* Guest: Lowell Nelson - CampaignForLiberty.org, RonPaulInstitute.org
* Get the Government out of the Classroom - Ron Paul.
* Less Government Brings a Happy Thanksgiving - Judge Andrew Napolitano.
* The Counterinsurgency is ‘On’ – Against Trump’s ‘Storm’ - Alastair Crooke.
* Michigan Election Data Shows Anomaly: Average of 2.5 Votes Per Voter - NationalFile.com
* while Trump is working to drain the swamp in DC, let's work to drain the swamp in our own states, counties, and communities, and get back to an election process that we can trust.
* Ignorance vs. Freedom: Reclaim the Constitution and Liberty - Michael Boldin, TenthAmendmentCenter.com
For way too long, the political class has told us what how the Constitution should work--instead of the other way around.
* If we want to reclaim our freedom, we have to "look at the Constitution through the eyes of the generation who wrote and ratified it."