Clay Higgins, Gary Palmer, Victoria Marshall, Valarie Hodges, Pavlo Unguryan
Washington WatchApril 17, 202400:54:1524.83 MB

Clay Higgins, Gary Palmer, Victoria Marshall, Valarie Hodges, Pavlo Unguryan

On today’s program: Clay Higgins, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Louisiana, discusses the articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Gary Palmer, U.S. Representative from the 6th district of Alabama, provides an update on the foreign aid legislation pending before Congress and explains why he opposes the motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson. Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, reports on the U.N. Security Council’s expected vote this week to admit Palestine to the United Nations. Valarie Hodges, Louisiana State Senator, shares an overview of her resolution before the Louisiana Senate urging the U.S. Congress to support Israel. Pavlo Unguryan, former Member of Ukraine’s Parliament, joins Tony in studio to shed light on the persecution of Christians in Ukraine by the Russian army and encourages Christians to pray for the church in Ukraine.