3449 – August 15, 2024 – The Path To Restoration – Practice Individual thinking. Reject group think. Rely on truth, not “feelings. Privileges are not Rights and Rights are not privileges.

 What is misinformation? Information that is opposite of what’s being told to the American people? Recently a well-known atheist, Richard Dawkins has been BANNED from Facebook for claiming simple science, after witnessing the Algerian in the Olympics, “carries a male chromosome and is therefore a biological male. Even an atheist knows biological science. I’m not sure of this man’s political views, but he obviously isn’t following the WOKE biological nonsense. SO, for speaking his opinion, which in this case happed to be TRUTH in science… in his defense of biological reality he stated, “Is it ever morally justifiable to lie/hide/deny certain scientific facts?”

The Path to Restoration

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