3556 – January 13, 2025 – WE TOLD YOU SO – We told you that climate change was a Ponzi scheme for money and power. We told you that CO2 is not a poisonous gas – but is vital for life ALL LIFE. We told you it made absolutely NO SENSE to quarantine the healthy… that staying indoors with no fresh air WAS not conducive to good health. Commonsense was thrown out… and replaced with nonsense YET many Americans chose to believe and follow the absurd advice of so-called “experts.” We told you that the fires that rage are not from climate change but from lack of maintenance. We warned you about putting the life of a creature (fish, bird, bat…) over the lives of people would be damaging. We told you the agenda was never to save lives, improve life… or the planet…
The proof is in the fire…. And this brings us NO joy! There is no joy in “I told you so’s.” There is not purpose in such bragging, however… the proof – the evidence must not be denied. There is only one reason that America is plagued with such catastrophes but not other forests in other nations around the globe.
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The post WE TOLD YOU SO appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.