3455 – August 23, 2024 – They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man – It’s over… thank goodness it’s over, BUT the real work now begins! I didn’t listen to all the speeches, but I listened to enough to hear that joyous hate that the democrat party displayed during the Democrat national Conven… I mean convention.

I couldn’t help wondering when the cameras scanned the crowd, are Americans truly that gullible? Are Americans truly that ignorant of Liberty? Are Americans truly that selfish? Wanting others to pay for their personal agendas… Are Americans truly that spoiled that they are unwilling to actually work? Are Americans all truly so shallow?

Do THEY believe all of America is underserving of rights… as they promise privileges for “good behavior?” It would seem at times that these globalists will do anything to keep power and increase their power over YOU!

Do they really believe Americans are completely stupid and void of “memory”?

This Democrat Party has been telling us, for nearly 8 years now, how bad it is to wave the American flag and chant USA USA… They’ve been telling us that all white men (especially those from the country – rural areas) are rubes, racists and stupid. YET they are pushing Tim Walz as the American white rural male. He said he only had 24 in his graduating class…. I can out do him…. I only had 15! So there, Tim! AND I didn’t go to Yale either. However, I do think, as girly as I am, I have more testosterone than he has! Seriously, I would NOT want him in the foxhole (not that he’d ever go that far in a battle) next to me.

They called Trump just about every insult in the book as they promoted JOY and unity. The speeches, however, lacked substance! Painting Commie-ala and Tim as “NORMAL” Americans who love country (not this one maybe) and love Americans, well, I wasn’t buying it!

They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man

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