Radio Show Hour 1 – 05/07/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastMay 07, 202454:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 1 – 05/07/2024

* Guest: Jack Mullen, Also Known As The Silver Savior, Our monetary system, debt-based currencies, and the role of Central Banks in destroying Western Civilization - - Mr. Mullen Writes Weekly Commentary About Current Market Conditions. * Building a Fortress Against The Destruction of the Dollar - Silver Savior. In times of economic turbulence, it is crucial to understand the myriad factors affecting the financial markets and the broader economy. As your commentator, Jack consistently strive to keep a close eye on critical developments, making sense of complex data to guide you through this volatile landscape. * Elon Musk sounds alarm about America's national debt, warning that without action, 'the dollar will be worth nothing' - Alex Nitzberg. * Sen. Rand Paul has suggested that the national debt is "greatest threat" to America's national security and warned that "we are threatening the very existence of our currency, and perhaps our country, by this crazy profligate spending." * "The national debt is the greatest threat our country faces — and we are rapidly approaching the crisis point," Sens. Mitt Romney, Joe Manchin, Reps. Bill Huizenga, and Scott Peters declared in a joint opinion piece. * Gold Gleams Amidst Economic Concerns: The Case for Sound Money in an Era of Central Banking and Rising Debt - Silver Savior. * The Alarming Trajectory of Debt-Fueled Delusion: A Fateful Predictive Analysis - Silver Savior. Looking long-term, should the US and its Western allies fail to curtail their fiscal excesses (which they will not as this appears to be a deliberately caused collapse), the dollar's purchasing power will continue to depend upon an ever-increasing amount of debt creation. The relentless growth in debt poses a sobering threat to economic stability, productivity, and the very framework of free markets. * This morass of debt could usher in a cycle of even higher interest rates, contracting investment, and waning consumer confidence. * Domestic Terror: Central Bank’s Undeclared War On The Middle Class. * Their Money – Their World : The Final Warning Has Been Issued. * Banks Going Bust, Americans On the Hook As Bankers Prepare CBDC For Launch. * Through the Gaslight Darkly: Sifting For Truth In Financial Markets. * Central Banks Funding World War: Dollar Value First Casualty.