Tech Frontiers: Litigation, Innovations, and CES Insights
NPI Tech GuysDecember 31, 20230:24:5022.74 MB

Tech Frontiers: Litigation, Innovations, and CES Insights

* LITIGATION Apple Can Resume Selling Watches, a Court Allows. Apple can, for now, resume sales of its flagship smartwatches, after a US appeals court on Wednesday paused a government commission's import ban on the devices imposed in a patent dispute over its medical monitoring technology.

* CES 2024: What we’re expecting - TechCrunch.

CES runs January 9-12 in Las Vegas.

Health tech will continue to be a big piece of the puzzle.

AI Hardware?

Anticipate more companies will be leaning into the automated processes they utilize on the back end.

TV will continue to be a major focus.

Car makers generally make a big splash at the event. a big part of CES’s evolution over the past few years has been its positioning as a major automotive show.