Radio Show Hour 1 – 06/14/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastJune 14, 202425.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 1 – 06/14/2024

* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley, Founder and Chairman of the Constitution Commemoration Foundation and the author of the book and DVD/CD lecture series To Preserve the Nation. In the Tradition of the Founding Fathers - * Happy Flag Day - What is Flag Day? - Should we celebrate it? * JUNE 14, 1954: AMERICA BECOMES A NATION ‘UNDER GOD’! - * Tom Fitton: HUGE! New Documents Reveal Biden is Personally Responsible for Attacks by His Dog Commander – Biden Repeatedly Watched as His Dog Bit Secret Service Agents - Cristina Laila, - * Judicial Watch received 116 pages of United States Secret Service records from DHS through FOIA that reveal the details about several incidents in which Secret Service personnel were bitten by Biden’s dog Commander, sometimes requiring medical attention. * These documents were obtained after Judicial Watch reported that Joe Biden abuses his dogs. According to a Judicial Watch source, Joe Biden punches and kicks his dogs. * Documents show Commander is behind at least 23 biting incidents. Biden’s other German Shepherd Major is behind at least 10 biting incidents. * When is Joe Biden on the 'juice'? Congress wants to be notified - Lawmaker: White House 'occupied by someone who is literally incapable of speaking' - Bob Unruh, * Rep. Andy Ogles, TN is proposing legislation that would require notification when Joe Biden gets "juiced," or given stimulants that can alter his mood and behavior. * Ogles calls his bill the "No Juicing Joe Act" and said it was prompted by the refusal by the White House to test Biden's cognition. "Because they know he will fail miserably. * Russian warships headed to Cuba, sail into the Carribean amid heightened tensions - Tom Vanden Brook, * G7 Leaders Reach Deal to Unlock Frozen Russian Assets for Ukraine -