knowledgeable, who became leaders in their communities through the John Birch Society. There was a bunch of them, and they were, every one of them, exposing the machinations of the communist fronter, Martin Luther King Junior, and all the rest of those characters.
And so, that is one of 2 areas where the British society out in front of everybody. 1 was bringing African Americans into the conservative fight and the other area, which, was not really understood at the time, but the birth society is the first place where very conservative Catholics, who are very staunch in their belief, very, conservative evangelical Christians, very staunch in their beliefs. And, in the community I come out of, the Latter day Saint community, all three of those communities had very strong representation within the John Birch Society and worked very closely together. And that that that's the beginning of that happening, folks. It's the beginning of the Christian right was inside of the John Birch Society.
So, you know you know, this is another area where the Birchers had a huge impact that a lot of people did not understand or, did not consider carefully. So the Birches immediately came under attack by our enemies because they were growing like crazy. 1000 and thousands of folks joining the John Birch Society or joining organizations connected to the Birch Society. And one of the things Welch, started from the beginning very upfront is you could join the Birch Society, join the chapter, and we're gonna talk about that more in the second half of our decision when we interview the national field director of the John Birch Society, who's kind enough to do that interview with me, John Schrock. He'll explain how that works.
But, people would join in society, be in a chapter, but they would also start or other organizations to bring other people in. Now the communist would call those front organizations. And you could say, oh, the bird society, they had front organizations like the communist. But they were pretty upfront about what they were doing. When I was a kid, I had a, bishop and now a Latter day Saint Bishop.
And this is my introduction to politics, folks. He used to take me to meetings of, they called the truth about civil turmoil, t a c t or tact. And the tact organization in the little town I lived in, they would get a 100 people out to these meetings, and they would show, films, have lectures, question and answer periods. And, it would be led by people from the John Birch Society, but not a lot of the people not everybody belong to this group were Birchers. So they, they have had in the past and still do now have these adjunct organizations that bring even more people into what they're doing.
They have the, the committee, to support your local police. That one goes all the way back. They have an election integrity, group now. They're very involved with the election integrity issue. And over the years, they've had a number of organizations that that they were also the Birches are one of the first folks to talk about this Frankfurt School, to talk about cultural Marxism, the erosion of our society from within.
And, of course, the worst example of that erosion is the whole transgender thing that we got going on right now. But, anyway, the birchers were way out ahead on this one as well, way back into the 19 sixties. And, they had a I can't remember the name of that organization, but it was about, family and morality and, exposing the machinations of people like Herbert Marcuse and the communist Marxist from the Frankfurt School, trying to gradually give us communism, not through economics, but through culture and through the erosion of, sexual, morality and erosion of the family. So, JBS was under attack from day 1. There would became a very orchestrated attack coming from the left, coming from people like Walter Reuther.
If you remember my episode on Walter Reuther and his impact on the left, the labor leader from the United Auto Workers that was involved with the civil rights movement and involved with, so many other subversive activities in our society earlier on. But, you know, they were always linking the bridges. Oh, they're really Nazis. They're really fascists. They're trying to take over the country.
And, you know, none of this stuff true. None of this stuff even close to being true. But, so they just kept attacking them and attacking them and attacking them. And then after Goldwater, lost in 1964, and a lot of people a lot of people knew how big a role the Johnson Birch Society members, not the society, but the members, played in the Go Water campaign, people be got more people got more and more shy about affiliating publicly with the Birch Society. And, been a kind of a stench around the Birch Society caused by the repetition of lies, which is classic Marxist tactics, classic Saul Alinsky tactics, getting a little more specific since Alinsky himself was very involved in this process, with the Burt Society.
And, and even today, you get the the they had the 2 gals from Moms for Liberty, one of my very favorite organizations. They were quoting from numb dare call it conspiracy, which is a British society book that came out in the seventies. They're on Charlie Kirk, and and Charlie Kirk's interrupting them like, oh, no. You can't talk about that here. We don't talk about that kind of thing here.
I mean, what the hell was he talking about? All Kirk is doing is rehashing, material, narratives, understandings of what's going on now that the birth society gave us in the 19 sixties. I mean, who is he kidding? But, anyway, so, you know, that's been another element of this story. But and so the birches, you know, they started the narrative, explaining, the role of communist in our society and the, the importance of looking at communism internally as opposed to just looking at Russia, like this kind of geopolitical game board thing going on, the depth of it, the subversive nature of it, the goal for total government within this country that is part of the whole communist project, and, then their, their narrative, their explanation of these things got more sophisticated over time as they took a closer look at central banking, at, all of the elements of what we now really call cultural Marxism, and the role of big business.
Big business working hand in glove with the communist, big business people wanting total control and total power over our society, which coincidentally enough, has been the goal of these Marxist Leninists in our society. So, they came out with none they call it conspiracy in the 19 seventies, and things have progressed from that time until the present. But, the birches have survived. I I can't think of another organization that was active when I was a kid, 11, 12 years old in the mid 19 sixties, that is still active today, other than other than the Republican Party, other than the John Birch Society. But I I think the Birchers, you know, they're not perfect, and they're not extremely large right now, although they're growing again.
But I think all the credit in the world needs to be given to the Birch Society to take the simple idea of just educating the public and turning it into this powerhouse. And people are gonna say, oh, all they do is talk and blah blah. That is not all they do, folks. They've elected tons of people. They have educated tons of elected officials.
They have, influenced the worldview of innumerable important people. That that they've greatly affected my worldview. I'd be the first one to say it. And, and so the I think the bird society, not understood as well as it should be and definitely not given the credit that it should be given. My name is Lou Moore, and you are listening to Hour of Decision.
And we're gonna talk to John Schrock, the national organizer, national field director for the John Birch Society right after the news. You're listening to Hour of Decision on Liberty News Radio, and we'll be right back after the news. Welcome back to Hour of Decision. My name is Lew Moore. And with me now is John Schrock, who is the national field director of the John Birch Society.
John, welcome to our decision. Thank you for being here.
Speaker 3: Thank you for having me on today.
Speaker 2: John, what do you do for the John Birch Society?
Speaker 3: Well, me and the national field director for the John Birch Society, I help supervise the field coordinators across the United States. It's one of the unique aspects of the Birch Society. We are very much of a ground game. It's kind of sets us apart from other organizations. We put out information.
Other organizations put out information. We put out accurate information. Other organizations put out accurate or, information. But what we do with our paid professional staff is, train them so that they can train our chapter leaders. We are very chapter centric in getting people to join and become part of a chapter in their local areas.
And so I supervise the field coordinators which mentor the chapter leaders which lead the chapters, and we get the electorate educated. When we educate the electorate, that's when we see change.
Speaker 2: Absolutely. So I have frequently commented on the fact that the John Birch Society is not a mailbox organization, PO Box group, or a website. You're not a TikTok channel. You're on the ground. Yeah.
I don't think we have Tilt Top. Country. Yeah. So which which is a beautiful thing. So, tell me a little bit about your background.
Well, I was born at
Speaker 3: a very young age, in, Indiana. Some will get that, some won't. But,
Speaker 2: raised not moving that. It's afternoon. I haven't had my nap, John. You're really,
Speaker 3: Pushing the limits. Pushing the limits, today. But, born and raised in a in a family, and, we you know, it was a god fearing, Christian family. And, I started learning about the deeper things. You know?
What's going on? I then, went off to the Marine Corps. I got out as a corporal, was, medically discharged. I blew out my shoulder, and then, went to Bible College, graduated, from there, and was really seeking what would god have me to do. And I was pastoring, and then god called me into police work.
So then I was a police officer in North Carolina. And then God said, well, it's time for you to plant a church. So I went out to Spokane, Washington and started a church in Spokane, Washington. And then, I was then introduced to the John Birch Society. I was introduced to them in 2018.
I did not I heard the name John Birch Society, but I had never been introduced to the any of the principals. And when the, the the coordinator that was out in Washington there at the time, we had a barbecue restaurant, not too far from the the VA there in Who
Speaker 2: was the coordinator there at that time?
Speaker 3: The coordinator back there was Caleb back in the back in the time. Okay. And
Speaker 2: From Everett, Washington. Oh, really? A transplant here to Utah. Maybe go ahead.
Speaker 3: Oh, gotcha. And, so I said, you know, I had been beginning to be involved as a pastor, in politics. And really wasn't politics the politics that I was getting involved in. I was getting involved in the truths about the matters. Going back to, you know, what does the Bible have to say about this issue?
You know, pick any of the social issues, and there's a Bible answer that's found inside of the pages of scripture. It's it's Let me see. It was very it's, you know, a sarcasm alert. Very strange how God knew about that. Kinda go back to Genesis, one where he created, the world.
It's kind of like it's his. But anyways, and I said, you know, I'm really not interested in joining an organization that's really not looking to do the key things. I said, I don't wanna be inside the UN, and so I would like to, you know, stop the UN. I I con con, we've gotta not have a a constitutional convention, being, what's happening with the police being a former police officer. They're trying to federalize the police and the look on his face.
He's like, are you already a bircher? And I was like, no. I said, I've heard I know you're the birch guy, if you will, here in the area. But, when I'm when I'm, you know, I you know, I'm assuming you're gonna, at the end of this, slide an application and ask me to join. So he showed me what the John Birch Society is doing and has been doing, and I did not know about it.
It's like we're America's best kept secret.
Speaker 2: Yeah. Although so that's true, but yet it's not exactly true because, in 1962, the Communist Party USA launched an attack on the British society. It just mysteriously every corporate news media outlet within about 3 weeks was calling the John Birch Society the most evil organization in America, which is why even today, older people now, fortunately, younger people don't know about all this, but older people, like, John Burch decided, what's the same heck is that? And, so there was a concerted effort like I've only, read about, see it or read about 2 or 3 other times in American history on attacking this society. But but do you you don't find now that that's an issue when you go to talk to people about it?
Speaker 3: Oh, it it the issue comes up because, it still resides in many people's minds. I mean, there's there were songs made, and songs stick in people's mind. And I won't sing it for you. You will lose followers if I sing, for you. But the the the the John Birch Society song.
But that comes up, but we even to see that coordination that you just mentioned, that's one of the things as a young child that I I recognized. So I was like, these things don't happen by accident. They don't just happen. To be able to watch, how did you know, you you we can't even if we even wished it to happen, it wouldn't be able to happen. There has to be coordination.
There has to be organization with that, and I watched it happen. And so then I you you, bring that up. Well, it wasn't what just 2 weeks ago, maybe 3. There they had that same coordinated, effort. There was several that started coming out about misinformation, disinformation, and and, it there was, Hillary Clinton was one of them.
Bill Gates was another one. The the press secretary there at the White House. And it was all the same lingo. Oh, where did they get that from? Then back if you go just I mean, so that's 2024.
You'd only have to go 4 years back. And we said it had the same choreographed mass media, with the COVID, and we watched choreographed thespian theater, at its best.
Speaker 2: Yeah. Well and a lot of folks out there maybe who haven't, discovered the Birch Society or haven't focused on that group just see it with Donald Trump, and they see it with other people
Speaker 3: Yes.
Speaker 2: Who are standing up for our country or do not want to fall in line with the international foreign policy establishment. That's when I noticed they seems to trip the trip wires there in the Council on Foreign Relations folks and all that. But, anyway, so here we are in 2024, and a erstwhile couple or a young person wants to do something for their country, and they find out about the Burt Society. So tell me tell me how, how do you join? Tell me what is required to become a member of the Burt Society, and tell
Speaker 1: me just a little bit more about the ethos of the Burt Society, the the tactics, the strategy of the organization, if you would, John.
Speaker 3: Absolutely. Well, we believe in the 5 things. Whereas there's 5 things that we believe in. Number 1, we believe that we live in a republic, not in a democracy. So that that really begins, you know, it begins in educational process, and we're gonna get into the ethos part of it.
But then secondly, we believe that the family is the most vital unit of society. The family is the most vital unit of society. Thirdly, we believe in the free market. Government doesn't pick winners and losers. Fourthly, we believe that people are supposed to be judged by their character in the bill and their abilities as we ourselves wish to be judged.
And lastly, rights come from God, not from the government. So from those beliefs, we believe, you asked, to your question, how do you join? What does it take to join? Well, there's an application. We've got paperwork, you know, your name, you know, your address because we're gonna send you material.
Is there a secret oath of any kind? I haven't seen one yet. I yeah. Alright. I caught that.
I so, if but, there's paperwork, and so you fill that out. But, the requirements are are of people of good moral character and and that they see what we are what we believe in. And and so many times, I was just up in Layton, Utah, yesterday, and somebody brought up about I remember back when, and they they they brought up similar same conversation, and I told them about the 5 things that we believe in. They're like, well, when did you change? Because my grand happy or whoever it was told me and I don't remember exactly the story.
And I said, no. Those are the 5 things that we have believed since our inception in December of 1958 in Indianapolis, Indiana. They're on Washington bore Boulevard, Marguerite Dice's house. That's we've believed it. He goes, well, that's not how they portrayed you.
And I said, well, but that kinda tells me his good moral character. So we're not doing a test. We don't ask for your 3 friends and 3 friends of the 3 friends. It's it's not that, but do you see what's happening? Do you wanna make a difference in in in the, in your country?
But then as far as our tactics, I mean, here's I don't know. I mean, it's kind of insider information. Lower the on Yeah. Well well well yeah. Yeah.
If you can put, you know, like, some, you know, in instrumental music there, you know, type of thing, but what what we do is we educate people. And and people people wanna know what what what what what's the secret sauce? How does the John Birch Society become? I mean, there's people that don't know about us, but there's people that do know about us. What do you what what's the secret sauce, if you will?
Education of the people. And there in in understanding that, but that's exactly what those 3 that I just mentioned to you, Hillary, Bill Gates, and the, press secretary at the White House. And what they don't want is information, truth, getting out to the people because they see that it would cause real harm. They may lose control if truth happens of the electorate. And when we do that, and we show them, we're like, here's this information.
I call it having the receipts. When when you have the receipts, when you go into your accounts payable office, and you're like, hey. I need a refund for $33.17. The good bookkeeper goes, where's your receipt? They don't just cut a check for you.
They they want a receipt of what you what did you buy? Was it that you bought a ream of paper, or did you buy 2 gallons of gas, or whatever it was? What did you buy? You need the receipt, and that's the same thing we do. We go and find the proverbial receipt and and analogous there, an analogy there, and we then show the people the receipts of what's happening.
This is what they said in this document, and we show them the document. Sure. We show them in the the 1976 document from the UN where they say that private land ownership, or what their decision about private land ownership, not our words. It's just here's their document. Here's the receipt.
We can't have that truth out there. And that's the truth that we that we, espouse. We show the electorate what it is. So the tactics is kind of a very here's the truth. And the truth speaks for itself.
Speaker 2: So if if you, bought the application, become a member of the Burke Society, then what happens to you as an individual?
Speaker 3: You become educated, and there would be, those who then become even more involved.
Speaker 2: Sure. So so if you become more involved, what I'm getting at here is I'll just say, so you, you can join. You don't have to is my understanding, but you can join a chapter. Correct? You can join with other people in your area.
Speaker 3: So then they they not only become a a member, they educate, and then they become active in the chapter. They then get speakers to come in, help out towards that, help the coordinators to be able to, I mean, logistics to get a speaker, you know, a national speaker in. They're they're working on right now, trying to get a national speaker in. We've gotta find the locations for the speaker to speak at. We gotta find, you know, all the the logistical details, and they become active in that.
They may become active in our action, committees, or we call them, ad hoc committees. And where they're going out on a regular basis telling people about, like, we have one that's a support your local police and keep them independent campaign. And they're actively on a weekly basis going out because they got educated. And what I found, educated people become empowered. Mhmm.
And once you become empowered, you naturally become engaged.
Speaker 2: So, John, once upon a time, I was involved with the national political campaigns, and I have to be honest with you. Every town I went to, the first question I asked her, where are the John Birch Society members in this town? This was Ron Paul's 2008 campaign. Oh, yeah. Because these folks were always well spoken, well put together, and knowledgeable, not just about the issues because we weren't really asking them to all go out and talk like, doctor Paul, but we were asking them to organize their neighbors, and they seem to have an ability to do that.
Is that something you wanna comment on?
Speaker 3: Well, that's something that we do inside of our chapters in training that. How do you become involved? And it be it it requires organization because this isn't by happenstance that we are seeing what we are seeing in 2024. It didn't happen by chance. It happened by design.
It didn't it didn't just magically fall into place. There was an organizational effort towards it. It was planned. It was funded. It was they they they plan the work then work the plan.
That's what we do, and that's what we teach them in in some of our chapter meetings. How do you become more in, more organized? That's what I love doing. Harnessing the power of organization. That's what I've been doing, since February, when I became national field director, is organizing and teaching to that.
So what I just thought in at our national leadership conference, in Laguna Hills, California was on the power of organization. Power and 45 minutes of training our chapter leaders to be more organized.
Speaker 2: Sure. So so you have these chapters, and there's opportunity for them to do various things in this educational process. Yep. Everybody in the group is involved with, and they're going out to the community. But, what what I have found that is most unique about the Birch Society, as I look over at Eldon Stahl in the corner there, the Birch Society has paid, trained, experienced people between the headquarters, which in your case is in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Yes, sir. With Joe McCarthy, one of my heroes, which I say on almost every episode because he was. But, you have people in between those folks, folks like yourself that that are at the national level, and these chapters. You were saying about that for a minute.
Speaker 3: That's our paid professional staff that I was mentioning a little earlier. People like Eldon who, covers Utah, and part of, Wyoming for me, right now, is that they are the mentors of the, chapter leaders. Those are the ones that you're gonna find in your hometown. That's what the chapter leader is. The the the the chapter leader in your hometown I'm just picking a a name of a town, Orem.
There's a chapter leader there. There's a there and that's the one there. Very good chapter. Eldon. Oh, this is a good chapter.
Speaker 2: Very helpful.
Speaker 3: Good good chapters. That's good. And so then the the you have the chapter leader there, and then Eldon leads them. He mentors them. But the chapter leader leads those members at, the, at their at their chapter.
And so Eldon goes I'm using as a placeholder, Eldon, and he goes and mentors and leads the chapter leaders. The assistant national field directors, lead, the, coordinators, and I lead the assistant national field directors. We're even organized like that. It it means almost I I I say militaristic, but, you know, like a chain of command, if you will, a type of, of of, operation.
Speaker 2: So I know the British society is scrupulous and be legal, but at the same time, John, we're at war. So you're talking you're talking about some chain of command Yeah. Organization. I think it's very appropriate at this time in our history.
Speaker 3: Absolutely. Get involved in an effort like that. Well, and I find that people operate better when they have parameters. If you if it's if it's wide open, you you know, well, you you spend more time trying to figure out, well, can I or can't I versus here's the parameters that I want you to work in, and then they excel in it?
Speaker 2: So a couple of things I just wanna make sure folks are clear about. So one, the Burch Society does not endorse candidates. Is that correct?
Speaker 3: That is correct. We do not endorse candidates.
Speaker 2: So people are free, and and, you know, they they say, oh, the bird's eye. They're like the communist party. They made in these cells and everything. They tell them what to do. But, actually, my experience with people in the bird's society is they're in deep independent thinking type of people, and no one's gonna be telling them what they're going to do, but they voluntarily give their time and and get this kind of training just so they're more effective, but then they go out and decide what candidate they might wanna support for a public office or or something like that.
Speaker 3: Absolutely. We even, published, the Freedom Index. You might have remembered back in the day was the trend bulletin, comparing I remember the term. Yeah. Marvelous piece a few of them.
Marvelous piece of information comparing, US, legislators to the constitution. We it's not about whether or not they're, you know, which party or not which party. It was about to the constitution because that was the thing they put their hand on both hand on the bible, right hand in the air, and they swore an allegiance to the an oath to was the constitution. So we just measured them according to that, and we then told the electorate about how they measured up to it.
Speaker 2: So, Jean, I'm glad you mentioned the constitution, and we're kind of pinching down.
Speaker 3: Pinching down the time. So I can come back if you want me to.
Speaker 2: I would love to have you there anytime. But, the constitution is the solution. I've heard that somewhere. Where is that?
Speaker 3: Wait. That's our 6 part series about the constitution, in which I I just every time I watch it, I was just in Indiana, my own state. I was at a church in, West Side of Indianapolis, And watching through that, the nuggets of truth that you can learn from that, 6 part series. It is always it's always educating me. I've I've watched that.
I don't know how many times. And there's more about it and more about it because truly, it's not only the name of the of the series, but the fact is the constitution is the solution. It limited government, and what we are facing right now is an unlimited government.
Speaker 2: Oh, exactly. I it provides a tremendous foundation, and the virtual society is not the only group that's involved with educating people on each institution, but it's just to me, it shows that the society has a very, very solid foundation that way in their thinking as well as in their organization, things like that. So I wanna ask you before we run out of time here. What issues are you working on? What are some of the priorities right now for the JBS at the national level?
And what are you encouraging folks in these chapters to be focused on? Well, it goes one one
Speaker 3: of the things that we're really focusing back in on is to get the United States out of the US. That that that they they get get the US out of the UN. But there was that second part with it. So not only excuse me. Not only do we need to, see ourselves get out of the UN, congressman Massie and senator Lee from here in Utah have, 2, bills.
1 in the house, 1 in the senate. And I I I kinda like the senator Lee's bill because he also kicks the building out of the, out of the United States. I don't know. Just it brings a smile to my face, but for whatever reason. But the other thing that is the the second part of it of of that old saying of Robert Welch, get the US out of the UN, but the UN out of the US.
And I I think that he was meaning the building. I'm not trying to suppose on what exactly he was meaning, but I'm trying to get us to focus in is the UN and the tentacles of the UN that has crept into every, area of government, state government, county government, regional governments. I mean, there there is of what is happening. So not only do we need to get the US out of the UN, we need to then go in, and we need to have, men and women that are willing to be state legislators, county commissioners, county council members that are willing to get the UN doctrine out of the US. So we're focusing on that.
Support your local police and keep them independent. If they can go about and get, the federalized police, they get a huge win, and it's not gonna happen on my watch. Restore election integrity. Getting back to an old fashioned I mean, this is
Speaker 2: You're not just saying that, don't you? Because that is my issue. That is your issue. Thank you. I mean, it is not the only issue.
All these are important. But, we have been very focused on election integrity here in Utah where despite the reputation of this state and the fine people in it, we got a heck of a lot of problems with our election system there.
Speaker 3: And and there those are the things that we need to start, and so getting those action committees, getting people educated on what's happening with that. Some people blame machines, and, we need to get rid of them. We need to go back to paper ballots. But but then there's there's so many layers of in in integrity problems, lack of integrity. How do you go about getting on the ballot?
Do you follow your constitution, or did you make up something in some senate bill or whatever, type of thing? Well, how about we just do it the right way and get back to the state constitution? So those are the things. But one of the ones is not as much of a, a a topical thing. I want our members and those who are going to become members getting involved in their communities of telling others about the truth.
Folks, we know the truth. We can spread the truth, and with that, freedom will ring.
Speaker 2: Amen to that. So let me see here. We got about 20 seconds. Any last thoughts, John?
Speaker 3: Well, thank you for having me on. Thank you for harnessing the power of media. This reminds me of what the, those that, did the committees on correspondence did back in the American Revolution, spreading the truth. Others can do things just like you.
Speaker 2: John Schrock of the John Birch Society. John, thank you so much for being with us today. Thank you.