Radio Show Hour 2 – 04/15/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastApril 15, 202454:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 04/15/2024

* Guest: Lowell Nelson -, * CSPOA Conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday! - * Total Solar Eclipse in Mazatlan Lowell: "I am glad that we were able to witness it. Helps me appreciate the incredible blessing of living on this planet, just the right distance from the sun, with enough atmosphere to keep us alive, and enough plantlife to recycle our CO2 into oxygen to keep us alive." Reminded me of the scripture in the Book of Mormon, "all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." * Sen. McConnell Cannot Stop the Non-Interventionist Tide - Ron Paul. * "Recently Col. Douglas Macgregor posted on Twitter, “We have lost $14 TRILLION over the last 20 year on dumb interventions in other countries. What good has it done?” "Many Republicans are asking that same question. What have we gotten for the first $100 billion to Ukraine? A victory for “freedom” like we were promised? No. We got rampaging inflation, decreasing standard of living, and demands for another $100 billion! "What did we get for the trillions we spent in the 20-year war in Afghanistan? Peace and democracy in the region? Hardly. As it’s often said, we spent 20 years in Afghanistan replacing the Taliban with the Taliban. All the money wasted, all the lives destroyed, all the blood spilled over 20 years and the interventionists achieved nothing. Worse than nothing. "Speaker Mike Johnson is facing serious pressure from House Republicans over his desire to keep spending on overseas intervention. That’s one reason the “national security supplemental” foreign aid bill has not been brought to the Floor. All of a sudden interventionism is a loser with more of the American people, and politicians are paying attention." * kudos to Americans who have persuaded their public servants to quit spending on these interventionist boondoggles. Let's keep it up. And let's bring our troops home! * The CIA Wants More Power to Spy on Americans! - Andrew Naplitano. "Americans need to be aware of the unbridled propensity of federal intelligence agencies to spy on all of us without search warrants as required by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." "Thus, thanks to Reagan and Bush, and their successors looking the other way, CIA agents have been engaging in fishing expeditions on a grand scale inside the U.S. for the past 20 years." * Federal Abortion Ban! * Savor the Taste of Independence, Grow Your Own! - George F. Smith,