Episode 59 Hour of Decision: The John Birch Society
Hour Of DecisionJanuary 04, 20250:49:3944.75 MB

Episode 59 Hour of Decision: The John Birch Society

Lew recounts the long and storied history of the John Birch Society, how they were far

ahead on many issues including the dangers of the UN, cultural Marxism, and

fluoridation of public water systems. JBS was the first conservative group to foster black

leadership, and the first organization of its type to get militant Catholics, evangelical

protestants, and LDS to work together.

Unlike what propagandists have attempted to spread, JBS has used simple education

on the issues and the opportunity for educated patriots to network through their

organization to move their program forward.

In the second half of the episode Lew interviews Jon Schrock, the current National Field

Director of the John Birch Society. He discusses the value of a disciplined effort led by

well-trained, full time field staff, and the current objectives of the organization.

For more information about the modern JBS and the long list of current efforts they are

undertaking go to jbs.org.