3516 – November 18, 2024 – The People Sang, The Republicans Had Better Dance –

The Republicans… oh the Republicans. You heard the people sing on Nov 5 – you better start humming that tune of Liberty and acting on what We the People want!


It didn’t take long for the RINOs to start pushing back and saying… “we’ll have to wait to confirm.” They had no problem – there was no fight in gifting Biden a bunch of obvious DEI misfits… Rachel Levin, Little Petey Buttigieg, Sam Brinton.

I don’t recall a fight… you know why… Because there wasn’t one. You see they don’t fight! UNLESS they are fighting against We the People. I’m fed up with the lousy Republicans… RINOS… Globalists…They are the lovers (literally) of the deep state.

The People Sang, The Republicans Had Better Dance

Last evening I had Trey Gowdy’s Sunday show on. He was interviewing Carl RINO Rove. Both these men HATE Trump and they HATE Gaetz. You see, Matt Gaetz made waves and disrupted the Republican CLICK. So he made a few enemies. NOW – they’re going to go after him! They want to know all about the DIRT the DOJ made up, and let’s put it all before the American people and soil their thoughts. YOU SEE…they, meaning the Republicans, DO NOT WANT THE DOJ CLEANED UP! There’s a nice little corrupt bed or politicians (not little BUT little compared to We the People) these D.C. politicians are getting RICH and Trump is about to end their PIRATE PARTY… STEALING FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! They are not fighting for We the People… They do not care about Liberty… They LOVE democrats, not you! They hate Trump, and they HATE you! We the People.

The People Sang, The Republicans Had Better Dance

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