daniel turner

Dems Plead the (20)5th

3415 – June 28, 2024 – Dems Plead the (20)5th – If the dems really cared about this country they would do exactly that! But, alas, they do not. Winning the election means EVERYTHING to them, regardless of who is wearing the suit, or pants. Well… it used to, but now that everyone has seen how bad it really is MAYBE they will run a legit candidate… IF they can find one. Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to help us sort it all out.

Old Glory

3405 – June 14, 2024 – Old Glory is a symbol of our nation’s struggles, and, once upon a time, our unity. We didn’t used to hear any “trigger words” in the Pledge of Allegiance. We do need to, however, think about what, and TO what, we “pledge” when we say these words: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all....

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

3402 – June 11, 2024 – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous – Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to talk about the many magnificent and marvelous benefits of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel has saved an exponentially larger number of lives than “climate change” will ever take. (if you believe “climate change” is man made, and if you believe it poses any threat to mankind at all) CO2 is good for you, and fossil fuels are too!

An Appeal to Heaven

3395 – May 31, 2024 – An Appeal to Heaven – An appeal to heaven is our only recourse. That does not mean to pray and then sit and wait. We must follow up our prayers with action! Besides the obvious tyrants, one of our problems is that many of us do not understand who we are as a country.

Send in the Clowns

3390 – May 24, 2024 – Send in the Clowns – Beth takes Kathy Hochul’s own words and uses them against her. In rural America, rodeo clowns are the HEROES who save the cowboys from the raging bulls. The clowns actively and purposefully get in between the good guys and the bad bulls to make sure the good guys live to ride again! America, ALL of America, needs more clowns like that!