3572 – February 4, 2025 – Whose $$ Are They Fighting Over? – Remember, there is a disturbance in the force and such a disturbance is causing a tumultuous gasping of breath as many cling to their precious bureaucracy. They are fighting over federal funding. Whose money are they fighting over? YOURS… MINE… OUR TAX DOLLARS.
All these minor disturbances will soon escalate into louder more serious and perhaps more violent attacks. Remember the promise from the democrat leader (minority) Hakeem Jefferies form NY
We are going to fight it legislatively.
We are going to fight it in the courts.
We’re going to fight it in the streets.”
They will obstruct, delay, sue, and then some THING will bring them to violence in the streets, as it did in 2020. That’s the way the enemy works. AND in this they will try to bring the rest of us down to their level. They might even make another assassination attempt, OR some other large catastrophe in our nation; perhaps another terrorist attack? After all, it was Senator Schumer who called for violence against Supreme Court Justices. (something I pray he will soon regret and pay for as any other citizen would have to) After all NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW… RIGHT?
(more in the podcast)
Whose $$ Are They Fighting Over?
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