3445 – August 9, 2024 – WHO IS RUNNING THIS SHOW? – “This cause of America is in great measure, the cause of all mankind.” Thomas Paine
This is America’s time for choosing. We can choose to allow a border invasion, or we can choose to stop it. We can choose reckless borrowing and spending, or we can choose to limit government and lower inflation. We can choose political indoctrination, or we can choose classical education. These choices are symptoms of the underlying struggle to ensure that constitutional government can endure, and that Western Civilization can survive. We must bring accountability to government, regain sovereignty at our border, and restore sanity to our society. We cannot succeed as a country if we allow our nation to be invaded, our currency to be debased, our cities to crumble, and our kids to be indoctrinated. The DC elites who have facilitated this mess do not work for you, they do not care about you; they work for themselves. They seek to accumulate power at your expense to pursue an agenda that is harmful to the American people.
Citizens do not serve politicians; it is the duty of politicians to serve you.
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