dc occupiers

I Think They Are Missing The Point

3418 – July 3, 2024 – I Think They Are Missing The Point – If Joe Biden is unfit to run for president … isn’t he also unfit to BE president? BUT that isn’t what they are saying. They have to beat Trump (America) …. Or their Political-Tyrannical-Gig is up! Well, it’s already up for all intents and purposes. The “bad debate” exposed all that they have been trying to hide! Joe Biden has NEVER been running this nation! So who is? … and who will continue to, should they manage to s...

Old Glory

3405 – June 14, 2024 – Old Glory is a symbol of our nation’s struggles, and, once upon a time, our unity. We didn’t used to hear any “trigger words” in the Pledge of Allegiance. We do need to, however, think about what, and TO what, we “pledge” when we say these words: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all....

Do We Need an Underground Media?

3404 – June 13, 2024 – Do We Need an Underground Media? – Is there 1st Amendment censorship in America? How do we make sure that we are getting the truth from Google? Preservation and protection of Liberty and Truth require CONSTANT vigilance!

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

3402 – June 11, 2024 – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous – Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to talk about the many magnificent and marvelous benefits of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel has saved an exponentially larger number of lives than “climate change” will ever take. (if you believe “climate change” is man made, and if you believe it poses any threat to mankind at all) CO2 is good for you, and fossil fuels are too!

Pretend Presidency

3398 – June 5, 2024 – Pretend Presidency – The “Establishment” (deep state) just plays President. It is now a pretend position used to help promote the appearance of separation of powers. It doesn’t matter that Obama isn’t the pretend president, O’Biden is doing just what Obama tells him to do.

Utopia in America

3397 – June 4, 2024 – Utopia in America… is fiction! So, Beth Ann has some utopian fake news for you today. Enjoy some “headlines” that will make you smile and wish for better times for America!

An Appeal to Heaven

3395 – May 31, 2024 – An Appeal to Heaven – An appeal to heaven is our only recourse. That does not mean to pray and then sit and wait. We must follow up our prayers with action! Besides the obvious tyrants, one of our problems is that many of us do not understand who we are as a country.

I Wanna Go Home

3389 – May 23, 2024 – I Wanna Go Home … to this land the way it was before, it seems like good sense has walked out the door. America is a different place, DEpendence is embraced, there are no hard-working heroes, just a bunch of influencer ZEROES!

Stand Your Ground

3387 – May 21, 2024 – Stand Your Ground – DIG IN YOUR HEELS! Are you ready for America’s judgement day? Bill Mahr says that we all have to get along, BUT, he will not be swayed from his hateful opinion of President Trump. Well, we will not be moved away from our support of MAGA or from the defense of our Republic! Bill Mahr can go pound sand!

Liberty Without Virtue Is Tyranny

3386 – May 20, 2024 – Liberty Without Virtue Is Tyranny – Character DOTH matter. Stormy and Cohen have no virtue. They both saw a way to make some – what they thought would be quick – money. They sacrificed their character by attempting to besmirch President Trump. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” George Washington.