3512 – November 12, 2024 – Power the Future – There is Much Work to Do – I read an article By Eric Lendrum that is encouraging and inspiring… it’s titled: Dawn of a New Day – Welcome back, Mr. President. Sorry, we kept you waiting. We have a lot of work to do. I love how he put that, don’t you?
It is a Dawn of a New Day in America – not just because President Trump defied all odds and made that HUGEREST comeback of all times… BUT because the American people made it happen! YES Trump and his team worked tirelessly BUT the American people rose up to MAGE or Bring America Home. But the thing I believe we need to realize is that THERE IS MUCH WORK TO DO!
I’m ok with celebrating, although I am getting tired of all the political analysts – analyzing this and that. My main concern here and now is that the American people made this happen… they voted to say we’re done with the Marxist and socialist ways. BUT are We the People ready for what I believe will require much work, patience, sacrifice and vigilance if we truly want Federal government smaller sacrifices will be required, and then WORK to grow state government if that makes sense.
We will return to our Constitutional Republic… Life – Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, Property – prosperity.
BRING AMERICA HOME© We started that journey… Nov 5, 2024
Power the Future – There is Much Work to Do
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