3563 – January 22, 2025 – The Gloves Come Off – It didn’t take long – not even a nano second before the crazies in this nation started once again with their attacks on President Donald Trump. I find it absolutely NUTS!

 Joy Reid, and others, whose names I do not know… the faded ladies on the view… and on and on they go. Trump is a dictator, Elon gave a Hitler sign, Trump is going to kill our democracy… GOOD! What do you suppose would happen if Joy Reid and I had a little chitchat?

I heard ONE say, “Trump won the popular majority by a small margin.” In other words – YOU DO NOT MATTER! They are working for the established bureaucracy; a government they call democracy. MOB rule. BUT they don’t like the MOB of Patriots! After all, we’re deplorable rubes. (lots more in the podcast…)

The Gloves Come Off

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