* Guest: Lowell Nelson - CampaignForLiberty.org, RonPaulInstitute.org
* 2025 New Year’s Resolutions - Ron Paul.
* If your money is electronic, then the government could restrict your use of that money; in fact, they could even shut it off (cause it to disappear).
* Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Test - Paul Craig Roberts, LewRockwell.com
It is the pardon for every one of the wrongly indicted and wrongly prosecuted Jan 6. Trump supporters who attended the rally and were persecuted for doing so. If Trump fails to immediately issue a full and unconditional pardon to all, he will lose the support of MAGA Americans."
* Dear Friend Gary Heavin Leads Massive Effort To Make Sure Any J6 Protesters Pardoned By Incoming President Trump 'Are Not' Left On The Streets Without Food, Clothing Or Shelter.
* MLK’s Courageous Antiwar Speech - Joshua Shoenfeld, LewRockwell.com
One year before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a powerful anti-war speech, entitled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" wherein he decried the United States’ genocidal war on the people of Vietnam. King linked the state-sanctioned oppression of the blacks with the suffering of the Vietnamese at the hands of the US military. The lamestream media denounced King for speaking out against the war on Vietnam.
* Israel Against The World – With US Aid - Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr.
* Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural: Timeless Blueprint for the Constitution - Michael Boldin, TenthAmendmentCenter.com
"In it, he laid the groundwork for a system dedicated to the limits of the Constitution – rooted in individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and the sovereignty of the states. It represents a roadmap that should be followed, then and now."
Jefferson said, "A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."