Radio Show Hour 2 – 05/27/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastMay 27, 202425.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 05/27/2024

* Guest: Lowell Nelson –,

* Remember: “that the freedoms, rights, peace, and safety of Americans are in spite of their government’s military adventures, not because of them.”

* The Vietnamization of Ukraine – Ron Paul.

* Ukraine is fighting an unwinnable war – Look at history. Look at the Iraq War, the attacks on Syria and Libya, and the 20 years in Afghanistan. Would we call those successes? No! Russia and China are powerful. The war hawks are toying with WWIII and nuclear devastation. “Russia of today is a country that can fight back and can project military power all the way to the source, which means the United States.”

* “Neocons and warmongers lie constantly. They will do whatever it takes to get their wars and sadly we do not have an independent media in the US to challenge them on their lies. Our media is so closely tied to the military-industrial complex that it is also a stakeholder in war profits, so they aren’t about to rock the boat.”

* The Real War – David Pyne,

* Today is the day, now is the time, to press your US Representatives to stop funding Ukraine, and to stop fighting. They are listening to people now more than ever because of the upcoming Primary elections (the Primary Election in Utah is on June 25). Extract from these candidates a promise to urge Ukraine to do a peace agreement with Russia. Let’s end this conflict today!

* The Tyranny of the Majority – Andrew Napolitano.

* The passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913 crippled the US Senate tremendously because the states were no longer represented in Congress. Senators were elected by a popular vote after 1913. So now we simply have two chambers of “The People” instead of one for “The People” and one for “The States.”

* James Madison gave a speech in February of 1791, which is now known as the famous Bank Speech. He eloquently argued “against legislation chartering a national bank because the authority to create a bank was not only not present in the Constitution but also was retained by the states and reserved to them by the 10th Amendment.

* Please vote for Phil Lyman for governor, Frank Mylaw for Attorney General, Tina Cannon for Auditor, Trent Staggs for US Senate, and Mike Kennedy for CD 3. Encourage your friends and neighbors to do likewise.

* ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Torture of Children – Gary D. Barnett,

* Memorial Day – Laurence Vance,

* Those in the military who have died in the last 75 years have died in the service of the US regime–not in the service of our country. They have done the bidding of a hegemonic administration intent on policing the world for profit–not in defending our liberty here in America.

* Yes, let’s honor those who have fallen in defense of liberty. But let’s not confuse US military action around the world for the last 75 years with the defense of liberty.