3560 – January 17, 2025 – Anxiously But Cautiously – The time of Joe Biden and the near democrat dictatorship over America is about to end. We Anxiously but Cautiously await the transfer of power from DEMS to Republicans. I personally would prefer the transfer of power be said to be to We the People; obviously Republicans have been less than trustworthy in the past… recently and further back. With Trump leading we all have some optimism that this nation will be making an about-...
3506 – November 4, 2024 – To Vote Or Not To Vote FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS Change our hearts oh God… Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart Oh God, may I be like You. You are the potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me, this is what I pray. May our actions and our words… Honor You oh God We pray for those who know you not, may we be your beacon, practicing tough love and forgiveness as you forgive us. TO VOTE OR NOT TO VOTE… THAT IS THE QUESTION. I decid...
3402 – June 11, 2024 – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous – Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to talk about the many magnificent and marvelous benefits of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel has saved an exponentially larger number of lives than “climate change” will ever take. (if you believe “climate change” is man made, and if you believe it poses any threat to mankind at all) CO2 is good for you, and fossil fuels are too!