Speaker 0: How can we get rid of the income tax? If we reduced federal spending to the levels of just a decade ago, we could get rid of the income tax and replace it with nothing. Let me repeat. We could get rid of the IRS and the income tax, all of it, if we reduce federal spending to the levels of just a decade ago. There is only one candidate for president, Ron Paul, who is committed to ending the income tax and replacing it with nothing.
Congressman Ron Paul has a 20 year record of saying no to the big spending liberals and lobbyists. He can get it done.
Speaker 1: This is Ron Paul. I want to end the IRS and replace it with nothing. No income tax, no sales tax, and responsible constitutional spending. That's a formula for prosperity and a way to a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
Speaker 0: We can end the income tax. Be a part of it. Call 877 Ron Paul. 877 Ron Paul.
Speaker 1: I'm Ron Paul, candidate for president, and I approve this message.
Speaker 0: Paid for by Ron Paul 2,008 PCC.
Speaker 2: Welcome back to Hour of Decision, and you've just listened to a radio commercial from the 2008 presidential campaign of doctor Ron Paul. And I actually produced that commercial, and it's about getting rid of the income tax. What a radical idea. I believe, folks, it's a radical idea whose time absolutely I'm talking about political timing now. It absolutely has come.
So there's an opportunity when you have a sea change like we've experienced politically with the landslide election of Donald Trump. And this is not a time, folks, to rest on our laurels by any means. First of all, the left is about ready to launch a full scale attack on the Donald. I mean, there's just no doubt that that's coming. I don't think that's a a rocket science, analysis of this.
But, this is also the time where a lot of ideas are flying around. And, of course, one of the ideas that president Trump has is to create this, I believe it's called Department of Governmental Efficiency or some kinda bureaucrat y's, name like that, but he's talking about putting Elon Musk in charge of this. Elon Musk, who got rid of 80% of the employees at Twitter, and nobody missed any of them. And you know what, folks? That's probably a pretty good analogy of what would happen if we got rid of 80% of the people that are on the federal payroll if it's done just a little bit carefully.
And, of course, what did Elon say the other day? He wants to have Ron Paul on this commission. Oh, yeah. Alright. Now now we're talking.
Yes. Doctor Paul would be an excellent addition, and I know how doctor Paul feels on 2 issues, and we all do, folks, not a secret, that we should be pushing right now 2 planks of the communist manifesto that were shoved down the throats of the American people with the election of Woodrow Wilson in the l, rigged election of 1912. Another story I've talked a little bit about that one on a previous episode of Hour of Decision when I talk about Fabian Socialism. But he shoved those things down our throat. 1 is the income tax, and the other one is the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank.
And let me tell you, you need both of those things, folks, to get in the kind of fiscal crisis we are in right now. We could not possibly be in the crisis we are in of overspending overspending in a government that has bloated. I mean, it's almost 80% bigger than it was in 2019. I mean, it was, like, 4,300,000,000,000 of spending in 2019 and we're over 7 now. We're in the sevens.
We're, in debt another $1,000,000,000,000 every 100 days? This is why, folks, this is existential crisis number 3 that I believe Donald Trump can and will deal with in some fashion and which is one of the 4 crises that I mentioned, which are my 4 big reasons why I was an enthusiastic supporter of Donald Trump despite the disappointments that are about to come and the give and take of politics and the fact that we still have way too much power in the hands of our corporate masters. But this crisis could also bring opportunity. I mean, we need to cut. You know, the Republican leadership, can I just say this again?
My god. They they were talking about cutting 1%. You've just increased the budget by 40, 50, 60 percent? And you're gonna cut 1% and then you can't even get that done? I mean, come on.
But that's, you know, that's in the past. We gotta deal with it now, folks, but crisis brings opportunity. The left is constantly talking about this. Robert Higgs, a great libertarian scholar who I followed, he actually used to live just south of me in Edmonds, Washington. Robert Higgs had a book called Crisis in Leviathan.
I might have that up here. Well, not yet right here. Absolutely a great book even though it's a little bit dated now, but not really. Critical episodes in the growth of American government. This is how we have got this monster sized government is one crisis after another, that was used to justify huge expansion of government.
And, of course, the last one was this COVID scam, was the last super expansion of the size of government and then just all of the other things going on and all of the wonderful ideas people have all over to make life better and better for everybody, meaning that every program is expanding and new programs are starting all the time. I mean, they were under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And so, it can work the other way, folks. My point is it could work the other way. And this is the time, and I don't wanna hear, oh, you want me to hit too far, getting rid of the income tax.
We need to get rid of the income tax and get rid of this damn Federal Reserve Bank that has caused us more problems than they could even be fit in. Other book on my shelf, I was just talking about it, in my last episode, or 2 episodes back, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Gribbon, an absolutely must read if you're a reader or a must listen, if you're willing to, do, like, 25 quality hours, in your commute or whatever, with an audiobook. But that's the history of the Federal Reserve and and this now and that cross cuts every crisis we've had, every evil thing that's happened to us since 1913, since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank. It's all in this book, folks.
We gotta get rid of the Fed. It's tight to end the Fed because we have the opportunity to have explosive growth under Donald Trump with another element of this whole economic question and economic crisis that I'm sure he will follow through on, which is unleashing our energy potential, which could immediately drive through our system a decrease in prices all the way down the line if we free up the ability, of of the our industry to create our own energy and not to be getting it from overseas and not to have all of these stupid, crazy, and mostly subversive regulations on this energy industry, we could have an economic explosion of major proportions. We were happy 1, folks. Real wages. You know, I gotta digress for a minute.
I worked for a think tank in Seattle. It was the last, like, real job I had, from, 2015 through 2017. I was a president of this think tank, and one of the hot issues that all the smart people were talking about were the monetary theories of this guy named Piketty from France, the father of modern monetary theory. And and his obsession was income inequality because he was a Marxist, and he was pointing out justifiably that real wages for working people in different countries, but specifically in America, were going down and down and down, and they were particularly under Obama. And that's a whole topic unto itself we won't discuss now.
But guess what? Donald Trump raised the real wages of working people in this country the first time it happened in many, many years and and energy had everything to do with that because energy is involved in every aspect of our economy. So I believe Trump's gonna do that one for sure. I believe he's gonna cut regulations again. He did a great job the first time.
You know, Republicans, Bush, Boss senior, Reagan, Nixon, Eisenhower, all the way back to the post FDR era where we had the regulatory state thrust on us. All these Republicans have talked about cutting regulations, and the first one to really do it in a systematic way with some real effect was Donald Trump at his first turn. He deserves every, every amount of credit for that. I there's no reason to believe he won't go right back in after it, But this time, with this crisis of the overspending that's going on and the amount of it, a $1,000,000,000,000 of debt, new debt, every 100 days, the fact they're having to monetize more and more of the debt, and that's just a fancy word for printing money folks, just printing money. They don't even have bonds.
They don't even have indebtedness, which is bad enough, behind what they're doing, on a larger and larger part of our debt. They're just printing the money, And we can't go on like this, and this is the opportunity we have to reset the whole system with first huge cuts and you don't you don't do anything with these bureaucrats and with these administrative state folks piecemeal. This has been a lie that RHINO Republicans have been telling us now literally for generations that, oh, we're gonna do a little cutting here, and, boy, we're we're working on that 1% cut. We're really working on it. We're working away.
Of course, they always use the term working, but these damn people are not working. They're just moving their mouths and sitting around in different meetings. I don't really call that working myself, but, people that work on a farm, I'm pretty sure, would not be calling that working or a truck drive truck or, you know, people have, like, a real job. But, they, you know, they've been telling us this gradual piecemeal way is the only way it can be done. It's the only political reality.
It's just not reasonable to think we can make any of these big moves, but that's not true, folks, particularly in a crisis. This is the time to explode our economy through getting rid of tons of regulations, taking the shackles off the energy sector, ending the income tax, the whole income tax. I mean, folks, I'm pretty sure now I wasn't able to look this up before this show. But as you heard in the commercial, in 2,008, the government only had to go back to pre 2,000. This was the the commercial was cut, I believe, in 2007, and you only had to go back to, like, 1999 to, account for all the, revenue that the income tax brought in and say that, you know, you could get rid of the income tax if you went back to that level of spending because they just they just keep increasing the spending.
Well, I I think we're only have to having to go back to 2019. I didn't double check that, but it won't be too many years back. If we would just go back to that level of spending, we could get rid of the income tax right now. But, of course, because of this debt crisis and for every other reason, we need to get rid of a whole lot more government than that. I think we're talking about 2,000,000,000,000, and, Elon Musk mentioned 2,000,000,000,000 in, the Madison Square Garden rally, which I'm gonna talk more about in a minute.
But, anyway, we need to move to get rid of the income tax and then carefully, carefully but directly get rid of this satanic central bank controlled by private interests who are always benefited. No matter which way the economy goes, they're always ahead of the curve and always benefiting from the next thing that happens. And, you know, we're just getting farther and farther and farther and farther in debt. You have the income tax that allows them to raise a lot of money and, and, spend a lot of money, and then you have the Federal Reserve that lets them get into a lot of debt. And so the government grows doubly with these two institutions.
It's time to get rid of both of them. So let's talk about Elon Musk for a second. So Elon Musk got up at that Madison Square Garden rally, and, you know, these political rallies, folks, they're not really an information fest. You know? It's a rah rah thing.
We're gonna get up. And, you know, I mean, there's a few things of substance said. But even on our side of the football, they're not the most substantive events, you know, happening on the planet, any day that one of these rallies occurred. But Musk said, at this rally in Madison Square Garden, he's he told the people that inflation is a tax, which it is, and that government spending drives inflation in its way as g Edward Griffin, this book, referring to this book again just briefly, The Creature from Jekyll Island for those that are just listening, inflation is used as a tax. They spend all this extra money which they create out of nothing and that inflates the currency and then you pay for it in higher taxes.
So it is an indirect tax, excuse me, of the cruelest kind. It is the cruelest type of tax, and it affects the people who save, the people who have the virtues that even when I was a kid were just enshrined that you worked hard, you saved your money, and then you used it for your own future and for the future of your family and to take care of your extended family older than you. That that's what a godly Christian person does. But when there's inflation and the money that's sitting in your pocket is worth less every single second, every time the clock ticks, it's worth a little less, that's awful hard to do. So people aren't fixed incomes.
People who are natural savers our are punished. Poor people are punished. All these people the democrats are claiming they're bleeding for and they're claiming that, you know, if you're a conservative, that you're you know, you wanna kill all these people, you're don't care about any of them, you're the worst person on earth. In fact, folks, as usual, they're just projecting their own behavior on you because it's their behavior in this area is one of the most detrimental things to a poor person, to a senior, to anybody who's on a fixed income, who's any who anybody who has a tendency to save rather than to just spend and spend and then get into debt, which is what the system wants you to do is get into as much debt as humanly possible. And so, anyway, inflation, inhuman.
It's not just an Austrian economics arbitrary conversation. It's not, you know, a a water cooler conversation. It's not, something that you had to read in your economics textbook, but you, you know, called up your girlfriend and said you didn't actually read the chapter, blah blah. This is critical. Inflation's critical.
They're stealing your money and they're stealing a hell of a lot of it right now be and this is all driven, you know, it's not this lie that Kamala was, oh, the oil companies are raising money. We're gonna get them, and we're gonna get the pharmaceutical companies. I don't like the oil companies, and I hate the pharmaceutical companies. But that's not what causes inflation, folks. Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods that is being cranked out by a central bank and driven primarily by the biggest spender in the economy, big government.
It's big government that got it's these socialists that are causing this problem all the way. So Elon Musk, in just a couple of sentences, gave us more truth of a greater depth, than than anyone else that I heard speak at that rally. And, of course, again, supposedly, Trump is going to task him for, shrinking this government under all under the rubric, under the politically acceptable government efficiency, let's make government more efficient. And, you know, I wish we could just be straight with the people and say government is forced, and we need absolute the absolute minimum of it. And even though we do need government, any amount of government is going to be unjust, and it's going to take money from us.
And and that's basically going to be called stealing because of how they use the money. But, anyway, we'll take what we can get and we would love to have doctor Ron Paul, just as a symbol. I'm not saying he couldn't participate in this. My god. He, there's very few people in the country more qualified than he is to participate in this, but he's getting up in years.
But just to have him there that Trump might, in fact, task him with being a part of this effort to really shrink the government, That's very encouraging. And so for us, that our patriotic, Christian, constitutionalist, nationalist, Americans that are America first and love this country, this is a time to not stop talking about getting rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and getting rid of the income tax. I'm telling you, this is the time to put the pedal to the metal on this thing. So, that is gonna be a huge tell. What Trump will do to deal with this economy, is he really going to go after you know, in my earlier in the earlier part of this radio show, it it will be an earlier episode of, my video show, you know, the the tell will be, will he really go after the deep state when we're talking about the first amendment?
But with the economy, the question is gonna be, will he really go after the government and the size of government, to save our economy? As I said, I'm sure he's willing to go after, cranking up the energy thing again, but will he go after this government hammer and tong and get rid of this inflationary overspending? And then could he possibly take those 2 steps, those two planks of the communist manifesto that we need to get rid of, the income tax and the Federal Reserve? So when we get into matters of finance with the government, of course, the constitution set up the congress and specifically the house of representatives first to deal with the finances of the government. They're the ones that are supposed to set the, budget, and the president's just supposed to execute on it.
That's not how things are running now. And with Trump in there, I'm actually happy about that, at least for now. But the weak one of the weakest links I mean, we may have a weak link with who Trump hires, but we definitely have a congress problem. I did an episode of Hour of Decision on this. They're getting all their money.
I'm talking about both parties, folks. They're getting all their money from the drug companies, from the military industrial complex, from big tech, from all of these people who wanna be in bed with the Chinese who love immigration. This is where most of the campaign funds are coming from, folks, and we have some great conservatives in congress, but we have a whole lot of weasels, and we have some bad actors as well. Will they fall in line under Trump? Can he exert the leadership that intimidates them enough?
Can we, as supporters of president Trump, be willing to continually pressure these members of congress to do the right thing, to make the cuts they need to make, to not to go into a meeting like my congressman in Zebar. We really tried to get that 1% cut, but boy, it's a tough atmosphere. It just wasn't politically doable, wasn't politically realistic. We don't need leadership like this, folks. We and we gotta keep score, keep score, and keep working on getting rid of every one of the people in any district where it's doable that in any way fall into this.
But it's gonna be different with Trump now. He has, you know, the members of congress are kinda like lemmings. I speak from experience, folks. And so, if Trump exerts the leadership and and, prevails upon the congressional leadership, If, if he can make, Johnson there from Louisiana, the speaker, his poodle, or Johnson's been the poodle of, of all the big business people and all the lobbyists, and everybody didn't wanna cut the government and wanted to work with the democrats. He folded on everything.
He was terrible so far. But if he could become Trump's poodle and and whip, the republican side into line, we might have some good results, and we're gonna need some good results. But the other part of that equation is constant pressure from the grassroots, and so I hope Trump is not shy about using the armies of his supporters, in this effort, and I hope he really focuses on cutting this government. And I don't mean cutting a few programs and getting it down a few $100,000,000,000 and calling it a day. I'm talking about cutting this government down to constitutional size as you as soon as humanly possible because this is a crisis, and we have to do it or our country is gonna go down the tubes.
My name is Lou Moore, and you have been listening to Hour of Decision on Liberty News Radio. You can also, pick up my podcast and things I've written at news for America.org. You can learn more about election integrity at secure vote dot news, and you can buy my book, forerunner, at lumore.com. Again, my name is Lou Moore. Thank you very much.