Lew analyzes and complains about several examples of bad thinking.
The rigor of our education, our experiences with problem solving and acquiring some common sense certainly affects our thinking. So does the degree we rely on the expertise of authority figures. Other forces are at work as well, including the psychological manipulation imbedded in media that can appeal to our best, or our worst instincts. Difficulty in even finding reliable information can greatly affect our thinking.
The progressive era’s worship of experts and centralized thinking and planning is examined. The covid response was an example of a centralized plan created by so-called experts “from the top” that has been an end-to-end disaster.
Lew then complains about a number ideas coming from the Left, including:
· “The separation of church and state”
· “No-cash” bail
· “academic freedom”
· Various public school experiments
· “Diversity is strength
· Voter ID is racist”
· “settled science”
And from the so-called Right:
· So-called “free” trade
· Immigration is good for our economy
· Tax cutting while spending grows
· “I hate the UN but we need a seat at the table”
· “I hate the FED but we can’t go back to the gold standard”
· Substituting procedural reforms for actual policy changes
In this Hour of Decision we need to call out bad thinking wherever we find it, starting within ourselves.