3519 – November 21, 2024 – The MEDIA Industrial Complex – CAN INSANITY BECOME SANE? I’M JUST ASKING… THE MEDIA… SEEMS INSANE! While it’s kinda fun watching them say stupid things, make up excuses and their general hyperbole…but they have proved to be quite dangerous.
When did America’s media… Turn on America? Nixon said back in 1983, “I didn’t get a chance to make a farewell address but uh when I get old enough and decide to retire and I’m not planning it at the moment. But when I get that old if I make a farewell address, I think I would warn against the media-elitist complex.”
He went on to say… they have much more power than most people would like to think. When we think of the media in this country the problem is that they have a sense of self-righteousness, a double standard on issue after issue after issue. They can find everything wrong with somebody else, but they will not look inside and ever admit that they could be wrong themselves. And what was involved here in the Watergate thing was the unfairness of it. Oh, there was a legitimate thing to investigate, but they refused to balance it.
The MEDIA Industrial Complex
I found his words very interesting… While President Nixon had many faults during his presidency – he was also victim to the media and the LEFT – we will not go there… However, he seemed to have a good insight regarding Media then… and look how correct he was… media now, simply cannot be trusted.
President Dwight D Eisenhower warned us of the “Military Industrial complex” AND we did not heed his warning… we didn’t heed Nixon’s warning either. BUT I think there is no doubt… America has suffered by the Media Industrial Complex. Come to think of it………. There are a lot of “industrial complexes” in our government system……. They should NOT be there BUT it is no longer abut Liberty………. It’s about THEM making a buck… and growing more power.
We’re gonna have fun today as THE TWO! We welcome Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading!
The MEDIA Industrial Complex
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