3523 – November 27, 2024 – The Complexity of Bureaucracy, pt 2
A prayer from William Bradford:
O Lord our God and heavenly Father, which of Thy unspeakable mercy towards us, hast provided meat and drink for the nourishment of our weak bodies. Grant us peace to use them reverently, as from Thy hands, with thankful hearts: let Thy blessing rest upon these Thy good creatures, to our comfort and sustentation: and grant we humbly beseech Thee, good Lord, that as we do hunger and thirst for this food of our bodies, so our souls may earnestly long after the food of eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday – yes, I do love Christmas BUT there’s something unique about Thanksgiving in America. I want to continue with our history lesson on Bureaucracy in AMERICA – BUT I cannot go through today’s show, THANKSGIVING EVE, without us talking about Thanksgiving!
Schedule F – regarding the bureaucracy we will discuss, BUT we will also BE THANKFUL WHILE DOING SO.
The Thanksgiving we celebrate today is a combination of two very different New England traditions: the purely religious day of thankful prayer and the harvest feast. The harvest feast is still with us and so, in subtler ways, is the religious spirit. The Sabbath, days of fasting and days of thanksgiving were the only religious holy days celebrated by the Pilgrims. A religious day of thanksgiving would be called only after the community had benefited from a single significant act of Divine Providence. The event we know as the “First Thanksgiving” was a secular harvest feast and not, as far as we know, an official religious day of thanksgiving. (NOTE: This does NOT mean that the Pilgrims did not give thanks to God; the Pilgrims were a deeply religious people and every activity in which they engaged was influenced by their deep reverence for Scripture.) As a deeply religious people, the Pilgrims undoubtedly prayed at the 1621 harvest feast.
In Governor Bradford’s words: By this time harvest was come, and instead of famine, now God gave them plenty, and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God. And the effect of their planting was well seen, for all had, one way or other, pretty well to bring the year about, and some of the abler sort and more industrious had to spare, and sell to others, so as any general want or famine hath not been amongst them since to this day.
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