3418 – July 3, 2024 – I Think They Are Missing The Point – If Joe Biden is unfit to run for president … isn’t he also unfit to BE president? BUT that isn’t what they are saying. They have to beat Trump (America) …. Or their Political-Tyrannical-Gig is up! Well, it’s already up for all intents and purposes.

The “bad debate” exposed all that they have been trying to hide! Joe Biden has NEVER been running this nation! So who is? … and who will continue to, should they manage to steal another election…

It is my opinion that the Democrat Party… while a few now are “coming out” – and I lose that term broadly… saying Biden should bow out of the presidential race, BUT they are really ready to invoke the 25th Amendment……… SHOULDN’T THE ENTIRE NATION BE READY TO INVOKE THE 25TH AMENDMENT?

…. Aren’t the (politicians on both sides of the aisle) missing the point? OR is America missing the point of politics?

The post I Think They Are Missing The Point appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.