
Be Unburdened America

3435 – July 26, 2024 – Be Unburdened America – We are burdened with socialist policies, anti-American activists, and government agencies working against We The People. But, we should NOT be unburdened by “what has been” as Kamala says because our past must always be part of our future. We should, however, be unburdened by those who strive to destroy our Republic in favor of a “democracy.” Be Unburdened America Home – CSC Talk Radio Facebook video...

Money DOES Grow on Trees, But it’s JUST PAPER

3434 – July 25, 2024 – Money DOES Grow on Trees, But it’s JUST PAPER – Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading joins us to help make some sense out of nonsense. Please contact Melody (800-375-4188) for all your precious metal needs. And speaking of “nonsense” – how about that Kamala Harris person. She has been an activist VP, and, if elected, will be an activist president. Biden thinks she is the “younger” generation. I guess s...

Ok America, It’s Time to Get Real

3432 – July 23, 2024 – Ok America, It’s Time to Get Real – It doesn’t matter who the dems put on their ticket (Kamala), if they get elected, or installed, the very same people (Obama) who were running the country for Joe will be running it for them – and continuing to rapidly run it into the ground. They still won’t respect life, or liberty. They will still have no use for the truth or for private property rights. Their horrible war on women will continu...


3429 – July 18, 2024 – IT’S ABOUT PROPERTY RIGHTS-ALWAYS! IT’S ABOUT PROPERTY RIGHTS-ALWAYS! Property is more than the dirt your house sits upon. “In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.” James Madison “Bring America Home© Conference, Saturday, September 14, 2024 9am – 3pm Register NOW! $25 – because, ‘IT’S ABOUT PROPERTY RIGHTS – ALWAYS!” ...

Incompetence or Indifference

3427 – July 16, 2024 – Incompetence or Indifference? Daniel Turner joins us to talk about the attacks on rural America by the Sierra Club for the lies of Climate Change. FBI? Incompetence or Indifference? Expect Emotions but do not mistake them for weakness. Americans need to circle around Trump and Lift him up as he has been lifting and encouraging Americans. MAGA – Keep Americans Safe – Bring America Home©

Policies vs. Ideologies

3425 – July 12, 2024 – Policies vs. Ideologies – In the second segment Beth Ann welcomes Daniel Turner of Power the Future . Beth Ann explains President Trump’s Agenda 47 with the help of an unwitting leftist. Beth Ann, via poetry, explores the power of the poop! Home – CSC Talk Radio  

Did You Feel the Slap of Reality?

3424 – July 11, 2024 – Did You Feel the Slap of Reality? Did you feel the sting of the once hidden truth when it was finally revealed? The left can no longer deny what many Patriots have long been saying was true – Biden is a washed-up old man with no business being anywhere near the oval office, much less sitting behind the most powerful desk in the free world. The other truth that was revealed was the fact that there is NO WAY that Biden has been running this country. Did You...

Before You Start Capturing CO2, or Give Up Your Backyard BBQ

3423 – July 10, 2024 – “Before You Start Capturing CO2, or Give Up Your Backyard BBQ” – What do you know of the reasons for our (America’s) deep state of government? Why are they doing and approving the crazy things we are witnessing? Before you start capturing CO2, before you give up your backyard barbeques… there’s something you need to know and understand. Our land is their goal to own and to “man.” No turbines across the land will save you from “climate chang...

You Can’t Fix Stupid

3422 – July 9, 2024 – You Can’t Fix Stupid – You can change your hair color, put on some makeup, buy a new hat, wear high heels, have liposuction or plastic surgery, but you can’t fix stupid! No amount of taxpayer dollars, or government grants, or stolen votes can fix stupid. You can’t pass a law that makes stupid people smart. But, maybe we can figure out a way to bury “stupid” in the ground, kinda like CO2.

While the Republic Slept, Democracy Took Hold

3421 – July 8, 2024 – While the Republic Slept, Democracy Took Hold – When you celebrated Independence Day, what did you celebrate? For what freedom did you give thanks? Was it the freedom to speak out against the government? Are you sure you still have that right? Was it the freedom to protect yourself and your family with the weapon of your choice? Can you own an AR where you live? Was it the freedom to choose your own healthcare methods? Have you checked the fine print in yo...

Best of CSC Talk Radio with Beth Ann

3420 – July 5, 2024 – Best of CSC Talk Radio with Beth Ann – Enjoy this compilation of 4 blocks from 4 different shows. Block #1: Beth uses some fake news to describe utopia in America. Block #2: Daniel Turner joins her to discuss failed blue cities and states. Block #3: Pigs rushed into the sea and corrupt (criminal) government. Block #4: The separation of powers.

Happy Independence Day!

3419 – July 4, 2024 – Happy Independence Day! It was on this day in 1776 when our Founding Fathers signed that treasonous (to the king) document called the Declaration of Independence. But what happened BEFORE that day? And after? Listen to experience the revolution through its key events leading up to and following that day.

We Are Not Far Right

3417 – July 2, 2024 – We Are Not Far Right – Loving this nation and valuing our governing documents is not a radical idea, but a normal emotion, or it should be. We are not far “right” but we are “correct.” We hear much noise from both sides of the aisle, but we never truly see justice being done or liberty being protected. Be sure to keep checking HERE for more upcoming Bring America Home Conference info.

Obstruction, Insurrection, Treason

3416 – July 1, 2024 – Obstruction, Insurrection, Treason – The talk of the town today is about whether or not Biden should drop out of the race, or even resign right now. Even his old buddy Obama is starting to talk (openly) about the dems holding an “open” convention, in case Joe goes rouge (thank you Jill) and tries to hold on to power. Check out 18 US Code 371 and then think about who could be guilty of conspiracy. So much FRAUD and so LITTLE TIME to sort it all ...

Go Suck on an Ice Cube

3412 – June 25, 2024 – Go Suck on an Ice Cube – Larry Behrens of Power the Future joins us today to discuss: Ghost Stations, The Deep State, Section F, “How Hot IS It?”, EV vs. A/C, Mass Migration, Polar Bears, Rising Sea Levels, Election Fraud, gassy dems, and Joe Biden’s… uh… um… you know the thing… Visit Home – CSC Talk Radio for all our “stuff.”

What Do Dems Support?

3410 – June 21, 2024 – What Do Dems Support? Do they support anything that promotes freedom and liberty? Do they support anything that protects private property rights? Or the 2nd amendment? Are they working towards a smaller federal government? Or, maybe most importantly right now, are they concerned about the security of this nation?

How Did We Get Here?

3409 – June 20, 2024 – How Did We Get Here? – How to catch wild hogs and eat a frog. SCOTUS rules on tax issues. Beth will be speaking in Trenton, MO at the 10th St. Baptist Church on Sunday, June 23rd at 2pm. Alabama puts the 10 Commandments back in schools! The “wrong ways” are stockpiling abortion pills just in case Trump does something to prevent them from killing babies. Biden plans on giving illegals, who are married to citizens, a path toward citizenship.

Why DEI?

3408 – June 19, 2024 – Why DEI? – Where did all this immorality come from? What happened that made it socially acceptable to live the way some folks do today? Why are we (Christians) allowing it to continue, ESPECIALLY the exploitation and mutilation of our children? Is the USA hopelessly lost? Can we save our Republic? We may not be able to, but God can! It’s time to put Him back as the head of this country!

Music to My Ears

3407 – June 18, 2024 – Music to My Ears – “We are not a democracy,” says Beth Ann AND a lot more folks on tv now! Mr. H of “Liquid Assets” maker of Immuno150 joins us today. Mr. H was born in boxcar on a Kansas prairie and went on to own and operate several very successful businesses including a cancer hospital. At age 90 he is still going strong and is involved in the day-to-day operations of his companies! He credits his many years of taking Immuno150....

So Much Drama

3406 – June 17, 2024 – So Much Drama – Truth and lies, freedom and slavery, so much drama… where is the commonsense? America needs leaders who are truthful, love this nation and our constitution. Check out the FB video of the show. Listen to all the other podcasts here .

Old Glory

3405 – June 14, 2024 – Old Glory is a symbol of our nation’s struggles, and, once upon a time, our unity. We didn’t used to hear any “trigger words” in the Pledge of Allegiance. We do need to, however, think about what, and TO what, we “pledge” when we say these words: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all....

Do We Need an Underground Media?

3404 – June 13, 2024 – Do We Need an Underground Media? – Is there 1st Amendment censorship in America? How do we make sure that we are getting the truth from Google? Preservation and protection of Liberty and Truth require CONSTANT vigilance!

The “ACTS” of Congress

3403 – June 12, 2024 – The “ACTS” of Congress – BEWARE of the “Sustain Act.” It was passed surreptitiously in what basically amounts to a quiet insurrection. Some republicans (dems too?) in US House were not even aware that it had passed as it was hidden DEEP in an appropriations bill. Mindy Patterson of The Cavalry Group helps Beth Ann explain what it means. Keep Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 open so you can attend our “Bring America Home” confer...

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

3402 – June 11, 2024 – From the Sublime to the Ridiculous – Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today to talk about the many magnificent and marvelous benefits of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel has saved an exponentially larger number of lives than “climate change” will ever take. (if you believe “climate change” is man made, and if you believe it poses any threat to mankind at all) CO2 is good for you, and fossil fuels are too!

The Road Less Traveled

3400 – June 7, 2024 – The Road Less Traveled/Respect is Non-existent in a Gangster Government/Pretend President – Beth’s 6-year-old grandson Levi joins us in the studio today. He doesn’t have much to say, but he is a smart kid and fun to hang with. Byron Daniels takes some heat for telling it like it is/was.

Another Hill

3399 – June 6, 2024 – Another Hill – We remember D-Day on its 80th anniversary. The brave men and women who gave up their lives during that war helped preserve freedom here, and all over the world. They made it able for us have the wonderful life we have here in the U.S. Let us be grateful and not squander their gift. Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading helps us preserve our wealth. Don’t squander your blessings!

Pretend Presidency

3398 – June 5, 2024 – Pretend Presidency – The “Establishment” (deep state) just plays President. It is now a pretend position used to help promote the appearance of separation of powers. It doesn’t matter that Obama isn’t the pretend president, O’Biden is doing just what Obama tells him to do.

Utopia in America

3397 – June 4, 2024 – Utopia in America… is fiction! So, Beth Ann has some utopian fake news for you today. Enjoy some “headlines” that will make you smile and wish for better times for America!

I am a Part of the Resistance!

3396 – June 3, 2024 – I am a Part of the Resistance! – Has the Great American Experiment failed, or have WE failed it? We have definitely failed to keep our Republic. “Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country” is more than a typing exercise, it’s a call to action!

An Appeal to Heaven

3395 – May 31, 2024 – An Appeal to Heaven – An appeal to heaven is our only recourse. That does not mean to pray and then sit and wait. We must follow up our prayers with action! Besides the obvious tyrants, one of our problems is that many of us do not understand who we are as a country.

President Trump, PLEASE Destroy Their DEMOCRACY!

3394 – May 30, 2024 – President Trump, PLEASE Destroy Their DEMOCRACY! – and restore our Constitutional Republic! Don’t let the globalists replace our Republic with their democracy!

Separation! When? When not?

3392 – May 28, 2024 – Separation! When? When not? – What do you know about your government and constitution? BECAUSE politicians never want to give up power, WE need to KNOW what our rights are, AND what their LIMITS are. We need to watch them like a hawk because they will stop at nothing to keep their power!

I Wanna Go Home

3389 – May 23, 2024 – I Wanna Go Home … to this land the way it was before, it seems like good sense has walked out the door. America is a different place, DEpendence is embraced, there are no hard-working heroes, just a bunch of influencer ZEROES!

Stand Your Ground

3387 – May 21, 2024 – Stand Your Ground – DIG IN YOUR HEELS! Are you ready for America’s judgement day? Bill Mahr says that we all have to get along, BUT, he will not be swayed from his hateful opinion of President Trump. Well, we will not be moved away from our support of MAGA or from the defense of our Republic! Bill Mahr can go pound sand!

Liberty Without Virtue Is Tyranny

3386 – May 20, 2024 – Liberty Without Virtue Is Tyranny – Character DOTH matter. Stormy and Cohen have no virtue. They both saw a way to make some – what they thought would be quick – money. They sacrificed their character by attempting to besmirch President Trump. “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” George Washington.