‘Operation Wet Work’ James Carville Calls For Trump’s Assasination |EP251
The Big Mig ShowMarch 30, 2024x
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‘Operation Wet Work’ James Carville Calls For Trump’s Assasination |EP251

Shoutout given on our show for Christina Holbrook James Carville Calls For ‘Wet Work’ Against Trump

'People like me and other groups in the party need to do that,' Carville said, noting Biden is 'not very good' at attacking his opponents

Biden’s Gestapo DOJ, FBI, & CIA are Out of Control.

The DOJ is ordering Google to release the names and addresses of YouTube viewers who watched specific videos.

"It's unconstitutional, terrifying, & happening every day. These YouTube warrants are chilling, allowing police to target people simply for the content they consume."