Radio Show Hour 2 – 06/24/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastJune 24, 202425.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 06/24/2024

* Guest: Lowell Nelson –,

* Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft – Ron Paul.

* Paul Mentions a think tank called “American Compass,” which wants Republicans to support tax increases. They believe that a bi-partisan agreement to increase taxes, together with an agreement to cut spending, will enable the government to cut its $35 trillion deficit.

* Dr. Ron Paul then discusses the “inflation tax,” a hidden tax of the Federal Reserve System. He writes, “This tax will keep increasing as long as the government’s reckless spending forces the Fed to monetize ever higher levels of government debt. Anti-tax conservatives and all who value individual liberty and peace should join the movement to audit and then end the Federal Reserve.”

He then pleads with Congress to cut warfare spending, which only enriches the military-industrial complex. “Congress should then shut down all unnecessary federal agencies including the NSA, TSA, FBI, DEA, CIA, and Department of Education.

* Ron Paul: “The money saved from these cuts should be used to protect those dependent on federal welfare and entitlement programs as those programs are phased out. Responsibility for providing aid can then be transferred back to private charities, churches, and community-based organizations.”

“Government deficits are a symptom of the abandonment of the moral truths of individual rights and limited government for the immoral lies of the welfare-warfare state and the fiat money system that underlies it…. [We should seek] to restore the understanding that the prohibition against force and fraud applies to government as well as private individuals. If you cannot use force or fraud against your neighbor to provide for yourself, your family and friends, or the Ukraine army, then neither can the government. The prohibition against fraud also applies to the legalized counterfeiting undertaken by central banking.”

* What If It’s Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong? – Judge Andrew Napolitano.

* Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador – TCN.

Bukele: “If you win the spiritual war, then you will win the physical war.”

* The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration – Caitlin Johnstone,

NATO powers are rapidly escalating toward hot war with Russia at the same time the US is expanding its draft policies to make it easier to force more Americans to go and fight in a giant war.

* Fredric Bastiat Was a Radical Opponent of War and Militarism – Ryan McMaken,

* We should promote and support a policy of non-interventionism!