Episode 2 America's Biggest Threat: Massive Government Spending Hour of Decision
Hour Of DecisionJanuary 21, 20240:37:2734.43 MB

Episode 2 America's Biggest Threat: Massive Government Spending Hour of Decision

What is the biggest threat to America? Cancel culture? Public school brainwashing? Election shenanigans? Open borders? Host Lew Moore argues the crisis we face today has many causes, but the single biggest threat on the horizon is the federal government’s unbelievably wreckless spending. We are heading for the destruction of the dollar and the massive chaos that will ensue. We are losing the reserve currency status that has maintained our debt-ridden standard of living. Hyper-inflation, Weimar

Republic style, is just around the corner. Joe Biden has his foot on the accelerator. Congress is doing nothing to stop it. Time to hedge with precious metals, accumulate goods people will trade for, and otherwise get ready.