Radio Show Hour 1 – 04/29/2024
Liberty Roundtable PodcastApril 29, 202454:5025.1 MB

Radio Show Hour 1 – 04/29/2024

* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley, Founder and Chairman of the Constitution Commemoration Foundation and the author of the book and DVD/CD lecture series To Preserve the Nation. In the Tradition of the Founding Fathers - * Jonathan Turley: Supreme Court Needs To Strike A Balance On Presidential Immunity - * Have You Seen Billy Jack? - a 1971 American action drama independent film, the second of four films. * Are We China Now? Rep. Jordan Highlights Potential Collusion to Investigate MAGA Supporters - Warner Todd Huston, What happened to my right to privacy? * Biden has secretly brought China’s social credit score system to the USA. in a stealth effort to eliminate the free speech and gun rights of conservatives. * China uses an online-based system to keep their citizens in line. It rates them individually for their compliance with the communist party’s oppressive rules. This system gives Chinese citizens a score that then allows them access to restaurants, to purchase goods, get into schools and every manner of access to public life. The lower the score, the fewer freedoms and benefits you are allowed. * “Like private credit scores, a person’s social score can move up and down depending on their behavior,” - Business Insider. * The system also elicits the participation of others to rate you. * These scores are set up so that people can report companies, the scoring system is not meant only to monitor the actions of individuals. * The system rewards people for doing what the government wants them to do. It is the perfect, dystopian system meant to completely control every move people make.