3537 – December 17, 2024 – The Fight Goes On – THEY AIN’T GOIN’ DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT… BUT… THEY ARE GOING DOWN! Courts, Media, not-intelligent former intelligence Deep Staters and Elected America haters still see themselves as significant, but that train left the station a long time ago! Who am I talking about? Well, there’s a legion of whoms!!

It would seem the “peaceful” transfer of power isn’t going to be all that smooth and peaceful. Biden is placed speed bumps along the path and the deep state “intelligence” are writing more letters… not sure who’s reading them… AND Mitch McConnell, as if we didn’t know, is now verbally stating that “America First” is a dangerous slogan and philosophy. Perhaps he’s hit his head a few too many times, BUT in truth, many in D.C. (both sides of the aisle) do not believe in America First, or Americans First. They put self, money and power first. Not national security, not the Constitution, certainly not YOU or me!

While we’re dealing with a fear of something going on with numerous drones across this nation, our biggest fear today is… drum roll please… If Congress doesn’t pass YET ANOTHER CONTINUING RESOLUTION by this Friday, Dec 20… Dum-dum-dummmm… The government could suffer a shutdown!

YAWN… Oh… that again… And I thought it was something really serious! By now I’m certain y’all know that Trump had his first official REAL Press Conference… where he actually too questions from reporters… and actually answered them without note cards… and he didn’t have a card DIRECTING him as to which reporter to call on.

The Fight Goes On

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