3489 – October 10, 2024 – Just Say NO to Abortion! – HAPPY REAL WOMAN’S DAY –

Riley Gaines announced this day – 10/10, which is XX, to be Real Women’s Day – only the correct chromosomes are allowed to celebrate. I wonder if Hallmark will get on board for this one. Probably not, BUT I think it is a great idea. So, to all my sisters out there in listening land and to all you mothers who carry the XX chromosomes, I Celebrate You. God created you perfectly and beautifully!

Perhaps it is a coincidence BUT I do not believe it is… that when we scheduled today’s show… it would land on Real Women’s Day. The values we have as males and females have been tossed aside by this WOKE-LEFT-MARXIST society. At first we were silent… just laughing at the absurdities… THEN we started fighting for our own bathroom privacy, then authorities (public school) hid the sodomy and rape crime of a young teenage girl by a BOY, wearing a dress, in the school’s girl’s restroom.

Back in the 60s when FREE LOVE hit the American scene (the Hippy era – flower children… draft dodgers) …. Abortion issues began to spring up. BEFORE That it was Margaret Sanger, using abortion (she was also anti-marriage) as a racial control, population control. NOW the LEFT has blown it up into a “human rights” issue, as if the human baby is nothing. BUT then women to them are also nothing.

That time in America was about selfish-love and it was to have no consequences…. No responsibilities.

Human beings, male and female, pushed morality and responsibility aside. In so doing, their actions and mentality devalued both men and women. BUT today is REAL WOMEN’S DAY!

In Missouri, and many other states, we are fighting for the LIFE of the unborn. We are not fighting AGAINST women’s rights.

Just Say NO to Abortion!

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