
I Think They Are Missing The Point

3418 – July 3, 2024 – I Think They Are Missing The Point – If Joe Biden is unfit to run for president … isn’t he also unfit to BE president? BUT that isn’t what they are saying. They have to beat Trump (America) …. Or their Political-Tyrannical-Gig is up! Well, it’s already up for all intents and purposes. The “bad debate” exposed all that they have been trying to hide! Joe Biden has NEVER been running this nation! So who is? … and who will continue to, should they manage to s...

Dems Plead the (20)5th

3415 – June 28, 2024 – Dems Plead the (20)5th – If the dems really cared about this country they would do exactly that! But, alas, they do not. Winning the election means EVERYTHING to them, regardless of who is wearing the suit, or pants. Well… it used to, but now that everyone has seen how bad it really is MAYBE they will run a legit candidate… IF they can find one. Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to help us sort it all out.

So Much Drama

3406 – June 17, 2024 – So Much Drama – Truth and lies, freedom and slavery, so much drama… where is the commonsense? America needs leaders who are truthful, love this nation and our constitution. Check out the FB video of the show. Listen to all the other podcasts here .

Pretend Presidency

3398 – June 5, 2024 – Pretend Presidency – The “Establishment” (deep state) just plays President. It is now a pretend position used to help promote the appearance of separation of powers. It doesn’t matter that Obama isn’t the pretend president, O’Biden is doing just what Obama tells him to do.

An Appeal to Heaven

3395 – May 31, 2024 – An Appeal to Heaven – An appeal to heaven is our only recourse. That does not mean to pray and then sit and wait. We must follow up our prayers with action! Besides the obvious tyrants, one of our problems is that many of us do not understand who we are as a country.

Separation! When? When not?

3392 – May 28, 2024 – Separation! When? When not? – What do you know about your government and constitution? BECAUSE politicians never want to give up power, WE need to KNOW what our rights are, AND what their LIMITS are. We need to watch them like a hawk because they will stop at nothing to keep their power!

The “Wrong Ways”

3388 – May 22, 2024 – The “Wrong Ways” – The days are getting longer, but the time we have left to restore America is growing shorter. The feds have so far overstepped their boundaries that it will be very difficult to rein them back in! Tyranny is a vicious enemy, limitless in its tactics to subdue the people. Biden is the “public face” of the party we are now and forevermore calling “The Wrong Ways.” Not all Wrong Ways are dems, many are re...