3566 – January 27, 2025 – We Will NEVER Get Tired Of WINNING – and I’m not JUST talking about Chief’s football. Americans Are About Winning – We love to win! However, we have been a bit beat up and “temporarily” defeated by our own government officials. Partly because we simply weren’t paying attention… and partly because they overwhelmed us with bureaucratic regulations, mandates etc. from the city, county, state and on up the chain of “command” – except the top of the chain SHOULD be We the People! The LEFT is no longer licking their wounds, but they are gearing up for a fight with Trump and his administration WHICH MEANS they are gearing up to thwart the will of the American People.
The defeating feelings We the People have had OR have been fighting to squelch, comes from years (decades upon decades really) of being groomed for serfdom. Think about what we’ve been taught…OR have accepted without questioning:
Social security – we all took to being numbered… how did that not make us feel as if we are “owned”?
Democracy – the word is thrown around everywhere BUT you will not find it in our Constitution, Bill of Rights OR our Declaration of Independence.
Birthright citizenship – We’ve been taught (trained) in the public school system that … If you drop a baby in the US – you are a citizen… Saying this is true (which it was never intended to be) Who then… implemented the Chain migration “rules” / laws?
Income tax… a genius way to thieve OUR money away…
Property tax…We pretend we own things in America… Land ownership WAS what once set us apart… That… and the Second Amendment.
Permits for this and for that… There are only 3 branches of government, and EACH is to be controlled by We the People… Consent of the governed. BUT… the elected GOT lazy and greedy and started erected all kinds of “new” offices and appointing
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. YEP… it has happened again.
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