Radio Show Hour 2 – 01/14/2025
Liberty Roundtable PodcastJanuary 14, 20250:54:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 2 – 01/14/2025

* JPMorgan: Time to Come Back Into the Office Full-Time Comments shut off on post about the policy change.

* Should there be conditions on federal aid to California? Mike Johnson gives his answer.

* China announced on Monday that its trade surplus reached almost $1T last year as its exports swamped the globe, while the country's own businesses and households spent cautiously on imports.

* Consumer Protection Bureau Will Soon Remove Medical Bills from Your Credit Reports - It's Official: Medical Debt Now Barred From Your Credit Report Credit scores are expected to rise by average of 20 points.

* Melania Trump: This Time It Will Be 'Very Different' Incoming first lady speaks with Fox News about the next 4 years - My first priority is, you know, to be a mom, to be a first lady, to be a wife -

* Be Best: Melania says she will resurrect her Be Best program for children and expand it. "I didn't have much support from anyone," she says of the first time around. "I invited all of the streaming platforms to the White House. I had the roundtable, and I didn't have much support from them. And imagine what we could do in those years if they would rally behind me and teach the children what to do to protect them about social media and their mental health.

* Documentary: Melania spoke of the documentary being made about her for Amazon Prime. "We are shooting right now," she said of the production with director Brett Ratner, per the Hollywood Reporter . "It's day to day, from transition team to moving to the White House, packing, establishing my team, the first lady office, moving into the White House, what it takes to make the residence your home, to hire the people that you need. The film will be released later this year.

* Hey Melania Trump: Let's Start A 'Be Best' Media, Press Core!