111 Years of the Federal Reserve: Time for Honest Money
December 23, 1913—a day of infamy in American history. On this date, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into so-called "law," creating an unconstitutional and unaccountable central banking system. For 111 years, the Federal Reserve has undermined our economy, fueled runaway spending, and strayed far from the principles of honest money.
Sam argues it’s time for bold action. Donald Trump has called for addressing runaway spending, but Sam says the only real solution is to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to constitutional currency: gold and silver. Honest money is the key to reining in spending and restoring fiscal accountability.
While we can’t prosecute those responsible for creating this unconstitutional system, Sam believes we can forgive the past and focus on the future. This Christmas season, he calls for a return to the principles that built our nation: honesty, integrity, and accountability.