3510 – November 8, 2024 – Why Are You Crying? – Other than the excuses, some threats of leaving the country (seriously go already) and their playing the blame game, as they continue to call “Trump” MAGA supporters names, left have been relatively quiet. No burning down cities yet… it feels a little eerie…actually – totally abnormal for the democrats and their violent goons.

Smith did announce he’s dropping the insurrection charges against President Trump. Even though I believe (I know) all those lawsuits against President Trump were BOGUS… I know I’m supposed to be elated but… I’m just not getting 100% good vibes.

Latitia James announced her intentions to move forward with the November 26 sentencing for Trump’s 39 felonies. BOGUS each one. Maybe that’s the rub here… Maybe the democrats will try to incarcerate America’s newly elected President. I’m not sure that will go over well with his… over whelming popular vote… even if we are all garbage!

The Democrats haven’t learned a thing… they will not take responsibility for these losses, or their bad policies… it is always someone else… According to the democrats and their pundits, We the People in America are all just a bunch racists and sexists… who refused to vote for Kamala – a black female.

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Why Are You Crying?

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