Radio Show Hour 2 – 06/03/2024

Radio Show Hour 2 – 06/03/2024

* Guest: Lowell Nelson -, * Biden’s Tariffs Are Another Nail in the Dollar’s Coffin - Ron Paul. We will face a hurricane of economic chaos in the near future (a matter of just several years). Hopefully, we will have the good sense to return to a constitutionally limited government, where the people exercise their sovereignty instead of relying on a political class to make their decisions for them. * MR. Paul: "Ronald Reagan was correct when he told me that no nation has ever abandoned gold and remained great." * WHO Treaty Fails – For Now - Ron Paul. * Campaign for Liberty has a five-fold mission: "promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization." * The US House passed HR 5403, a bill to BAN central bank digital currency! - Ron Paul. * Please call your US Senators and politely but firmly insist that they approve HR 5403! * They want total control of your money: to manipulate its value, to spy on you, and even to confiscate it from you. * American Caesar and Constitutional Indifference - Judge Andrew Napolitano. We need more James Madisons and Thomas Jeffersons--at all levels of government--speaking out about this usurpation of authority. The states did not vest emergency power in the general government. The indifference of the people toward the constitution is staggering, and so we continue to tolerate our American Caesar. * The US Empire Isn’t A Government That Runs Nonstop Wars, It’s A Nonstop War That Runs A Government - Caitlin Johnstone. * Robert Fico’s failed assassination raises specter of Western plotting.