In light of lies now being revealed by the Establishment concerning Joe Biden, Lew was moved to give his account of the Great Recession that began in 2008. Right up until the moment of disaster, financial gurus on national TV were telling the public the economy was sound and that it was wise to continue to invest liberally in it.
Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan was busy expanding the money supply recklessly, the root cause of soaring real estate and stock prices. Meanwhile, three policy changes related to the real estate market were ticking bombs that would contribute to the disaster. Many investors who should have known better were really believing real estate prices would never go down again.
Subprime loan requirements were lowered, and then practically done away with. Tranches of these shaky loans were repackaged into exotic derivative instruments that were given AAA ratings, greatly magnifying the coming disaster.
Neither Greenspan, supposedly the smartest man in Washington, DC, Warren Buffett, considered to be the smartest investor in America, or the bond-rating agencies seemed to understand these new mortgage-backed securities.
Travelling around America with the Ron Paul campaign in 2007, Lew saw the obvious storm coming in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Miami, a reckoning long predicted by Dr. Paul.
When disaster hit, Congress was terrorized into providing a bailout. John McCain, in a statistical tie with Obama, sided with Wall Street, rather than House Republicans who opposed a bail out and demanded accountability. He then faltered before the self-righteous phony Obama, who actually received the most Wall Street cash of any presidential candidate in the race 2008.
While Obama promised “Old Testament justice” for the perpetrators of the financial collapse, he actually held no one to account. He did pass new regulations that caused 60% of America’s small banks to disappear, and froze business activity in an ailing economy.
Blue collar and middle class Americans were hit hardest by homes under water and retirement savings vaporized. They hardened against an Establishment that lied to them, and brought no one to justice, setting the table for a Trump rebellion in 2016.