
Deceptive Debate Debacle

3414 – June 27, 2024 – Deceptive Debate Debacle – Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading joins Beth Ann today to complete “The Two.” What a confused mess we are finding this country in! Let Melody help you make some sense out of part of it! Home – CSC Talk Radio

Another Hill

3399 – June 6, 2024 – Another Hill – We remember D-Day on its 80th anniversary. The brave men and women who gave up their lives during that war helped preserve freedom here, and all over the world. They made it able for us have the wonderful life we have here in the U.S. Let us be grateful and not squander their gift. Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading helps us preserve our wealth. Don’t squander your blessings!

I Wanna Go Home

3389 – May 23, 2024 – I Wanna Go Home … to this land the way it was before, it seems like good sense has walked out the door. America is a different place, DEpendence is embraced, there are no hard-working heroes, just a bunch of influencer ZEROES!